11 Prayers for Morning Meetings

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How you begin your day is very important. Our Lord has gifted us with every day being an opportunity for a new beginning.

Starting our day talking to God, reminds us of his never-ending love. Jesus died so that we could have the chance to start over every time we sin. Take time today to remind yourself of his promise and to bring his promise into your morning meeting. You never know, you may be participating in the great commission and make a big difference for someone sitting with you in the room.

Hosea 6:3 reads “Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises, he will appear; he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth”. If you do your morning prayers and ask God to come into your life, he will meet you where ever you are. All you have to do is take the time to ask.

I hope you enjoy these morning meeting prayers. Remember you can ask our Lord to show up at any time of day, it doesn’t just have to be in the morning. I did a lot of quick prayers with this category for everyone whose meetings start late! If you have any specific morning meeting prayer requests, please leave them in the comments below.

Quick Prayer for General Morning Meeting:

Father, this morning we have gathered together for an important meeting. Lord, we ask that you join us. We ask that you give us wisdom to make the right decisions. We ask that you guide us in the direction of your will and vision for our day. Father, please provide us with the support we need. Show us how we can help each other best and who to contact to support us as well. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Quick Prayer for Church Morning Meeting:

Heavenly Father, thank you for allowing everyone to get here safely. Father we ask that you guide our church in the right direction.

Help us be there for those who sit in the pews Sunday. Give us a message that they each need in an individual way. Allow the people of our church to feel peace, Lord. Give them some ease from the craziness that is happening today.

Lord, we ask that you give us a fruitful meeting. Let us meet all of our challenges head on. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Prayer for Church Morning Meeting:

Dear Lord, we are gathered together in this morning meeting to discuss what is happening in your house. Father I ask that you provide us with your direction. Show us how to grow, Lord. Show us how we can best spread your word.

Father, I ask you to be with us in our morning meeting. I ask that your presence in the room is so strong that we cannot think of our own wants and desires. Lord, remind us all that our work is your work alone.

Lord, I ask that you give our pastor wisdom and direction. Father, grant him with the ability to know what message we need to hear this week. Help him touch the lives of all the people in the pews this week, Lord.

I ask that you bless our church members, Lord. Give them all peace this week, allow them all to feel your presence in their everyday lives. Please show them, Father, the beauty of the world you have given us. Allow them to feel a sense of safety as they walk through life.

Father, I ask that you bless the children of our church. We know they are the next generation of people to help spread the gospel. Please keep them safe. Allow them the ability to walk through the world without corruption.

Lord, I ask that you open everyone’s hearts up today. Our world is so easily offended, Lord, help us instead be understanding. Help us desire to see the best in people’s words instead of the worst. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Quick Prayer for Office Morning Meeting:

Dear Lord, thank you for the ability to have this meeting. We are all so thankful for this steady work and we know that we owe it all to you.

Father, we ask that you bless our office with positivity and productivity. We know our office can only succeed with those gifts from you, Lord.

Help us walk the path you have envisioned for us, Father. Please allow us to prosper in you glory. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Prayer for Office Morning Meeting:

Dear Lord, we ask that you are here with us during our morning meeting. Father, we ask that you bless our work today. Show us how we can best serve you, Lord. Show us how we can use our time to complete our jobs; while also encouraging those around us to look towards you.

Lord, we ask that you guide us in the direction of success. We ask that you show us where to invest so that we can grow and give more to your missions. Thank you for the success you have brought us thus far, Lord.

Father, we ask that you grant everyone here today peace and a positive attitude. Lord, we know that we are more productive when we surround ourselves with the joy your light brings. Help us keep that light all day, Lord. Allow our office to grow into a productive and friendly community of faith.

Father, we ask that everyone is given focus on today’s tasks. Help us be your productive servants, Lord. Allow us to find happiness in the work that we do. Give us the opportunity to share that happiness with others.

Thank you for being with us, Lord. Thank you for taking the time to give us your blessings, In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Quick Prayer for Restaurant Morning Meeting:

Dear Lord, we ask you to watch over us today. Father, we ask that you guide us towards the people who need to feel your love today. We ask that you give us a vision or sense when we come into contact with someone on the brink of salvation.

