7 Prayers for Preschool Graduation

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As a previous preschool teacher. I find a lot of importance in Preschool Graduation. As a teacher those moments were filled with teaching songs, making graduation caps, and writing names on little diplomas. At the time I never left the constant cycle, of watching children go from hesitant little ones, to “Kindergarten ready”.

It wasn’t until I became a preschool parent that I began to see preschool graduation as a pausing moment. Our family began to question what our next educational steps were. My family felt very pulled to Christian schooling, but we also live in a great public school district that had the potential to connect us with more neighbors. I felt like the summer was full of ifs and buts!

During our time of questioning, we relied heavily on Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” God wanted our children at Christian school, and we wanted our children to always serve God. Looking back at it now, it seems like we made the decision when we first started questioning our choices. However, as a parent in that moment, it seemed like the world’s biggest decision.

Preschool graduation is a big milestone for both the children and their parents. For us it was the beginning of a big spiritual decision. For other’s it was finding a school that could provide the proper needs for their child. No matter what decision your family is looking at, I hope that you feel God’s presence on your journey.

Congratulations on your little one’s completion of preschool! If you have a specific Preschool Graduation prayer request, please leave it in the comments below and good luck on beginning that next stage with your child.

Short Preschool Graduation Prayer for Preschoolers

Dear Lord, we thank you for all the time we have spent together this year. Thank you for allowing all of us the ability to nurture these children in your name.

Father we ask that you watch over these graduating preschoolers. Walk with them, Lord, down their new paths. Grace them with confidence, Lord. Help the children feel you on their new adventures. Allow them the knowledge to know they have your love and protection. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

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Preschool Graduation Prayer for Preschoolers

Dear Lord, we are thankful to you for the ability to gather and celebrate today. Thank you, Lord, for blessing our school with such precious little ones. Thank you for blessing us with families ready to help partake in their children’s education.

Lord, we ask that you help us praise these children for their hard work. Use us all as an example of your pride today, Lord. Let the children see your glory when we applaud their year of accomplishments.

Father, we ask that you walk with these children on their next journey. We ask that you hold their hearts in your hands. Protect them from hatred, Lord. Bless them with the opportunity to show others the great love you have shown them.

Lord, we know that our time together will only be the beginning of a long journey for these children. We pray that this time has planted a seed of faith in each child, Lord. Please fill their lives with vast opportunities for that seed to grow. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

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Preschool Graduation Prayer for Parents/Guardians from Teachers

Heavenly Father, these teachers have given their time and hearts to our little ones; please allow them to feel our immense gratitude. Father help us bless them tonight while we all celebrate the graduation of our preschoolers. Let them, feel our gratitude, Lord.

Lord we ask that you allow the teachers the time to pray over our preschoolers. Give them the words they need to encourage each child onward. Help them be a positive light to a big change coming in our preschooler’s life.

Lord we ask that you take away any sadness from these teachers. Fill them with excitement, Lord, for their future. Grant them peace, Lord, allow them to know they have made a big impact in our community’s lives. Show them that their time and efforts are building a better tomorrow.

Lord we ask that you provide these teachers with a moment to rest. Lord, allow them to take in the past year and meditate on their journey. Father renew their energy and spirits for next year’s class of preschoolers. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Preschool Graduation Prayer for Teachers from Parents/Guardians

Dear Lord we stand here praying to you for the parents of these graduating preschoolers. Father you have blessed us with such a short time to get to know all of these families. We pray that they have felt our love and support. We ask you to bless their memories of this place with joy and promise.

Lord, we ask that you walk with these parents. We have learned from you, Lord, that the journey of raising a child never truly ends. Please hold all these parents in your heart as they walk the same path. Allow them to feel your strength and support as they watch their child continue to grow.

Father we ask that you allow each parent to feel at home in this school. We ask you to send them here if they ever need any assistance. Lord, we want you to give them our name if they ever find themselves in need of help.

Thank you, Lord, for bringing together all of the people that our graduating preschoolers love. Thank you, for allowing them safe travels. Father we ask that you bring to light any avenue we may have missed over the year. Show us how we can use this last night together to bring more glory to your name. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Preschool Graduation Prayer for Kindergarten Teachers for Preschool Teachers

Father we know that we have spent the last year preparing these graduating preschoolers for kindergarten, but we also know how much work is in store for those ahead of us. Lord we ask that you watch over these graduating preschoolers’ future teachers.

Lord, bless them with grace and kindness. Grant them a never-ending line of patience as they teach small children to sit still and do work. Lord, allow these children to remember everything we have taught them. We ask that the knowledge be preserved and useful, so their future teachers can breathe a sigh of relief.

Father, we ask that these graduating preschoolers remember to bring their listening ears to Kindergarten. We ask that they give their kindergarten teachers the same respect and love we have seen from them all year. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Preschool Graduation Prayer for Preschool Teachers from Kindergarten Teachers

Lord, we come to you today to pray over preschool teachers. We ask that you allow them to feel our thankfulness and support. Lord, gift us with the ability to show thanks for the time and energy they have put into our upcoming students.

Father, we thank you for the opportunity to work together. We are very blessed to be able to discuss each student’s needs as they transfer to our school. Please allow us an open line of communication, so we can care for each child in the best possible way. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Preschool Graduation Prayer for Children with Special Needs

Father our child is graduating from preschool and we are in need of your guidance. Lord, we ask that you show us which school will best meet our child’s needs.

Father I ask that you place people in our lives, that have had different experiences with different schools. I would like the opportunity to talk over our different options with those who know better than I do. I ask that you guide my family and theirs to each other and fill our conversations with helpful information.

Lord, allow my family to feel your strong presence in the correct school. Help us walk through the doors and see your brightness. Show us a teacher we can bond with, and an administrator we can easily communicate with. Father, we ask that our child shows us their excitement in the school you have chosen for us.

Lord, we ask that you also grant us peace. We ask for you to take this heavy weight from us. Let us willingly trust in you. Give us the strength to follow you and your plans.

Thank you, for blessing us with our beautiful child, Lord. We are so blessed to have you walking along side us. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Concluding Thoughts

I believe the Lord is always walking with us, no matter what journey we are on. It brings me great peace to know that someone so strong is watching over my children, and I hope that you have the same peace.

Luke 18:16 reads “But Jesus called them to him, saying, ‘Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God'”.

I pray that you can feel the Lord as you move on from preschool graduation and make your way to future graduations. I pray that your children have an abundance of opportunities to learn from and trust in God! We also have a variety of prayers to help you through the school years with children including prayers for good grades.

Don’t forget to leave any preschool graduation prayer requests in the comments below.

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