5 Prayers For My Husband To Love Me Again

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It can be exceptionally hard to fight for your husband’s love and intimacy when the effort isn’t reciprocated. As women, we crave the intimacy and affection of our husbands, and if they are not extending it, we tend to feel hurt and even at times a bit rejected.

I encourage you to fight in prayer for your husband and your marriage, even if you don’t believe he is doing the same for you. While praying for him, remember what the scripture says in 1st Corinthians 13:7 “Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things.” Keep your faith in God as you pray for God to change your husband’s heart, always thanking him for his faithfulness.

If you don’t know where to begin, below are some prayers that will help you in praying for your husband’s love to return to you. We have a comments section below, as well, that you can use to ask others for prayer, or even to connect with a sister in Christ who is going through (or has gone through) something similar.

Short Prayer For My Husband To Love Me Again

Lord, I lift my marriage up to you in prayer. You know my heart, and you know the hurts and struggles I am facing.

Lord, I pray that you remove any bitterness or anger directed towards me from my husband’s heart. I pray for you to give my husband grace to forgive my shortcomings, and that you also give me grace to forgive his shortcomings.

I ask, Father that you place a new love in my husband’s heart for me. Your Word says, “Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church, and gave himself up for her,” and Lord, I ask that he loves me in the way that Christ loves the church.

I pray you help me to love and respect my husband in the manner that he needs, and in the way you have called me to do so.

Thank you Lord, for your faithfulness. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

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Long Prayer For My Husband To Love Me Again

Heavenly Father, I come to you humbly, seeking healing in my marriage. Your Word says that my husband and I are no longer two; but one flesh, and that what God has joined together, let not man separate.

I stand on this, Lord. You are the rock in our marriage even as we face hardships.

Father, I desire my husband; I desire his love and emotional intimacy. My heart yearns for him.

I pray you give him a desire for me, Lord, that you deepen his love for me.

I pray that you reveal to him the longing I have in my heart for him, Lord, and reveal to him the things that are putting a wedge in our marriage.

If I have done harm to him Lord, or hurt him in any way that he has not forgotten and it has become a stumbling block for him, I pray you reveal what is on his heart to me Lord, so I can ask for his forgiveness for causing him pain. I also ask Lord, that you give him grace to forgive me.

I ask that you open opportunities up to us for bonding Lord, so that we can spend quality time with one another.

Lord, thank you for knowing my heart and comforting me in my time of need. I pray you help me to be still and allow you to work in my husband’s heart.

Thank you Lord for the work you are doing in our marriage.

In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Prayer For My Husband’s Heart To Soften Towards Me

Father God, I ask that you soften (husband’s name)’s heart towards me.

Lord, teach him to be gentle and compassionate towards me.

I ask that you give him understanding towards me, as it says in 1st Peter 3:7, “Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel.”

I ask that you make him sensitive to the things he may say or do that cause me pain.

Let him be more aware of the things I do to try and be a good wife, and mother.

Let him not grow angry easily with me, but I ask that you help him to be slow to anger.

Thank you Lord for your grace. In Jesus’ mighty name, amen.

Prayer For Protection For My Husband’s Heart

Lord, I lift (husband’s name) up to you in prayer.

We live in an in a secular world, Lord, and more and more the virtues of mankind seem to be diminishing.

I ask that you prepare (husband’s name) for the temptation that will be thrown in front of him daily, Lord.

Help him to turn away from sexual temptation that is so openly advertised, Lord, and to stay pure.

I ask that you help him to always be content, and to avoid becoming greedy.

I pray that you give him discernment Lord; that he learn to recognize your leading.

I pray you lead him to stay grounded in your Word, and to be consistent in prayer.

Surround him with men who can minister to him, as well Lord; as your Word says, iron sharpens iron.

Thank you Lord. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

a prayer for protection for my husband pin Pin

Prayer For Peace When It Seems Like My Husband Doesn’t Love Me

Lord, I pray for your peace that surpasses all understanding to cover me, and to guard my heart and mind in Christ.

I know you see my heart Lord and know the pain I feel as I so deeply long for my husband’s love and affection.

