4 Endearing Prayers for a Class Reunion

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Have a class reunion coming up soon?  Experiencing conflicting emotions about attending the class reunion?

Whether you are excited about seeing old friends or nervous about how you’ll be viewed at your class reunion, these four prayers can be of help to you.

A reunion is a time when classmates who may not have seen each other are brought together to socialize and share memories and stories.  While you may have contact via social media or even a Zoom call, nothing compares to actually seeing your old friends in person, hugging them, and laughing with them around a dinner table.

High school reunions may be a different experience than a college reunion, but you can pray about either one.  Perhaps your memories of those days aren’t necessarily all positive–that’s okay, you can still pray and attend with confidence.

God created us for companionship and friendship and a reunion builds on that.  Choosing the right friends can have long-lasting meaning in our lives, so let a reunion rekindle those connections that have meaning for you.  A reliable friend is invaluable in these present times.

“One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18.24, NIV).

Yet, there can be acquaintances from our school days that are intertwined with hurt or negativity.  Perhaps there was teasing, betrayal, or some other unkind treatment you received from classmates while in school.  However many years separate school time to now (reunion time), you may have concerns about encountering that person, or that group of people at a class reunion.

Are they the same?  Will they treat me in the same way as they did when we were in school?  Do I even want to see them?  These and other questions may arise as you consider attending your class reunion.

Reunions are full of so much.  There are memories of shared experiences–amazing triumphs and staggering defeats.  There are memories of what could have happened and didn’t, as well as what did happen, and shouldn’t have. But a reunion doesn’t have to be faced without the presence and power of God.

These prayers can invite God into the situation of your class reunion.

You may be very excited about seeing old classmates.  You can’t wait to see them and remember the good times and escapades you shared.  Whatever emotions or thoughts arise, let them be enveloped in prayer.

That’s why it is vital to pray.  These four prayers are here for you to use.  Begin praying them and feel free to alter each prayer as needed to fit your mindset and emotional circumstance.

And, as you pray, feel free to share your own requests below, at the end of this article.

A Short Prayer for a Class Reunion

Dear Lord, I pray for the class reunion coming up.  It feels weird to think about how long I’ve been out of school! That season of life seems so far away, yet it’s only been (number of years).  I’m looking forward to hearing what people are doing and who ended up with whom.

I’m not sure who will end up attending, but I pray for safe travel for everyone.  I also pray for everyone to be civil.  We don’t need petty arguments arising around old hurts or slights.  I ask these things in the name of Jesus, Amen.

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Prayer for Your First Class Reunion

Dear Jesus, I am a bit nervous about this upcoming class reunion.  It’s the first one since I left (name of school).  What are people going to think of me when they see me?  I’m not the same person I was back in school, and I give you praise for how you have changed me in such a short time, Lord!

While I’m excited to see everybody, I don’t want to be put into the same category like it was in (high school or college).  I’ve changed and I hope people can accept this new me, this better version of me.  I pray for that to happen.

Lord, I also pray for me to accept other people as well.  Maybe they’ll be just like they were, just older–I hope not, in certain people’s cases!  Perhaps they’ve changed too, and not just in appearance.  Help me to see as they are now, not as they existed in some black-and-white photo centerpiece display.

I pray for the organizers and all the work they put in to make this happen.  I pray for the people traveling to get here–keep them safe coming and going.  I pray for the weekend to go well and be a positive experience for each person who attends.  I lift this prayer in the name of Jesus, our Always Companion, Amen.

Prayer for a Milestone Class Reunion

Father in heaven, I can’t believe it’s now our (insert milestone year) class reunion!  Just saying the number out loud makes me feel old!  I wonder how many of us will be there this time?

I pray about this reunion because it’s been awhile since we last gathered.  I’m thinking that we may have lost some folks over the years.  Who has died since our last reunion?  Lord, I pray for those families.

I’ve been amazed at how we’ve seemed to keep in touch over the years, for the most part.  Social media has helped with this, but Lord, I thank you for having connections with people from long ago.  We’ve all changed since then in many ways, but we’re still bonded by being educated together in the same class.  What a treasure!

Father, I pray for the several I know of who are not in good health this time around.  May you bring healing to them.  I pray for the broken relationships that have occurred as well–may your emotional healing extend to those families.

This will be a major reunion, so I pray it can be a time of reflection for each person.  We’ll tell all the old stories again, I’m sure with more embellishment.  But I hope we all can look at how far we’ve come and look forward with hope as to what is coming.

I pray this prayer in the name of the Author and Finisher of our faith, Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Prayer for After a Class Reunion

Dear God, I give you thanks for being able to attend our last class reunion.  I wasn’t sure I would be able to make it, but I’m glad everything worked out for me to be there.

I don’t think it was a coincidence that (name) and (name) were there and we were able to talk about major aspects of our lives.  What an encouragement it was to discover we were not alone in our circumstances.  I thank you for bringing us together and enabling us to share what was really going on with us.  The shared vulnerability was empowering.

It felt good to step back in time a bit, to a time when we were more care-free.  Getting nourished in the nostalgia was worth the time it took to attend.  It’s been a rough couple of years, so this class reunion was a boost of fun and laughter that was so needed by so many of us.

Thank you also, Lord, for how you’ve helped me to forgive people from (high school or college) that hurt me back then.  It is liberating to be free of attachment to them and forgiveness has allowed that to happen.  While I enjoyed walking through memory lane, those negative memories no longer have to be on my pathway.

For all of this I give you thanks and praise, as I pray this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

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Final Thoughts

Is it okay to pray for a class reunion?  Of course it is! It’s okay to pray for any type of event!  God wants to hear our prayers about every aspect of our life.  Prayer is not simply making requests of God, but of growing closer in our relationship to our Creator.  Prayer facilitates this, so keep praying! You may even choose to pray quietly or silently at the reunion which is also okay and I hope you found prayers that can help whenever you choose to pray.

A class reunion is loaded with memories and stories and catching up with classmates and friends.  It can also be a reminder that we never really stop learning, about ourselves and others.  Let connecting with your school buddies open up possibilities for you.

“Stop listening to instruction, my son, and you will stray from the words of knowledge” (Proverbs 19.27, NIV).

Enjoy your time together.  Pray for the people you meet.  Try to stay in touch with those you choose to build a stronger relationship with for the future.  The prayers here are for you to use to prepare yourself for the experience of a class reunion.

Whether you have trepidation or a terrific sense of anticipation, let prayer be your guide and your strength.  Allow God to minister in you and through you as you pray for the people at the reunion and for the experience itself.

As you pray about getting together with friends from school, your own prayer requests may come forth.  Please share them below in the comments section.

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