6 Heart-Warming Prayers for a Wedding Anniversary

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Looking for a prayer for a wedding anniversary?  You are invited to browse the prayers here to find the one that fits your situation.  You are also welcome to modify any of the six prayers below as needed to reflect a particular year anniversary or otherwise.

Getting married is a great celebration and something to be shared with God. When it comes to an anniversary, that calls for a different type of prayer.

You may be praying for your own anniversary, or for a friend or family member who has been married for manyyears.  As you pray you want to affirm the biblical truth that,

“Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot sweep it away” (Song of Songs 8.7, NIV).

An anniversary is a time to recall what has brought you to this moment in your married life together.  It is a time to reflect upon the love that was started so many years ago and has grown to now. Anniversaries also grant us the opportunity to realize and affirm the role that God has played in the love that two spouses have for each other.

Can you imagine you would have made it through your first year, or to your 50th year or beyond without the guidance and grace of God?  Since God is love, celebrating an anniversary with a special prayer is a way to solidify this truth:  “Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves” (Romans 12.10, NIV).

Use the prayers below as you see fit.  And remember to share your own prayer requests in the comments section.

A Short Prayer for a Friend’s Wedding Anniversary

Dear Lord, my friends (name and name) are celebrating their (year) anniversary this week.  I pray your blessings over them both and over the marriage itself.  May they both seek you each day and grow in their love for one another.  I ask this in the loving power of Jesus, Amen.

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Prayer for First Wedding Anniversary

Dear God, my wife and I celebrate our first wedding anniversary tomorrow!  This year has flown by and we are grateful for the love you have given to us both.  The wedding seems so far away, yet also like it was last week.

I pray for my wife, that you continue to guide her each day and embolden her in her job.  I pray for myself, that you continue to guide me each day and strengthen my love for her.  Help me to serve her and listen to her.

Through our relationship to you, Lord, let our marriage grow in depth and grace, for each other, and for others.  We have one year and so many more to go, Lord!  Help us learn about each other and be curious about how amazing our spouse is–may we never grow bored.

I ask these things in the name of the One who is Love, Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayer for 5th Wedding Anniversary

Father God, my husband and I have been married for five years now!  What a great gift you have given to us in our marriage–thank you Lord!

We’ve gotten settled into a new place and have a baby now.  Before our wedding, we talked about having a family and now it has begun to grow to three people.  I think about all the road trips we’ve taken in the past few years, and the spur-of-the-moment adventures–such great memories you’ve allowed us to create together, God!

We’re into a new season as husband and wife, and now as parents too.  Help us deepen our love for each other as we care for this young child.  May he/she grow up in our home seeing his/her parents loving and listening and sharing.

I ask for guidance and wisdom now too, Lord, as raising a child is a whole different life than what either of us has known.  I know we don’t have to be perfect parents, but we’d like to be capable and caring.  Thank you for the five years of marriage that has led us to this point.  We give you great thanks, O God, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayer for 10th Wedding Anniversary

Ten years, Lord.  Ten years we have been married.  A decade!  On the day of our wedding, 10 years seemed so far away, but a goal to work toward.  And yet, now we are here and we are so thankful for you bringing us through all of what has happened since our wedding day.

We have a couple of children who have brought such joy to our family.  We’ve been able to serve in our community together, helping others side-by-side as husband and wife–what a terrific experience.  As I pray, Lord, my mind is flooded with memories.

Memories of how you have provided for us in the last 10 years.  How you have carried us through rough times and challenges we didn’t expect.  How you led us to see each other in new ways that deepened our love for one another.

What a joy to celebrate a decade of dedicated love this day, O God.  And for that we give you all the praise and thanks, in the loving name and presence of Lord Jesus, Amen.

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Prayer for 25th Wedding Anniversary

Father in heaven, we lift our hearts to you in prayer for 25 years of marriage.  A quarter of a century of married life has not been easy and has been a struggle at times.  But we give you thanks for helping us see the bigger picture of our life together.

I can’t imagine my life without my wife/husband.  Who would put up with me after all this time?  I love her/him more now than I did on our wedding day and it’s hard to believe I could say that.  I remember when we started our marriage and all the celebration–we were so young and smitten with each other.

Now, our love as reached deep into our beings, our existence together.  My best friend is my spouse.  There’s no way we could have gotten through the past 25 years without each other.  We wrestled with understanding each other truly.  We sought counseling to guide us through rough spots–best move ever!

Lord, as I look back on our life together up to now, I am humbled by seeing your hand of provision, grace, guidance, and trust move in different ways.  Our kids are about to leave the nest and start their own lives. Give us wisdom as we embrace this new season in our married life together.

Thank you, O God, for the love you have given to each of us that has been lived out, however imperfectly, toward one another. May you get the glory as we rejoice in our 25th wedding anniversary, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer for 50th Wedding Anniversary

Lord God, we are in awe as we pray to you this day.  We are honored to celebrate 50 years of marriage to one another.  Half a century together, essentially all of our adult life has been with one another.  What a joy to know you have been at the center of it all, O God.

We have grandchildren now, Lord!  I remember when we got married, we weren’t even thinking about children–just enjoying our life as husband and wife.  What a journey you have brought us on over the years.

So many trips in the car, children who became teenagers who then continued to grow and are now married and on their own–what tremendous stories are there, Lord!

We’ve had health scares and deep grief as loved ones have died–but there you were filling us with your strength and love as we leaned on each other, God.  We’ve had such joy at each stage of our journey also, God, and for that we give you gratitude.

We’re older now and hopefully a bit wiser.  I know our love for each other is like breathing:  needed for life, yet not consciously thinking of it all the time–just enjoying the presence and reality of such love.

God in heaven we pray this prayer of celebration and thankfulness in a spirit of humility.  We know who we are is because of you.  We know we will continue to grow in love for each other because of you.  And so, because of you, we pray in the name of Jesus, Amen!

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Final Thoughts

Getting married is a great joy.  Being married, and staying married is the great adventure and challenge, one best undergirded with prayer.  Anniversaries are yearly reminders that we need all the help we can get in our marriages.  Why not let prayer be a part of the celebration?

We hope these prayers have been, or will be, helpful.  Please share them with your friends as they approach specific wedding anniversaries in the coming weeks or years.  A wedding anniversary is a wonderful time to reflect on a marriage as a partnership, each spouse interdependent on the other:

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor:  If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.  But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.  Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.  But how can one keep warm alone?  Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.  A cord of three strands is not quickly broken” (Ecclesiastes 4.9-12, NIV).

There is each spouse, and there is God-that is the cord of three strands that is not easily broken, as the scripture above states.  This is why prayer is such an important aspect of married life together.  The often-heard phrase, “The couple that prays together, stays together” may be a cliche’ but the truth contained within it remains solid.

But marriage isn’t easy and whether you’re a husband or a wife, it takes work and commitment to keep love alive.

Praying as a couple invites vulnerability and transparency-if you cannot trust the one to whom you’re married, whom can you trust?  An anniversary is a perfect time to pray for a marriage.  It’s also a gift to embrace, to continue praying for your marriage…until the next anniversary.

Remember to share your own prayer requests below!

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