7 Resolute Prayers For An Addicted Sister

7 prayers for an addicted sister pin Pin

My sister is my best friend. I can’t imagine a world where she would be constantly chained and debilitated by an addiction. However, I watched my dad live that reality. His sister was addicted to alcohol. He has shown me that we must pray for our sisters who suffer from addiction.

Unfortunately, my aunt lost her life at the age of 60 to cirrhosis of the liver, a repercussion from her alcohol addiction. My dad tells stories of his sister from when they were kids, but by the time she was in her early 20’s she was chained to alcoholism.

Addictions aren’t always as severe as alcohol or illegal drugs. Shopping or social media addictions can still be detrimental to a relationship with your sister. No matter what addiction your sister is suffering from, you should lean into the Lord. Helping your sister to overcome her addiction will be challenging, but always remember,

“The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold” (Psalm 18:2, NIV).

Surely you and your sister will experience challenges during the recovery process, if she even chooses to accept recovery. This verse is a reminder that despite the hardships of life, especially addiction, the Lord is there to protect you and help you persevere.

I have given you 7 prayers for addiction. Feel free to customize them to your specific situation. Please leave prayer requests in the comments so we can pray with you!

Short Prayer For An Addicted Sister

Lord, please help my sister who is struggling with addiction. I know that deep down she doesn’t want to be bound by addiction. I don’t understand why she is doing this, but I know she needs Your help to overcome her addiction(s). Heal her of her emotional wounds so she can be the woman she was called by You to be. In Your Name, I pray. Amen.

a brief prayer for an addicted sister pin Pin

Prayer For Sister Addicted To Social Media

Lord, my sister is addicted to social media. She needs your help to overcome this toxic addiction. She is constantly on her phone or computer. It’s starting to affect so many different areas of her life.

I’m so worried about her. Social media can be a dangerous place for people emotionally and spiritually. If you’re consuming the wrong content for hours on end each day you can start to get depressed. You can fall victim to the lies that you aren’t good enough or don’t have enough.

Please help (Name) to know that everything she sees on there is just everyone’s perfect world. She’s not seeing the difficulties and struggles each person is facing on a daily basis. Social media is not reality.

Help (Name) to know that she is a child of God. She is not defined by what other people think of her or by how many likes she gets. It doesn’t matter what other people are doing. Remind her that she only needs to keep her eyes focused on You. When there’s too much noise, Your voice gets lost.

Please help my sister to have a healthier relationship with social media. Help her to be attentive to Your voice and to get the help she needs to stop her social media addiction. Please encourage her to detox from social media and give her the strength and willpower to do so.

I’ve seen neglect happen in my own life because of social media. My sister has been doing this to the extreme. Please help her get her priorities straight so she will stop scrolling for hours each day. Help her to kick this addiction to the curb for good. In Your Name, I pray. Amen.

a prayer for sister addicted to social media pin Pin

Prayer For Sister Addicted To Alcohol

Lord, my sister is addicted to alcohol. Many people can easily fall victim to alcoholism, but you never think it will be someone you’re close to. I often see women encouraging each other to use wine to get through the hard days. What a toxic culture we live in!

One glass of wine turns 2 and the drinking starts earlier and earlier. Lord, I know that life is hard. It is exhausting, but alcohol is not the answer. Lord, please show my sister that You are the answer. You alone can heal her wounds.

Help my sister to turn to You instead of alcohol in her times of distress. Show her that laying her burdens at the foot of the cross is more freeing than addiction. Help (Name) to better know and understand Your presence and overwhelming faithful love.

Lord, please place someone in her path who knows your love and can share it with them. I want it to be me, but I’m not sure if I’m the right person to do this. I don’t want to damage my relationship with my sister any more than it already is. Give me the wisdom to know how You want me to help her. May I always be an ear to listen to her struggles and a pillar of strength for her in times of distress.

Please help (Name) to overcome her alcohol addiction. Give her the courage to seek the help that she needs. In your name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer For A Sister Addicted To Illegal Drugs

Lord, please help my sister who is struggling with illegal drug use. I can’t imagine the pain, the suffering, or trauma that someone must endure to turn to illegal drugs. My sister has many wounds. Please help her to know that her wounds cannot be healed through the numbing of illegal drugs.

Lord, please place someone in her path who knows your love and can share it with them. I want it to be me, but I’m not sure if I’m the right person to do this. I don’t want to damage my relationship with my sister any more than it already is. Give me the wisdom to know how You want me to help her. May I always be an ear to listen to her struggles and a pillar of strength for her in times of distress.

Illegal drugs are not going to solve her problems. They’re only causing more problems! Help them to know that she will only feel healed and fulfilled through You (and rehab and therapy)! In Your Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer For A Sister Addicted To Sex/Pornography

Lord, please help my sister who is suffering from sex and/or pornography addiction. This addiction can be especially challenging for women because it is seen as a mostly male problem. It can cause women a lot of shame and cause them to not seek help because they think they shouldn’t struggle with this sexual sin.

Please show (Name) that she is worth more than cheap sex. She was formed by You and has a beautiful path ahead of her if she can overcome this addiction. Help me to be a supportive (brother/sister) to help her through this difficult time. 

The media shoves sex in our faces all the time through advertisements, music, and movies so I guess it isn’t surprising this addiction has come up. Please help (Name) to filter what content she is consuming to help her on their journey to purity and chastity. In Your name, I pray Amen.

Prayer For A Sister Addicted To Gambling

Lord, please watch my sister who is addicted to gambling. Gambling is a dangerous pastime that has cost (Name) a lot of money. It’s fun in the moment, but the fun is fleeting. She’s damaging her financial future and the relationships with those that she loves.

Penetrate my sister’s heart. Show her how loved she is for simply being her! I know you will welcome her with open arms. Show her that she doesn’t need the thrill given to her through gambling. She needs You. I know she will be restless until they rest in You.

Lord, please place someone in her path who knows your love and can share it with them. I want it to be me, but I’m not sure if I’m the right person to do this. I don’t want to damage my relationship with my sister any more than it already is. Give me the wisdom to know how You want me to help her. May I always be an ear to listen to her struggles and a pillar of strength for her in times of distress. In Your Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer For A Sister Addicted To Shopping

Lord, please help my sister who is addicted to shopping. It’s unhealthy and is causing her financial distress. She is trying to fill the God sized hole in her life with material things.

Help her to know that You alone are the one thing that will make her truly happy. It doesn’t matter how many pairs of shoes, dresses, or tubes of lipstick she has. 

At Jesus’ crucifixion, he said “I am thirsty” (John 19:28, NIV). He did not thirst for wine, water, or anything from this world for that matter. He thirsted for You. He thirsted for Heaven. You are the only one who can quench our thirst. Please help my sister to have that same thirst for You. In Your Name, I pray. Amen.

Concluding Thoughts

It’s frustrating and exhausting when someone you love and care for so much is struggling with addiction. It’s not an easy cross to bear. Always work to be a pillar of strength, support, and unconditional love for your sister. 

Although the journey of supporting your sister through addiction and recovery may be challenging always remember that the Lord is there walking with you both every step of the way. He is there to bring you refuge and make your burdens lighter.

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