15 Caring Prayers For Animals And Pets

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Do you want to pray for your pet or perhaps you’re looking for prayers to pray for other animals?

Allow us to help you with these 15 caring prayers for animals and pets. Each is written for a specific type of animal or animal situation. While not every animal is listed, you can find a prayer that is close to what you may need to pray about right now. You are also free to customize these prayers to your specific situation and please leave your prayer requests in the comments!

You are welcome to change the wording of any of the prayers to more closely match your specific prayer need. Use these prayers to get you started and continue as the Spirit guides your heart and your words in conversation with God.

The God we pray to is not a distant God, but a personal one. So you can pray to God about anything that’s on your heart, including animals and their care. After all, God created each one and called them good.

So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good” (Genesis 1.21, NIV).

Whether you are praying for an animal known to you, like a pet or farm animal, or for animals distant from you, like wildlife, you pray from a compassionate heart.  You may pray for protection, health, or care for those animals. Even though they may not be yours personally, your prayer is in keeping with the wisdom of the writer of Proverbs:

The righteous care for the needs of their animals,
    but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel” (Proverbs 12.10 , NIV).

Praying is a way of caring for animals, so you are engaging in the right living, which is what righteousness means. May you be blessed as you pray and look beyond yourself in sharing with God, the Creator.

Short Prayer For All Animals

Dear Creator God, I thank you for the wonderful variety of animals that you created and spread all over the earth. From our pets to wildlife, and the many animals and creatures I may never see in person, I am in awe at their beauty and strength, and uniqueness.

I pray to you for all of them.  I know that’s a real general prayer, but I pray it knowing you hear me.  I pray for their lives and habitat.  Some may die and some may kill in the circle of life of predator and prey.  I accept that as that is the natural order of things.

For animals that are domesticated, I pray their owners care for them and don’t abuse them.  For the wild animals, I pray against any poachers.  Thank you for hearing this prayer through Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Prayer For Our Pets

Lord, I pray for our pets and their health.  I also pray for all pets everywhere, that they may be in an environment of love and care with their human owners.

For our pets, I thank you that you have provided us with the money to feed them and make sure they get all their shots.  I thank you for their faithful companionship.  I feel much calmer when our pets are around.

Help our pets to live long and healthy lives.  And when it’s time to say goodbye to them, I pray for a peaceful exit for each of them.  It’s hard to lose a pet in death, but I know that’s how life goes.  Thank you for the gift of having a pet.  Thank you that we have the room to have pets and a yard for them to be outside.

I give you thanks for all of this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer For Animals In Shelters

Oh God, I pray for all those animals that are in shelters right now.  They’ve been abandoned or left for dead by calloused humans and that bothers me.  I know I can’t save them all, as we have enough animals as it is.

But I do pray for those precious creatures who sit in pens or cages, waiting for a kind person to want them.  I know they are animals and not humans, but they look so sad and pitiful when I go to volunteer at the animal shelter in our town.

I’m thankful we have a shelter here so the animals aren’t just left on the side of the highway or something.  I pray that people looking for a pet will come here first to look for a furry companion for their home and family.

I thank you for the staff here and how they care for these animals.  Please keep these animals healthy as they wait.  In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

Prayer For Abandoned Animals

My heart is heavy Lord, as I pray to you about animals that have been abandoned.  Some may not make it to a shelter and will die out in the cold at this time of the year.  Even if it was warm weather, they wouldn’t have food or water and will die that way.

It makes me so sad and angry at the same time, God, to know that someone has just tossed these animals out without any concern.  I pray those animals to encounter a kind human who will care for them, or will be picked up by the animal shelter people at least.

These are the creatures you created and I know you care about their welfare.  I pray that you will help those abandoned animals in our area soon, Lord.  I pray all of this in the strong name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer For Pigs On Our Farm

Dear God, I pray for the pigs on our farm.  Since we spend a lot of time feeding them and caring for them, it’s natural that we will get to know them as unique animals, different from each other.

I know we’re raising them to provide food in the future so it makes me a little sad that one day they will be gone.  Help me treat them with care, knowing that are serving a purpose of providing food for us and for others.  I ask that you keep these pigs healthy and not let any predators attack them.  I pray all of this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer For Horses On Our Farm

Dear Lord God, we have a few horses here with us and I pray to you for their health.  Something is not right with them and we’ve called the vet to come and take a look at them.  They’re not just pets that we play with, they are working horses who help us and enable us to get a lot done on our farm.  We’ll have a major setback if something happens to them.

I pray that they can be made well soon.  I pray that they don’t die because of whatever is bothering them.  I thank you that we will have the funds to pay the vet for his care of them since I know it won’t be inexpensive.  I also thank you that we are in a slow time of work on the farm right now.

I lift this prayer to you, the Creator of all things, in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer For Cows On Our Ranch

God, I am praying a prayer of desperation for the cows on our ranch.  We’ve already lost three cows to wolves in the last week.  I pray for our herd’s protection.  We’re doing all we can to protect our cows but we can’t be everywhere at once.

I pray that our vigilance in pursuing the wolves will convince them to move on.  I pray that we don’t lose any more of our herd.  I am grateful that I get to do this kind of work, but it’s times like these that I am reminded I am just a man.  I need you God to do what I cannot.  I make this prayer to you through Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayer For Sheep On Our Farm

Thank you, Lord, for the sheep we have on our farm.  It’s about time for shearing season and all that wool will bring a good price this year.  It will ultimately provide clothing for many people.

