6 Panic-Reducing Prayers About a Zoom Call

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Have a Zoom call and are in a panic?  Prayer even extends to Zoom calls.

The six prayers here can help you at every stage of an online video call with someone.  Use the prayer that meets your exact need at the moment.  You are under no obligation to pray the words verbatim.  As you pray, your own words may come forth.

Is your Zoom call for work?  Then you may be worried about making a good impression with your boss, employees, or co-workers- even more so if it’s for a job interview.  Are you using this technology to chat with far-flung family?  Maybe you are concerned that everyone can get connected properly so you can see everyone.

Or perhaps you’re entering into a video conferencing call with friends who live long distance from you, and you’re anxious because you haven’t seen them in what seems forever.  Whatever the circumstance, you have arrived at this site and are going to use these prayers.

Let these prayers reduce any stress you may be experiencing about the Zoom call you have scheduled.  Whether you’re the one hosting the call, or just a person participating, praying about the details can bring a calmness to you.  You can rest in this truth:

So this is what the Sovereign Lord says: “See, I lay a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation; the one who relies on it will never be stricken with panic” (Isaiah 28.16, NIV).

God is interested in every aspect of your life, from the quality of your plumbing to a video conferencing meeting on your computer and all the major problems of the world too.  Use these prayers to step you through each stage of a Zoom call.  And, if you consider it, leave your own prayer requests down below in the comments section.

A Short Prayer About a Zoom Call

Dear God, I have an online video call coming up soon and I want to lift it to you in prayer.  I’m not familiar with using it and I don’t want to look like a fool in front of the other people on the call.  Please help the Zoom meeting to go smoothly, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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A Prayer Before a Zoom Call

Lord Jesus, I’m about to begin a Zoom call in a few minutes and I’m nervous.  I’m hosting it and I need it to go well.  My boss will be there and most of my co-workers.  I want to look professional.

I pray for there not to be any technical glitches or buffering or slow connections. I ask for the sound and video to work properly and clearly.  Help calm my nerves, Lord.

It seems like such a small thing to pray for, with all the major things happening in the world.  But I believe you want to hear all my needs and concerns because you love me, God.  Nothing is too big for you and nothing is too small for you to hear.

I pray this in the name of the One who is Peace, Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayer for Opening a Zoom Call

Father God, as I open up this Zoom call, I ask that all the files load completely and everyone be able to download the software.  I pray for each person to be able to connect to the call without any hiccups or delays.

Let this video meeting open with positivity and the expectation that we will all learn and get the to-do list of things we have to discuss done.  I know I can count on you, Lord, to guide me through something like this.

It may not be brain surgery, God, but I want to open this call well.  I pray for this technology to work like it was designed to do.  Guide me and help me, in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer for Closing a Zoom Call

As we seem to be wrapping up this Zoom call, Lord, I am praying to you silently for all of us to come to a clear understanding.  We’ve had a frank and candid discussion of the issues our organization is facing during this video chat.

I thank you for the technology that has allowed us to see each other’s faces and hear one another speak.  I ask for you to guide us in these closing minutes to focus on our action points, what we do next.  What is our best next step?

I feel I need to say something to narrow our attention so we can close this Zoom call on a positive note.  Give me the words and the courage, Lord.  I pray this in my mind, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer for During a Zoom Call

O my God!  This video conferencing call is deteriorating quickly.  People are clearly tuning out even though they have a “I’m listening” face on, because we can all see other.

I wanted this Zoom call to go well.  We need to talk about each of the two topics listed on our agenda.  But it feels like people are holding back.  If we were meeting in person at the same location, I think this would have gone much differently.  But I can’t do anything about that, as it is out of my control.

I ask that you move in people’s hearts right now, during this Zoom meeting, Lord.  Help me to speak up and ask the right question to break through the apathy.  These topics are important for the company’s future.  Why can’t we have an honest discussion?

Open up this meeting, Lord, with honesty and clarity.  I ask this in the name of the One who came to set us free, even from fear, Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayer for After a Zoom Call

Dear Lord, I just participated in a Zoom call that didn’t go too well.  The issues we needed to cover kind of got skipped over because one person monopolized the conversation.

I’m not in charge of the department, but I do work within it.  Our boss didn’t take control of the video meeting and didn’t seem too prepared.  It’s hard for me to do my job when I can’t get the information I need from others.

And since we are not working in person in the office, we have to rely on these video meet-ups for connection and information sharing.  I guess I’ll have to follow up via email, because this Zoom call wasn’t helpful.

Lord, please help me be civil when I communicate with my co-workers about what I need.  I pray for my boss to learn this program so she can use it more effectively.  I pray for my co-workers to feel more responsibility regarding their participation.

Guide me with your wisdom, Lord.  Place clear thoughts in my mind when I speak and write.  And enable the next Zoom meeting to go much better than this one did, Lord.  I ask these thing in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Final Thoughts

Technology can be helpful to us and make our lives more efficient and effective.  It can save us time and money, too.  But for some folks, technology can be a source of frustration.  Perhaps they don’t understand how to use it, or are not familiar with it.

Still, Zoom and other video conferencing tools aren’t going anywhere and we don’t want to shy away from using technology due to fear or ignorance.  God helps us overcome fear, and we can always learn something new, especially when it’s something that can enlarge our lives.  A Zoom call literally opens up our world to connect with people no matter where they are, even if they can’t leave their home for some reason.

Whatever the case, we don’t have to be afraid of computers, technology, or digital applications like Zoom video conferencing.  God has spoken a word of encouragement to us in scripture:

“Do not be fainthearted or afraid; do not panic” (Deuteronomy 20.3, NIV).

While participating in a Zoom call may not be the same as going to battle or facing an adversary, we can gain strength from the Bible.  We can also be strengthened by praying to God, leaning in to our relationship with God, about things like a Zoom meeting.

We sometimes allow concerns and burdens to overwhelm us simply because we don’t think we can pray about them.  We falsely believe that “God isn’t concerned with something piddly like a Zoom call.”  If God took the time to form us in a unique fashion so we are who we are, then God also cares about every part of our life.  Especially those things that bring worry to our spirit.

We want to be effective at work, where most Zoom calls originate. These work calls aren’t always without stress, especially if you’re dealing with harsh treatment.  But you may be using this technology to connect with family you haven’t seen in months, or with friends who live across the country.  Instead of looking at it with trepidation, view it as an opportunity to be in a relationship with people in a new way.

Are there others you know who get anxious or worried about a video conference?  Please share these prayers with them.  And we encourage you to share your personal prayer requests and feedback in the comments section.

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