Lord, please bless the staff with the ability to stay cool, calm, and collected today. Let our smiles help others feel the same way too. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

a brief restaurant morning meeting prayer pinPin

Prayer for Restaurant Morning Meeting:

Dear Lord, thank you for giving us the opportunity to work today. Father, we are so grateful to be able to open our restaurant and show those around us the gifts you have brought to each person here.

Lord, I ask that you bless the chefs with safe and healthy ingredients. Allow them to make every meal to our highest standards. Please grant them joy in their work, Lord. Allow them to feel the sense of thanks from our customers all the way into the kitchen.

Lord, I ask that you bless our waiters and waitresses. I ask that you bless them with kind customers. If for some reason we get customers that are testing us, Lord. Please give our waiters and waitresses an overwhelming sense of peace. We know that the only way to overcome hatred is to spread your love, Lord. Allow us the opportunity to share that with anyone who needs it today.

Father, I ask that you bless our hostesses with your joy. Lord, we know how much a smile can change someone’s day. Allow our greeters to bring that change in so many lives today. Lord, help them spread a smile.

Father, I ask that you give management the problem-solving skills they need to get through the day. Let them see how the small beginnings of a problem. Give them the answers to fix it before it gets too big, Lord. We want to be on top of everything today, Lord, please guide us and give us strength. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Quick Prayer for Morning Meeting Before Event:

Dear Lord, we are gathered here today to put on an event. Lord, we want to give our customers a great experience and we ask that you be present in their lives today. Grant our customers the peace of mind to know we have everything covered.

Father, give us the words we need to be helpful and kind. Allow us wisdom to foresee issues before they happen. Let us bring joy to these people’s lives today, Lord. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

a short prayer for morning meeting before event pinPin

Prayer for Morning Meeting Before Event:

Heavenly Father, we ask you to take time today to be with us as we meet before this event. Lord, we know we have people with expectations out there waiting for us and we ask that you guide us to meet them. Father, help this event happen perfectly. Allow these people to have fantastic memories from their evening.

Lord, we ask that you bless our caterers to have the perfect timing for food. We ask that our waiters are able to get the food out and served with little to no issues.

Father, help the event planners stay at peace throughout the event. Give them the wisdom to solve any issues that come their way. Help them stay on task, Lord. Find them the tools we all need to succeed. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.


Quick Prayer for School Morning Meeting

Dear Lord, we ask that you are with us in our school today. Lord, help keep us all safe and secure in our environment today.

Father, we ask that you send us children who are ready to learn. Lord, for those who need our help we ask that you open our eyes to their needs so we can get them ready to learn.

Thank you for bringing us the children, Lord. We will do our best to show them your love. In Jesus name we pray, Amen

Prayer for School Morning Meeting:

Father we ask that you bring our school together today. We are here to teach; Lord, we want to be successful at our jobs.

Lord, I ask that you bless each teacher with the right words today. Allow them the ability to fill each child with knowledge, Father. Give them the sight to see children who need extra help. Please provide each teacher with the resources they need to meet each child at their level.

Father, I ask that you bless our students. Please bring them to school fed and ready to learn. Father, give the children the courage to be kind today, and to ask for help when they need it. We are here to help them, Lord, allow them to see us as safe adults.

Lord, I ask that you bless the parents who are entrusting us with their children. Father, we know how much faith this takes. Give them the peace of mind that you are here with their children throughout the day. Allow them an ease to know that we will protect their children.

Lord, thank you for providing us with this building and this fantastic opportunity to change children’s lives. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

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Concluding Thoughts:

I think praying before a morning meeting can help set everyone in the right direction. It is a great way to set positive expectations, while also showing those around you that you care about them.

Psalm 5:3 teaches us that morning prayers are important “In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly”.

I do believe that we should lay everything at the Lord’s feet, and then give him the ability to show up for us time and time again. I think starting and continuing this practice will build a strong bond between those you are meeting with.

I pray that you use your morning meetings as a way to begin the day with a fresh start. Whether that’s an official meeting for school or something more informal, I hope that you give our Lord all of your requests and you believe he will provide. If you’re presenting at a morning meeting, you may want to check out our list of prayers for public speaking that may come in handy.

Don’t forget to leave your morning meeting prayer requests in the comments below!

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