4 Caring Prayers For After a Car Accident

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Have you been involved in a car accident and need to pray?  Are you concerned about the victim of a car accident?

Car accidents are scary and stressful.  Things happen in the blink of an eye and everything is out of control and then time stops and you realize an accident has happened.  Even if you aren’t involved in a car accident, and are just concerned about a friend who was, the situation is steeped in anxiety and sky-high emotions.

What if you brought all of that to God in prayer?  Do you think that would help ease your worry and stress?

These four caring prayers seek to cover various aspects of a car accident.  You can change the wording and details to fit your particular need, but do make use of these prayers.  When we are in the midst of a traumatic event or experience, we want to be close to God, and praying is an active, tangible way to do that.

So do not fear, for I am with you;
    do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
    I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” ( Isaiah 41.10, NIV).

Whether it’s us personally, or someone we know, we need to reach out to God and receive all of the strength he can give us.  We need to be upheld by his righteous right hand after a car accident.  As our heartbeat increases in the midst of the situation, let our prayers increase to God, who will watch over us.

May these prayers be of practical use to you, and may they also be of spiritual use, as you grow in your relationship with God through prayer.

Prayer For a Victim Of a Car Accident

Dear God in heaven, I come to you in prayer asking for you to help someone I don’t even know.  I was a witness to a car accident and I am praying for the victim.  It wasn’t her fault and she got T-boned by the driver of a truck who ran a red light.

They had to cut her out of her car!  The ambulance just left with her inside.  Lord, she didn’t look too good at all.  I pray for her and for the EMTs who are caring for her even in this moment.  I pray for the emergency room doctors and nurses who are already prepping to receive her and treat her.  I pray for any x-rays, or MRIs, or CAT scans that need to be taken–that they reveal anything that needs to be treated.

I pray for her finances to cover the cost of her medical care and replacing her car.  I don’t know if she has a job or a family but I pray for you to protect her livelihood and minister to her family.  They probably don’t even know she has been in an accident yet, Lord.  Send your Spirit ahead of the people notifying them.  Help prepare them for the devastating news they are about to hear.

Please heal her and mend her body, God.  I’m guessing she is going to have a long recovery, so give her strength each day.  But right now, Lord, I pray you keep her alive, so she has a recovery to go through in the weeks ahead.  And Lord, I pray for the driver who hit her as well.  He’s got to be feeling terrible right now.

Lord, I pray all of these things in the healing and mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Prayer For a Friend Who Was In a Car Accident

Lord Jesus, I pray for my friend (name) who was involved in a car accident yesterday.  He was not at fault but he told me he was still a little shook up about it.  Thank you God that he had his seat belt on while driving!  It really saved him from being injured, beyond a few bumps and bruises.

He was rear-ended and that impact pushed him into the car ahead of him at the stop sign.  It looks like his car is totaled.  I give you thanks, on his behalf, that he has car insurance.  I pray the insurance company responds quickly to his claim.  I pray he receives the money he needs to get another car so he’ll have transportation to work.

I pray for the person who hit him–minister to him as well in the days ahead.  I am grateful I was available to go get him and bring him home.  His wife was out of town, so he called me.  Help his body process all the adrenaline and emotions from what happened.  Help (friend’s name) get renewing sleep each night.  Help him not to replay the accident over and over in his head.

Bring him healing and provision from your hand, O Lord.  I pray these things for my friend in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer Right After a Car Accident

God, I’ve just been in an accident and I’m freaking out!  It happened so suddenly and now it’s over.  I didn’t even see who hit me!

I can’t see out of my car because of all the air bags deployed, so I know I’m safe.  I can’t really tell if I’m hurt or now because my adrenaline has spiked so high.  I don’t think I’m bleeding anywhere that I can tell.  I can’t find my phone to call 911.  How am I going to get out of my car?  My door is busted and won’t open.

Lord, did anyone even see what happened?  Do they know I’m in here, inside the car?  Did the person who hit me even stop?  God, I need your help.  I don’t know what to do right now.  My seat belt won’t come undone, so I can’t go anywhere.  I think I have a headache.

How am I going to pay for any of this?  I’ve only had this car for a couple of years and now it’s got to be completely ruined.  God, where are the police and EMTs?  I’ve got to get out of here.  God, hear my prayer and send me help, in the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

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Prayer For The Day After a Car Accident

Lord, I can’t even think about what happened yesterday, but the car accident keeps replaying in my head like a movie on repeat.

I’m so sore today.  I am thankful I didn’t have any broken bones and didn’t have to go to the hospital, but the impact was jarring, even with a seat belt on.  I’m glad I didn’t get thrown from the car.  The EMTs gave me a strong painkiller yesterday but it wore off during the night.

My whole body aches. Thank you for an understanding boss who gave me the day off today to recover.  I’ve got to call the insurance company again, as well as the tow service so I know what happened to my car.

I never thought this would happen to me, Lord.  I’ve never been in a car accident and it feels like it didn’t really happen, but I know it did.  I don’t have a car in my driveway and my body tells me I was put through the proverbial wringer in the accident.

Help me to think clearly today and in the days ahead.  I’ve got to handle all of the details and aftermath.  Do I need to rent a car to get to work or can I work from home?  When will the insurance pay out on the accident?  Will it be enough to take care of my car?  I have so many questions, God, flying through my mind right now.

I ask for your peace to surround me and cover me.  Thank you that I’m alive and not seriously injured.  Thank you that I’m at home and have time and space to deal with this.  I make this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Concluding Thoughts

When things are out of our control, it’s a good practice to turn to the God who is solid and unwavering.  We can be safe in his presence, as the Psalmist reminds us:

“Turn your ear to me, come quickly to my rescue; be my rock of refuge, a strong fortress to save me” (Psalm 31.2, NIV).

Car accidents have a way of reminding us that bad things can happen at any time.  Just because we are “good” people, or believe in Jesus, doesn’t mean that accidents won’t happen to us and God cares about all people.

We place our hope and trust in God each day, never knowing how the day will unfold and we never imagine when we first pass our driving test that we’ll ever end up in an accident.  But we do know that God is with us in each circumstance of the day and that can give us confidence.  The beginning of a new day is the beginning of us getting the opportunity to witness what God will do in our lives.

Yet this I call to mind  and therefore I have hope:  Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” (Lamentations 3.21-23, NIV).

God’s faithfulness to us happens in prayer and in many other ways.  Let your prayers rise to a faithful God who hears you.  As you deal with a car accident at any level, let prayer give you voice when you’re speechless.  Let prayer grant your courage when you’re scared.

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