6 Gentle Prayers for Back Pain

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After three pregnancies in 3.5 years, I quickly found myself very familiar with constant back pain. People get back pain for all different reasons, but it is always important to pray to ask God to heal you of your back pain!

Our God is a healing God and He shows us over and over again in Scripture how He loves to heal us physically and spiritually. One example is the healing of the paralytic.

“And the power of the Lord was with Jesus to heal the sick.  Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before Jesus. When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus. When Jesus saw their faith, he said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.”

So he said to the paralyzed man, “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.” Immediately he stood up in front of them, took what he had been lying on, and went home praising God. Everyone was amazed and gave praise to God. They were filled with awe and said, “We have seen remarkable things today.” (Luke 5:1-21, 24-26, NIV).

Just like the paralyzed man, God can heal you with your back pain. I have given you 6 prayers for back pain, but feel free to customize them to your specific situation. Please leave prayer requests in the comments so we can pray with you!

Short Prayer for Back Pain Relief

Good and gracious God, I have awful back pain that won’t go away. Please take this pain away from me. It seems silly to complain about back pain, but I know you are always listening to my cries.

I long for the pain to go away, but in the meantime, help me to focus on accomplishing the tasks I need to get done. Give me the strength I need to get through this day. In Your Name I pray. Amen.

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Prayer for Muscle Strain in Back

Lord of Lords, please take my back pain away. It is unbelievably sore due to a muscle strain. I think I hurt myself exercising last week. It seems dramatic to say, but I can barely do basic tasks.  I hate feeling this way. Please let it stop soon.

I’m falling behind on all of my tasks. I can’t even take a shower without wanting to scream. I can’t keep missing work so please let today be the last day of this terrible back pain. Help me to bear this cross and offer my sufferings up to you. In Your Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer for Herniated Disc Back Pain

God, I have terrible back pain due to a herniated disc Please help this pain to go away. It is extremely painful due to the pressure against the nerves in my back. The doctor says it’s affecting my spinal cord too.

Thankfully, the doctor says I should make a full recovery. I will need to have surgery and do a lot of therapy to get back to a good place. Give me peace as I go through these big medical procedures.

Instead of focusing on the pain in my back, help me to focus on you. May I have the eyes to see how much you love me.  May I have the ears to hear the voice of the Lord calling to me in the midst of this busy life. He is there to carry me through my sufferings. Help me to use this pain to glorify You in some way. In Your Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer for Stress Related Back Pain

Lord, I have awful back pain. My back is just so tight.  Please take the pain away. Heal me of my afflictions.  I’m not doing a great job of managing my anxiety so my doctor says it is stress related.

Help me to unite my sufferings to the pain of Jesus. I imagine the thoughts running through Jesus’ head during his passion and death were similar to those I have frequently: “Father this pain is too great. Please take it away, but most of all I trust in you.”  “Father, I feel like can’t do it, but I know with your help I can. Help me to glorify you through this pain.”

Help me to cope with my anxiety so that I can avoid this stress induced back pain. I feel like I’m doing something wrong. I hear things like, just pray and you’ll be fine, but that doesn’t always help.

I know the importance of Jesus, of entrusting my sufferings to Him, but I need to couple this with tangible tasks to help me heal. I will make sure to go to the chiropractor more often and start seeing a therapist again.

I know Jesus understands my mental suffering. He wasn’t depressed, but he had to battle negative thoughts and temptations just as we all do. I know You are with me and all will be well even if it doesn’t seem like it now. In Your Name, I pray. Amen.

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Prayer for Chronic Back Pain

Lord, I am struggling with chronic back pain. Most days every month are filled with intense pain. It’s difficult to function. I’m finding it hard to keep up with my family and work because of the frequency of the extended period of back pain.

I think a pain management plan is necessary. I am meeting with a doctor soon to figure out the reason for my pain. Please give me relief. It really just feels like it’s never going to stop. Help me to remember that my suffering is small compared to that of Your Son.

I want to offer the sufferings of my back pain up to You because, like Jesus, I thirst. Jesus thirsted to be with His Father in Heaven and You thirst to be with me. I get so distracted in this world. Often times I forget that it is Jesus I need and Jesus that I need to be seeking. He is the only one who can quench my thirst. In Your name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer for Back Pain During Pregnancy

Dear God, I am struggling with back pain during this pregnancy. I have been short with everyone today because of this consistent pain. I’m just so grumpy because of the pain.

I feel terrible because I should be grateful to be pregnant. It’s a gift that not everyone is able to have. I feel so selfish for complaining. I’m so grateful for the gift of this child, but I am ready for this pregnancy to be over. I’m so uncomfortable!

Help me to focus on the joy of the gift of life that my spouse and I are receiving. Help me to offer these sufferings up to You. Please make the pain go away though or at least more manageable. I have to take care of my other children and it’s getting so challenging. I’m just so unbelievably tired. I feel ready to fall over.

Help me to remember that this is a cross and Jesus fell when carrying His cross too, multiple times. Each time I fall let me pick up my cross with your help. Sluggishly, slowly, hesitantly I begin anew with Christ and take the next good step toward our sanctification.

As I pick up my cross again and again, let it not pass me by that even Jesus, Son of God, needed help carrying His cross from Simon of Cyrene.

“And when they had mocked Him, they took the robe off Him, put His own clothes on Him, and led Him away to be crucified. Now as they came out, they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name. Him they compelled to bear His cross” (Matthew 27: 31-33, NIV).

Help me to remember that I don’t need to endure this pain alone. God has placed family and friends along my path to help me carry my cross. Help me to not be afraid to call on one of my friends to help me carry my cross. In Your Name, I pray. Amen.

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Concluding Thoughts

Whether you are struggling with a muscle strain, herniated disc, or stress induced back pain, your life can be radically interrupted. It can be difficult to exercise, work, or even accomplish basic tasks. Whenever you are struggling with back pain I hope you can take comfort in Jesus.

Jesus was fully man and knows the physical pain you are going through. He carried a heavy cross on His back for miles so He is very familiar with back pain! Take a brief pause to think about what it was like for Jesus to carry a heavy cross upon His back only for Him to be put to death on it.

Thank Him for His willingness to suffer for you. If the pain feels like too much, ask Jesus to carry You like He did His cross. He will always pick you up with His loving arms.

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