I am filled with gratitude for how what we do here on our farm can have a positive impact on someone else’s life. Thank you for keeping our sheep healthy and protected from predators.  Thank you for our neighbors who are pitching in to help us with the shearing.  We’ll return the favor in a couple of months for them.

Thank you Lord, for this community that supports farmers and ranchers and the lives we live.  I pray this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer For Goats On Our Farm

God, I had my doubts at first, but I am so thankful we decided to get a few goats for our farmland.  They have done a remarkable job with eating the grass and weeds in certain fields, allowing us to save time mowing there.  We now have time to devote to other areas of concern on the farm.

I thank you for my brother who suggested getting goats.  I pray that you will help us make sure those goats are in good health.  I pray that you protect them from all harm when they are in some of those distant fields.  I pray all of this in Jesus’s name, Amen.

Prayer For Chickens On Our Farm

Lord God, thank you so much for the decision to get chickens last year.  It has been wonderful having them.  They have provided so many eggs that we started sharing them with friends.

But now, actually are able to sell the eggs we don’t need and it’s nice to have the extra income.  Thank you that we have the room and were able to make the investment to get them.

I pray that you keep the chickens healthy and continue to protect and keep them safe.  They are a vital part of our lifestyle now and I’d hate for anything to happen to them now. Thank you for our chickens, Lord!  I pray this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer For Animals Kept In Zoos

Lord God, I pray for the animals being kept in zoos.  I understand that it may be the only time for many people, including myself, to see such magnificent creatures, but I hope they are being cared for properly.

I pray that the owners and operators of these zoos provide the kind of habitat the animal needs to thrive as it was created to do.  I pray that the animals are not abused in any way.  I pray that all of the people who see them will appreciate the fact they are seeing a stylized version of the animal, especially the big animals like lions and tigers.

Please hear my prayer through Jesus, Amen.

Prayer For Animals To Be Adopted

Dear God, I work at a pet rescue place and we are full.  We need these animals to be adopted because we are a no-kill place.  I pray for people to come to this location and see these wonderful animals.

We have rescued them all from bad situations and given them the medical care and love and feeding they needed.  It has been such a blessing to see what a little human love in their lives has meant to them, and how it has literally changed them before our eyes.

They each just need a loving human home to be a part of now.  I pray you send us the people who will match up with them in personality and care.  I pray for this to happen in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer To Be A Good Pet Owner

Lord, I pray for everyone who owns pets.  I pray that each one loves and cares for their pet.  I pray that no one abuses or ignores their pet in any way.  I ask that they receive all the love and companionship a fur baby can provide them.

I thank you that for so many, a pet is their only interaction because they live alone.  I thank you for all the service animals and the pets that go to seniorhttps://graceandprayers.com/prayers-for-beloved-pets/ living homes to provide needed engagement.  I thank you for how pets give pet owners a purpose each day and a responsibility to handle.

Help keep them safe and loved.  I pray for each pet owner to be able to care for their pet as long as possible. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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Prayer For Deer Near Our Home

Dear God, I am coming to you about the deer near our home.  It is not hunting season yet and I think they know that somehow in their animal instinct brain.  These deer are eating all of our plants outside, and those of our neighbors.

I’m not into the senseless killing of wild animals, but I need some solution to keep them out of our landscaping and garden.  We’ve lost a lot of invested money because of their eating habits.  Plus we’ve lost a source of fresh vegetables for our family.

Help us find some way to keep the deer away from our land.  I make this prayer in the name of Christ, Amen.

Prayer For Wildlife In The Forest

Lord God, I pray all of the wildlife in the forest a few miles from us.  There is a forest fire there and it’s spreading.  We’re far enough away that it won’t reach us, but all of those animals are going to be caught in the fire if they can’t flee soon.

I pray that you, their Creator, help them use their survival instinct as wild animals to get away from the flames and find a safe place where they can exist until the fire is stopped. I know they are wild animals and not pets or anything, but I love animals and I don’t want this fire to destroy them.

I pray that you provide a way out for them. I pray you keep those animals, of all shapes and sizes, safe.  I pray this prayer in the name of Jesus, Amen.

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Concluding Thoughts

Some people may think that it is odd to pray to God about animals, or that we should not bother God with such things. But, as we pointed out above, God created all things, including animals. And scripture gives us guidance that should not treat animals cruelly.

In some ways an animal, if domesticated, is a responsibility we have. In other ways, if wild, the animal should be respected, and even admired.  Whatever your situation or circumstance that has brought you to the point where you feel like you need to pray for an animal, know that you are in the right place.

You can pray for pets. You can pray for wildlife. You can pray for zoo animals and farm animals. You can also pray for endangered animals.

Whether you are praying for an animal’s care, surgery, or protection, these prayers will help you give words to what’s in your heart.  Allow your heart to enlarge and open up as you talk with God in prayer.

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.”

Anatole France

As you give voice to your empathy, also allow God’s Spirit to work in you.  Allow the Holy Spirit to widen that empathetic nature in you toward your fellow humans.  There are over 100 prayers on this website to help you with that as well.

Be blessed as you pray, and continue to pray!

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