Help me to release all attempts to control his feelings towards me, and to allow you to work in his heart.

In this season Lord, I ask that you speak to me through your Word, and help me to lean on you.

I ask that your Holy Spirit surround me and comfort me.

Thank you God for all that you are doing in my life, my husband’s life, and in our marriage.

It’s in your holy name we pray, amen.

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Concluding Thoughts

It is hard to know what to do when you feel unwanted and unloved by the person who vowed to love you forever, whether it be your husband or your wife. But God can help and prayer is a powerful way to lay a foundation of love in your relationships.

In this world we will always face trials, even with, and dare I say, especially with those that we love the most. This, unfortunately, is the result of a sinful world.

God clearly instructs husbands and wives of their duties multiple times in the Bible. Women are always to submit to their husbands, and men are always to love their wives.

I take comfort knowing that the Lord of all creation knows the heart of a wife. He has called husbands to love their wives as Christ loves the church.

When you pray for your husband to love you, you are in line with the will of God and he will honor that.

I encourage you to comment below and pray with another woman of God who may be facing trials similar to yours. Remember what Jesus says in Matthew 18:19, “Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.”

37 thoughts on “5 Prayers For My Husband To Love Me Again”

  1. I pray that my husband will stop his adulterous affair and return to me immediately.Lord I pray that he will love me again deeper than before and a total restoration for our marriage.I also pray that he always choose the right thing and never abandon his family for bodily lust and lastly I pray that Lord give him courage and power to resist temptation of any form and kind.Help him Lord to seek help to you
    Help me also God to forgive him and give me a strong will to stay with him and help him recover even it hurts.
    In Jesus name I pray amen

    1. I pray you get your husband, back, full mind, body spirit, and soul. I pray that he will resist any and all temptation of any kind. I pray that your marriage will be rekindled, and your heart will be restored as well.

    2. Praying for you Noime ,I pray hard to our Dear God,that He grant your prayers that your husbands love and affection will soon return🙏
      I ask this in Jesus name our Lord,Amen🙏

  2. Needing prayers for me & husband! I pray my husband will have a change of heart & want to work on our marriage. I love him w/ all my heart & soul & I’m afraid of life w/ out him after 20 years. Please lord save my marriage 🙏🏼🙏🏼

  3. I prayed for Noime. I pray her husband be surrounded in the hedge of thorns and resist any temptation. I pray for him to love his wife deeper than before.
    I pray for myself as well, for my husband, to stop being fooled by the devil and the Temptations. I pray that he will open his eyes and his heart to love me once again, for his love to grow deeper and better than what it was before. I pray that my husband Come back to me emotionally and then my husband will pray with me more. I pray that my marriage can be rekindled to something holier, deeper, and better than when we first got married, just 2 short years ago.
    I pray for my husband to love me deeper and show me the affection he once did, tenfold.
    I pray for marriages all over the world, going through this horrible trial to overcome evils, and Temptations trying to break the vows they have taken. I want nothing more than for my husband to be back full heart and soul, mind and spirit in our marriage, and in his love for me. I pray that all husbands and wives around the world are strong enough to resist temptation that leads to destruction and heartache. I pray for God to touch my heart and heal it. The pain is indescribable, and unbearable .
    In Jesus’s name, I pray.

  4. I ask anyone to please help me in my prayers.
    Yesterday,my husband told me he’s not inlove with me anymore,that he wasn’t sure of his feelings before we get married,12 years ago.
    It was unbearable pain for me to endure,for those long years,i sufferred all his infedelities,2 illegitmate child.
    I forgave him with all my heart,start all over again,and this again ,he wants to be happy,and asking me to set him free for him to be happy with someone.
    He will not going to leave me,we will still in one house with our son,separate rooms.
    But how can i endure the pain knowing that he’s not inlove wd me.
    I allow myself to understand him deeper,agreeing everything even it hurts to my core,i love my husband enduring such pain until death is heartbreaking! ,so im seeking with all of you with all your comforting prayers so that i can fight the evil that’s trying to control my husbands mind and heart.
    I pray to you O Lord God,to hear my cries ,my longing for my husbands love and affection towards me will restore once and for all,that you Are a Powerful God Almighty Your word says that my husband and I are no longer two,but one flesh ,and that what” God has joined together,let not man separate”
    I pray to you O Lord that please grant my prayers in Jesus name ,I pray to you ,AMEN🙏

