5 Comforting Prayers for Accident Victims

Four years ago, at 10 o’clock at night, on our way home from a wedding, we hit a deer. Our car was totaled, but my husband, our 5-month-old son, and I came out, a little shaken but otherwise completely safe. We are so grateful to God for protecting us. Since then, we have made it a big priority to pray for accident victims!

After our accident, we had to call the police and were stranded on the side of the highway with cars zooming past us. We were terrified someone might not see us and hit us or our car that was stuck in the middle of the road.

No one stopped to help. We stood there crying and in shock with our SLEEPING baby. That’s correct, our son didn’t wake up until we had been waiting on the side of the road for several minutes! We were shocked and grateful that his car seat protected him so well that he didn’t even wake up.

That night after we finally crawled into bed, we wept tears of joy and thanksgiving. We knew that things could have been so much worse, but the Lord protected us and breathed life into us.

Although I don’t suggest that there’s any good in hitting a deer and getting your car totaled, we found a new love and zeal for the Lord through it all.

The Lord truly “turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent. Lord my God, I will praise you forever” (Psalm 30: 11-12, NIV).”

Getting in any type of vehicular accident can be a stressful experience. Dealing with police, insurance, or even doctors, depending on the severity of the accident. When the anxious feelings come, it’s important to rest in the peace of the Lord and be grateful for the things you do have.

I have given you 5 prayers for accident victims, but feel free to customize them to your specific situation. Please leave any prayer requests in the comments so we can pray with you.

Short Prayer for Accident Victims

Lord, each time I see a collision on the side of the road, on tv, or in the newspaper I can’t help but panic and tear up. Please heal all those who have been injured in accidents. Give them peace as they pick up the pieces of their life post accident. Give them the resources to start fresh and move forward confidently, glorifying You in all that they do. In Your Name, I pray. Amen.

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Prayers for Someone in a Car Accident

Good and gracious God, please wrap your loving arms around everyone in the car accident. If there are any injuries please allow them to get to the hospital safely and heal them quickly. I’m sure the accident victims are shaken up. You are the Prince of Peace so please bring your peace into their souls.

If there was damage to the vehicles please help the accident victims to remember that a car is just a material possession. It can be fixed or replaced and their life cannot. Fixing a car or purchasing a new car after an accident can be a frustrating and overwhelming experience.

Please help them to get a replacement vehicle or for their current vehicle to be fixed quickly so they don’t have to miss work or other important commitments. A big stressor when in a car accident is the financial aspect.

I pray that the victim’s insurance is good and will take care of them. However, if there are financial issues, please provide them with the money that they need.

Sometimes it is hard for me to understand why bad things like car accidents happen to good people. If there were any losses of life please be with the victim’s family. Although it is difficult to find joy in tragedy, remind the family that You are their comfort.

May these words forever be engrained in their hearts and minds:

“You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent. Lord my God, I will praise you forever” (Psalm 30: 11-12, NIV).”

In Your Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer for Recovery and Healing After an Accident

Holy God, we praise thy Name! Thank you for sparing the lives of the accident victims. However, even though their lives were saved there is still a long road to recovery. I’m sure they are in terrible pain physically and emotionally.

Please heal their emotional wounds. They might be nervous to get back in a vehicle. Bring your deep and abiding peace into their hearts as they get comfortable on the road again. Please heal the victims physically as well.

We hear stories of healing over and over again in the Bible. We know You are the ultimate healer and will help to heal them as they work with their doctors. Please bless the medical professionals who are working to help the victims recover and heal. May You provide them with wisdom and knowledge to best serve their patients.

When the pain seems like too much remind the victims of the sufferings of Your Son. May they remember the words from Isaiah,

But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds, we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5, NIV).

Jesus knows the pain they are going through. Help them to know they are not alone in their recovery. Your peace will come and they will be healed physically and spiritually. In Your Name, I pray. Amen.

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Prayer for Someone in a Motorcycle Accident

Dear God, please wrap your strong arms around everyone involved in the motorcycle accident. If there are any injuries please allow them to get to the hospital safely and heal them quickly. Motorcycle accidents are particularly worrisome to be as the motorcycle rider is completely exposed. I sure hope the motorcyclist was wearing a helmet.

If there was damage to the motorcycle please help the accident victim remember that a motorcycle is just a material possession. It can be fixed or replaced and their life cannot. Fixing a motorcycle or purchasing a new motorcycle after an accident can be a frustrating and overwhelming experience.

A big stressor when in a car accident is the financial aspect. I pray that the victim’s insurance is good and will take care of them. However, if there are financial issues, please provide for them the money that they need.

Sometimes it is hard for me to understand why bad things like car accidents happen to good people. If there was any loss of life please be with the victim’s family. Although it is difficult to find joy in tragedy, remind the family that You are their comfort.

May these words forever be engrained in their hearts and minds: “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak” (Isaiah 40:29, NIV).

In Your Name, I pray. Amen.

Comforting Prayer After a Car Accident

Lord, I am shaken up after this car accident. I can’t seem to catch my breath. Everything feels overwhelming and I don’t know where to begin. Help me to slow down, to breathe in your peace and tranquility, and truly rest.

I’m scared to rest because it means I have to process all these emotions. The silence is too much. As I try to commune with You. Help me to block out all the noise. I want to grow closer to You in this moment.

Help me to truly rest in Your arms. Thank you for loving me and protecting me. I know You will continue to give me the strength to get through this accident. Jesus told His disciples, “that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33, NIV).

Help me to stay grounded in your peace. Despite the turmoil this accident has caused, I can rest knowing that You have conquered all. Even though it doesn’t seem like it, I know all is well because of You. In Your Name, I pray. Amen.

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Concluding Thoughts

Getting in a motor vehicle accident is a traumatizing experience. It’s physically, emotionally, and mentally draining. You may have aches and pains, PTSD, or simply mental fatigue from dealing with insurance or new car shopping.

The Lord is your shield. He is your strength and your song. He will help you to heal in different ways. The Lord works through doctors, medicine, and therapists. Seek help from professionals, but always save time to talk with God about how you’re feeling and processing this accident.

He longs for Your heart and to hear your every worry and joy. Remember, just as Jesus fell while carrying His cross, we too must continue to get up and begin again in the midst of troubles. Although dealing with insurance and doctors may not be ideal, be grateful to the Lord for allowing you to keep living your life here on Earth!

4 thoughts on “5 Comforting Prayers for Accident Victims”

  1. habte berhanu

    Last week, my wife was hit by car while she was waiting for Taxi. She was waiting from wet direction, The car was moving back from east direction to stand at the road side this time the car moving back to stop hit her to the ground, she fell down and she was left between the four Tyre, her face athe right side hit and scratched. her left hand is now full of pain.there if also small break on her lft hand small toe.she also felt pain under her brest.plase help us in prayer to recover her to pease and health body and mind, I pray in Jesus name

  2. maurine fleming

    My son and his two friends were just in a car accident. They were rear ended on the freeway. The car that hit them did not stop.
    It is almost midnight.
    I just prayed your prayers. I am more than grateful that they are not hurt. It is stormy outside !
    I just continue to pray for their well-being . I had just texted him telling him to be careful out in this storm and not two minutes later he telks me he was hit.
    Thank you for helping me with the prayer

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