6 Sincere Prayers for Starting a Bible Study

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Are you hosting a Bible study and need to pray to start it?  Have you been asked to begin a Bible study with prayer?

Is there a certain way to pray to begin a Bible study?

You can simply pray for guidance and direction to begin.  You can also use any of these six sincere prayers for starting a Bible study.  Each covers a particular type of Bible study so you can choose the one that works for you.  You can also modify any of the prayers to fit your specific circumstance, as needed.

Whenever we study the Bible, we do so in order to grow in knowledge, of course.  But we also study to grow closer to God.

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2.15).

The more you study and humble yourself, the more you grow in your understanding of God, his character, and his ways.  Limiting your study of the Bible will limit your growth as a follower of Jesus.  Praying before you study God’s Word is a good practice.  There is much in scripture you will not be able to understand without the Holy Spirit, as, “When he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth” (John 16.13, NIV).

Praying before beginning a study of God’s Word is important to set the tone and context.  When we study the Bible, we’re not just studying another book.  We’re not engaging in a book club kind of discussion either.  We are opening the scripture to hear from God Almighty.  Prayer helps us focus our attention on what we’re doing and it’s something we can do throughout the day.

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (Hebrews 4.12, NIV).

Let these prayers be a helpful way for you to start your study each time.  Be encouraged that by studying and praying, you are engaging in two spiritual habits that are key to following Jesus Christ.

We also invite you to share your own prayer requests in the comments section below this article.

A Brief Prayer to Begin a Bible Study

Dear Lord, I pray for your guidance as I lead this Bible study.  Help me to listen to everyone, include everyone, and direct the study well.  I want each person to grow closer to you through this study.  I ask these things in the name of Jesus, Amen.

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Prayer to Open a Bible Study at Church

Dear God, we ask for your Holy Spirit to direct our eyes to the truth of your Word tonight in this Bible study.  We are thankful for the freedom to gather and learn and grow, without fear of oppression, like our brothers and sisters in faith in other parts of the world.

Thank you Lord, for this space at church where we can gather.  We have comfortable chairs to sit in and tables upon which we can place our Bibles and study tools.  We have air conditioning in the summer and heating in the winter.  I don’t want to take any of these things for granted as we prepare to learn by your Spirit.  Thank you for caring for our every need, God.

Let us each be open to hearing from you as we read and discuss tonight’s scripture verses.  May we leave with knowledge we can apply in our lives tomorrow and be faithful witnesses to your love, grace and mercy.  We ask these things in the name of One who is our all in all, Lord Jesus, Amen.


Prayer to Open a Men’s Bible Study

Father God, we gather as men this morning to study your Word.  We want to hear from you.  We need to hear from you.  Each man here seeks to be a better person, husband, father, employer or employee each day.

We come to you now in prayer, laying aside our egos and nothing-bothers-me masks we tend to put on in our emotional lives.  We come, open and vulnerable to you, and to each other as men following you.  Help us grow in our relationship to you, our God.  Help us grow in relationship to each other, as brothers in the Lord.

Guide us as we study the Bible and learn to apply its truth in our lives every day.  We ask all of this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayer to Open a Women’s Bible Study

Lord Jesus, it is a joy to come together as women to hear from you through studying the Bible.  I pray, for the next hour or so, that we can put away all the concerns we have been carrying around this day, from our spouses, our children, our finances, our jobs, and focus on you and your truth for us.

I pray for your Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth in the chapters and verses we go over each time we gather.  I pray for each of us to be humbled by how much we need you in our lives.  Show us where we are lacking and fill us up with you, with your truth, with your grace.

I pray we all can be attentive tonight and hear from you.  Reveal yourself to us as we study, so that we might receive from you, and you alone. In the name of Jesus I pray all of this, Amen.

Prayer to Begin a Youth Bible Study

Lord God, I pray for each young person here right now.  Each person has so many distractions that may be crowding their mind.  They may be concerned about their grades, their friends, or their home life.  They may have fear, anxiety, or worry.  I pray that at this moment you surround each person, and all of us together, with your protective Holy Spirit, that we might focus on God’s Truth.

Help me to lead and teach tonight and allow us all to learn and grow closer to you.  We want to hear from you and understand how what we are studying can matter in our daily lives.  I pray for these young people, as they are in a season of life that can be confusing and exciting at the same time.

Calm us in your presence, Lord.  Direct our eyes and mind and heart to you in what we study tonight.  I pray all of these things in the name of Lord Jesus, Amen.

Prayer to Begin a Bible Study at Home

God, thank you for the opportunity to host a Bible study here in our home.  We are grateful everyone could make it and we have room for each person.  Help us to be open with each other and not afraid to share what we know, and what we do not know.  Help us encounter you in new ways as we share with one another.

I am not an expert in the Bible, Lord, so I ask you to guide me as I lead tonight.  Allow me to make sure all perspectives are heard and we cover the material well.  Guide our discussion as we desire for your Word to influence us on a deep level.  We want what we study to impact our lives for the good, and for your glory.

I pray for your peace, your presence, and your power amongst us as we study.  I pray this in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Consider This

You may never have led a Bible study before, or perhaps you have but are still nervous about praying in front of others.  It is okay to feel this way.  Let your vulnerability be an open door for others to walk through and feel safe within the Bible study as you pray.  When you pray to start a study, you ultimately are bringing praise to God in what you do.

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” (Colossians 3.17, NIV).

It’s a privilege and joy to be able to study the Bible, isn’t it?  You have a Bible to call your own (perhaps more than one!).  You have a place to gather with others to study, so you’re not on your own.  You can learn with others, and from others.  All of these blessings you can mention in your opening prayer.

Your prayer is a way to move the group from gathering and chatting about what happened that day, to focusing on scripture so everyone can learn.  As the Psalmist reminds us:

Your word is a lamp for my feet,
    a light on my path” (Psalm 119.105, NIV).

Studying the Bible is a wonderful opportunity.  Praying before you begin studying is also an opportunity.  It is the chance to turn our attention to the Almighty and be in awe of his endless truth in scripture.  Continue praying and learning and growing in God’s name!

2 thoughts on “6 Sincere Prayers for Starting a Bible Study”

  1. Thank you so much for these lovely prayers🙏✝️💖 I started a bible study today with a friend of mine and chose one of your prayers to begin it. It was simple, sincere and reverent and a beautiful opening to our study. Thank you again.

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