    1. I pray for you hunny I also pray for myself my husband said he’s not in love with me as well I pray he has a change of heart we just had a son and the pain is unbearable the hurt of not being loves or cares about makes me an aggressive women and I don’t want to be like that I pray the lies puts the love into his heart to wake up before it’s to late

    2. Hi Arlene… I am in the exact situation as you… I’m praying for your husband to return to you as well!! To turn to God and when he does that I pray the same prayer that he will fear God and with that Godly wisdom will come! I pray that his heart would melt like wax and his heart will soften. I pray God will ignite in him a new flame that will burn for God and for you! I pray for passion to return to your marriage! I speak life over your marriage and anything that the enemy is trying to kill, steal or destroy to be gone in the same of Jesus! I thank God for the day your marriage is restored and complete! In Jesus name, AMEN!

  5. Aloha! I’m going through a Divorce right now! I still want to save my marriage of 14 1/2 years plus 10 years together . But my husband decided not too .
    How can you fix a narcissist? In my eyes I thought you’re were suppose to fix our marriage in gods eyes , until I realized one person can’t fixed the problem . So I filed for divorce. For all the lies , he put against me to stay out of our house , talking , texting to other women , . I showed him that I love him I did whatever a wife should do for her husband cleaning , cooking, getting his clothes, ready for work and more . in his eyes, nothing wasn’t good enough for him , I forgive him in Jesus name . .
    Pray for us in Jesus mighty name Amen 🙏

  6. Prayers for my marriage, my husband also recently told me he doesn’t love me anymore and I found out he is having an affair with a married woman who also claims she’s going to leave her husband for mine. I believe in my heart my husband is confused and I’m praying that God changes his heart and rebuild our marriage. I know we had a lot of trouble in our marriage and I’m at fault in a lot but I love my husband , i forgive him and with God Im also praying for myself to change and be a submissive wife. We are also currently still leaving together so it’s makes it so hard not being able to hold him I miss him. But God told me to fight this with prayer and I’m praying everyday. There are day the devil comes and attacks. But I’m not giving up… please help me pray for my husband and our marriage in Jesus name Amen!

  7. Dear God I pray that you soften my husbands heart and allow him to love and adore me again just as Christ does the church. Lord remove any anger or harsh feelings towards me from his mind and his heart. Bring peace to him and allow him to show me grace as you continuously show us. Lord I know that I have not been the Proverbs 31 wife that you called me to be. I have always submitted to my husband, some right by our finances or just him in general but Lord you know my heart and you know that my love is deep for my husband and it was my own selfish ways and lack of knowledge of not knowing what it is to be a true wife Lord. A God fearing wife waking an according to your ways Lord. So I need now for both yours and his forgiveness Father! I pray that you restore seven fold what has been lost. My heart is aching daily Lord! Bring him back to our bed Lord to sleep next to me every night Lord. Make his words to me more and not few. Allow for us to spend time together again. To laugh again. Too trust again. To love again. Lord I know you are a healer, protector and provider and Lord you said if we have faith even as small as a mustard seed it shall be done. My faith is greater because I know you reign Lord. Lord teach me to be still and allow you to V work like only you can do with my husbands heart and mind. Be still! Lord bring a calmness and peace over me that just allows me to just focus on being a better me God, got you first, me second and then him! Let me honor my husband and love him as I should of been doing for years and Lord my ways of old, cast them out and change them! Make me over Lord! Start us anew as if we had just started dating. Give us a fresh new love Father God! Lord I all these things in your mighty name and I call them to be true from this moment forward, and Lord I pray for every woman that comes here for healing and comfort may you bless them And their marriage. Amen

  8. I pray that my husband would listen to God’s voice & feel His heart again.
    I pray that God would open his heart and heal the wounds caused by the enemy.
    I pray that my husband would experience God’s Love through me and that he would love me again the way Christ loves the church. I pray for protection over our children in this season and for the Holy Spirit to be present in our home. Let no weapon formed against us prosper! God, please heal my heart at this time as well. In Jesus’ name xo

