5 Soothing Prayers For Dental Surgery

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Searching for prayers about your dental surgery? These five soothing prayers can bring calmness to you.

We use our mouths for so much that we don’t even think about it until something goes wrong. Our mouths breathe in oxygen to live, our teeth chew food to digest, and our tongue and lips form words to speak love and encouragement.

“From the mouth of the righteous comes the fruit of wisdom” (Proverbs 10.31, NIV).

But what happens when we can’t use our mouths for a period of time?

Did you have a recent visit to the dentist and receive the news that some type of dental surgery is needed?

Whether it’s an extraction, a root canal, or some other procedure, having dental surgery may be only inconvenient, or it may be daunting. Either way, you can pray about it before you have the surgery.

Think about it this way: Having dental surgery is a way of maintaining your teeth and mouth healthy and that’s good for your life. Take heart as you speak this verse of encouragement, “Those who guard their lips preserve their lives” (Proverbs 13.3, NIV).

It’s probably fair to say that no one looks forward to having surgery performed on their teeth or gums, but we know it is necessary. Ignoring it can lead to greater health problems like infections, complete tooth decay and problems with your overall health. As it may be a financial burden as well, there’s all the more reason to lift your dental surgery in prayer.

The five prayers below cover the most likely types of dental surgery you may face. If you are undergoing one not found here, feel free to modify a prayer for your specific surgery. These prayers are here to be of help to you, like a starting point to begin praying. Use them as you have need.

We invite you to share your own prayer requests down in the comments section so others can be praying for you.

A Short Prayer Before Dental Surgery

Dear God, I have dental surgery tomorrow and I’m a little worried about it. The dentist said it wouldn’t take all that long, so I don’t have to take the whole day off of work. I’m glad for that.

I just want it to go well so I can use that side of my mouth again, like normal. I want my mouth back, Lord! I pray for the dentist to be focused and for the surgery to go smoothly. Thank you for the provision of insurance to help cover this, Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

a brief prayer before a dental surgery pinPin

Prayer Before a Tooth Extraction Surgery

God in heaven, I have a rotten tooth! My dentist said the pain I’ve been experiencing lately wasn’t a cavity but a fully decayed tooth. I had no idea until I went in to get examined! I’m thankful, Lord, I went in and didn’t wait.

Now though, I have to set an appointment with an oral surgeon to have tooth extraction surgery. Lord, I haven’t had a tooth pulled since I was a little kid, and I don’t think the Tooth Fairy is going to give a dollar under my pillow for this one!

They said it’s not a big deal and the actual surgery doesn’t take all that long. They’ll numb me up pretty good on that side and area around the tooth and then do the extraction. Even so, I’m a bit concerned.

I’ll have a hole in my mouth where the tooth was. It won’t be able to be seen when I smile, but I’m already thinking I’ll feel self-conscious about it. Please give me calmness, Lord, about the surgery itself, and especially for afterwards.

I know I can’t have a decayed tooth in my mouth any longer and I’ll be glad it’s out. I’m just asking for your strength to get me through it. Thank you God, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Prayer Before a Root Canal Surgery

A root canal, Lord! I have to have a root canal because of infection and decay in my tooth! I’ve never had one of these before, Lord, so I am very worried.

My dentist said the endodontist can get me in early next week, so I won’t have to wait very long, and for that I’m grateful. The pain is more than annoying, it’s affecting how I eat.

My friend has had a root canal and told me it’s a straightforward dental surgery–I won’t feel anything and I don’t have to be knocked out. I can even drive myself to and from the appointment, so that’s easier to set up in my schedule. Thank you, Lord for that bit of good news.

I have a little anxiety about this, God, so I’m praying to you, that you would give me peace and calm my anxious thoughts. I also pray for financial provision, Lord, as my insurance won’t cover all of this, and things are a bit tight budget-wise. Please make a way through, Lord.

Thank you for hearing my prayer, for already granting me peace, and for the knowledge that you are with me, even in the midst of dental surgery. I pray this in the healing name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer Before Getting a Dental Crown

Lord God, the past few months have not been great in regards to my teeth! First I had a damaged tooth that had to be pulled and now my dentist tells me that I’m going to have to have a crown put on.

Father in heaven, I don’t know where I’m going to find the money to pay for all of this, because it is quite expensive. I know it’s necessary and everything, but money is money and I have to find a way to cover the costs. Please guide me to financial provision for this, Lord.

My dentist said the procedure is a two step process. First they make an impression, and place a temporary crown, and then I come back in a couple weeks to have the permanent crown put on my tooth. This isn’t convenient at all, but I’ll make the time to make it happen.

Lord, I feel like this is a big burden dropped on my shoulders and I don’t know how to handle it. Please give me wisdom and perspective and finances and peace and rest about this whole dental crown situation. I never thought I’d have to deal with something like this, but here I am.

So, I pray to you, the Healer, the Finisher of my faith, the Provider, Lord Jesus, Amen.

Prayer After Dental Surgery

God, I can’t talk real well with all this gauze stuck in my mouth, but I wanted to thank you for how well the dental surgery went yesterday. The doctor said the problem was taken care of and I just needed a few days to recover.

Thank you for my friend who was able to drive me there, wait during the surgery, and drive me home. Bless (name) for her thoughtful service and time.

Thank you for the doctor and his skill in getting this done without any problems. I give you thanks, Lord for the fact our deductible is covered and this surgery didn’t cost that much.

I am grateful I don’t have any infection and my mouth will be in full working order by next week. I didn’t like hearing that I’d have to have this dental surgery, but now that’s it’s over, I’m glad it’s done and my teeth are healthy again!

I give you thanks in the name of the One who speaks healing and strength, Jesus Christ, Amen.

a woman praying for a successful dental surgery Pin

Final Thoughts

Dental surgery is never convenient and rarely expected. We have to take off of work or otherwise make some changes to our schedules to fit it in. Depending on how serious the surgery is, we may have to have someone drive us to and from the appointment.

Then we have to figure out how to pay for it. And we have to recover from the surgery too, making alterations to what we can eat and on what side of our mouth.

We can be tempted to think that because dental surgery is not as serious as say, a heart transplant or a cesarian delivery that maybe it’s not a priority for God. No. Everything matters to God. He knows how many hairs are on your head and he knows how many teeth are in your mouth.

Praying to God about having your teeth fixed or repaired is as important as anything else you would pray about in your life. Prayer often isn’t about the result, but the relationship between you and God being deepened and strengthened.

It’s always a good idea to pray.

“May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart
be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer” (Psalm 19.14, NIV).

May the prayers above be useful to you. You are welcome and encouraged to share them with friends or family who may have upcoming dental surgery. Send them a link to this site if that’s helpful. And be sure to share your requests for prayer in the comments section.

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