  9. Please pray for me and my husband. He told me lately that he is no longer interested in me, that I can find another man if I care, simply that I caught his affair. I don’t have a divorce nor separation. He is a very wonderful soul to me and the kids. I want him back completely affectionate as he has ever been. Above all, let God grant him true repentance. Amen

  10. I thank God for my husband, he is such a wonderful man but I broke him because of years of watching how my mum tore down my dad. I’ve repented and I’ve been praying for God to work in me to be a better person, wife and mum. We’ve got two beautiful daughters, one with special needs. And ever since I broke him, he’s been emotionally detached and I found out he had an affair… He used to be such a Godly man, and now wants nothing to do with God.

    Heavenly Father…. I thank you for my wonderful husband that I can’t recognize anymore… I pray for and uphold all marriages as well…. I pray that you will melt his heart and break down those walls… I pray that all bondages and shackles of the enemy be broken and release right now in Jesus’ name! I pray for soul ties with the other party to be broken and severed in Jesus’ name! I declare for your healing and restoration to return to him and our marriage and the spirit of assassination over our marriage be gone in the name of Jesus’! I pray your spirit will guide and lead him to the small and narrow gate, and you will make his paths straight! Like in Joshua, I pray you will make him strong and courageous and not let the fear of running the race push him out. I pray that you make me the wife you want me to be and bring back excitement and anticipation to him! I pray for peace to be with me and I will be still and trust in your timing, and lose the temptation to control. I pray you will teach me to listen to your voice and discern what and when to do something, and what to say as well. Grant me wisdom of Lord and gentle speech…. I pray I will be Quick to listen and slow to speak.

    Thank you Lord for everything…
    In Jesus name, Amen and Amen!

  11. I pray for all of the women who have posted about their relationships with their husbands. I pray that God will restore each of them. I pray that each one will have the patience to be still and know that he is God and to let him work. I too am facing the same situation in my marriage. My husband has totally checked out and gas lights me to get me upset. He hasn’t said he doesn’t love me but the affection and intimacy is no longer there. I believe there is someone else but can’t prove for sure. We were high school sweethearts and have been together for over 30 years. My prayer is that God softens his heart towards me and that he feels the love that he once had for me. I pray that God guards his heart from any temptations that he may face. My prayer is that he seeks God’s guidance so that we can come together. I pray that I can be the I Peter 3:1-3 wife and win him over without a word.

  12. Thank you so much Ann for leading us in these prayers.
    My husband and I have been separated for 15 months and we are living 900 miles apart. He began telling me that he wants a divorce a little over a year ago but nothing has been filled, and he stopped telling me he loved me. We have still been talking or texting but fewer and further between and when I’ve asked if we can see each other he has refused. I have been praying for him and our marriage. I decided to visit him earlier this month and I stayed in a hotel incase he didn’t want to see me, but things went better than I could have imagined. There have been no plans discussed of getting back together but he has stopped mentioning divorce and begun telling me he loves me when we talk. I am praying that the God of reconciliation will work a miracle in my marriage, soften my husbands heart, restore our relationship, and work in the details of bring us back together. ❤️

      1. First I would like to pray to all the woman’s whom having relationship problem with their husband in their life.
        I found out my husband was having affair with another woman, he promised me will leave the woman.He did as he say, but we are still trying to workout in our relationship, I still having a fear, he will do the mistake again.I just praying his love towards me will increase and we can be understanding and loving couple as before.

  13. My spouse and I have had a tough few years. My husband mentioned separation after 10 years together. Lord this is not what I want and I know we can get through this trial as we’ve done before. Lord I ask you to intervene and heal our broken marriage. Please heal are upset hearts and open them to forgiveness. Help us to see one another as you view us. In Jesus name, amen!!!

  14. Maria
    My partner wants to end our 15 yrs relationship. I’m trying really hard to hold on to it. Please pray for us. Lord I’m asking for a miracle. Please touch my partner heart take away his anger help us find love again. Please readers pray for us. Thank you.

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