14 Powerful Prayers for Rebellious Teenagers

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Teenage rebellion can be defined as acting out of the status norm, resisting authoritative figures, or breaking rules that have been given to them. I do believe that most teenagers have some form of rebellious behaviors, but there are also very different levels to that behavior.

The Bible teaches expectations for all of us. Proverbs 22:11 reads “Even a child makes himself known by his acts, by whether his conduct is pure and upright.” This verse gives an insight on how God views all children’s behavior, no matter their age. How he and everyone else is watching to see what choices will be made, and what path will be taken.

Proverbs 29:15 also teaches the importance of supervising your child, “The rod and reproof give wisdom, but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother.” It is important to pay attention to all behaviors when they first arrive, and to set expectations right away for each individual behavior. The Bible expects us to guide our children through every age.

It is important to remember that most rebellious acts come as a reaction to something else. Teenagers are often pressured by their peers, going through a lot of emotional changes, or dealing with conflict at home; and rebellion in the way they choose how to manage these issues.

The best thing we can do as a parent is to be around. Be there to talk with them, spend time with your child even when it is difficult. Let your child know that you love them and of course, pray for them.

We as adults sin every day against our Father. Yet, he is always there and welcomes us with open arms when we repent. Try to remember the Lord, when your teenager comes to you full of regret. Try to remind your teenager of the love you and the Lord have for them. There is nothing they can do that they can’t repent from.

I hope these prayers help you find peace. I firmly believe that if we pray over our children, we will watch the Lord move mountains for them. If you have any specific rebellious teenager prayer requests please leave them in the comments below.

Quick Prayer for a Rebellious Teenager:

Dear Lord, I ask that you watch out for this child. I give them to you and ask that you guide them. Please protect this teenager, Lord.

Father show me how to best be there for this child. Show me how I can make a difference before this child’s life is ruined, Lord.

Help me be there for this teenager. Help me be supportive and understanding. Give me the right words to speak through the evil consuming them. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

a quick prayer for a rebellious teenager pin Pin


Prayer for a Teenager in Trouble with Law Enforcement:

Heavenly Father my teenager is in trouble with law officials. Lord, they are in a situation that we do not have any power over. Father, please protect my teenager from harm. Walk with them, Father. Hold them close. I know your guidance is what my teenager needs most now.

Lord, give me the ability to help my teenager. I ask that you give me the right things to say. Show me what I can do next. Please give me the resources to get my child home safely.

Lord, I am scared. I know my teenager has made bad decisions, and we are going to have to face them head on.

Lord, give me strength. Give me the ability to stand tall next to my child and be there for them through this difficult situation. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Prayer for a Teenager Walking into a Bad Situation:

Dear Lord, my child has walked out of this home and I know they are heading into a bad situation. Father, I ask that you lay a blanket of protection over them. Lord, I ask that you bring them back to this home tonight.

Father, I ask that you fight the war raging in my child’s heart. Remove the reasoning behind the bad decision making, Lord. Show my teenager a different and better path. Put a feeling of dread in them, Lord. Make this feeling so strong they have no other option, but to turn away from what they are doing.

Allow me the words to help with this breakthrough I am asking for, Father. I ask that you use me to free my child from this evil. Lord, protect all of the people involved tonight. Please do not let this one bad situation ruin the lives of mine or anyone else’s child. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Prayer for Discovering a Teenager Breaking the Law:

Dear Father, I have discovered my teenager is breaking the law. Thank you, Lord, for showing me this information. Lord, I ask that you guide me down the path of what to do next. Help me help my teenager, Lord. Help me put some sense into my teenager before they end up in trouble with law enforcement.

Lord, I pray that you open my teenager’s heart for the words I am about to give them. Let them feel your warmth and love, Lord. Show them that you are here in the room guiding the conversation. Allow my teenager to see a way in which we can get through this rebellious behavior together.

Open my heart to respond in the way they need to get through this, Lord. Give me a calm attitude. Please take away the fear and the anger, Lord. Give me the reasoning skills I need to make a breakthrough tonight.

Lord, help those we need to apologize too, give my teenager grace. Help them see my child as someone who needs help and not a felon. Lord, please let us get through this and only become stronger as a family. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Prayer for a Teenager Ditching School:

Dear Lord, it has been brought to my attention that my teenager is ditching school. Lord I am angry and mortified by the school’s notification. Father, help me calm down before I enter into this conversation with my teenager.

Lord I pray that my teenager feels your presence in the decisions they are making. Help them feel the wrongness, or a sense of unease. Lord, I want my child to succeed in what comes next for them. Help my teenager see that making this decision is not going to lead them down that path.

Father, I ask that you give the school the ability to properly discipline my child. I ask that you use their school counselor and principal to give words of wisdom to my teenager. Help their staff guide my teenager down the path of your will.

Lord, help my child feel my love, help them feel that I just want what is best for them. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Prayer for a Rebellious Teenager Using Drugs:

Dear Lord, my teenager is engaging in dangerous activities and we both need your assistance.

Lord, I pray that my teenager stops participating in drug use. Father, help these opportunities get discovered, and allow the teenagers present the opportunity to realize the dangers in what they are putting in their bodies.

Lord, help my teenager learn from their choices, give them the sense to never make these choices again.

Lord, please protect my child if they choose to put dangerous substances into their body. Lord, help my teenager’s body reject these substances.

Please, allow my teenager the opportunity to walk away from these types of activities, Lord. Give them a sense of dread if they agree to participate in using drugs.

Father, I ask that you help all of the teenagers participating in these activities realize how dangerous these substances are before someone gets hurt; before it is no longer an option to walk away from them, Lord.

Father, help my teenager make new friends. Guide them towards friends who run to you instead of running to drugs. Father, save my teenager from themselves. Save them from the mindset that they are indestructible, Lord. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Prayer for a Rebellious Teenager Consuming Alcohol:

Dear Lord, my teenager is giving into the darkness and drowning themselves in alcohol. Lord, we both need your assistance to overcome the choices that my teenager has been making.

I beg you, Lord to remove the opportunities to drink from my teenager’s world. Help these opportunities be discovered before anyone can consume the alcohol.

Father, I ask that you protect my teenager from the harm this alcohol is doing to their body. Protect my teenager from any decisions they are making, Lord. Help them see clearly in the wake of a bad situation.

Lord I ask that you remind my teenager that you are fighting a war for them. Lord, help me remind my child that they are giving into an evil that will destroy them. Help me show my teenager that this is not something that you can always simply walk away from.

Lord, open my teenager’s eyes and heart. Please break through the dangers and rebellion. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Quick Prayer for a Rebellious Teenager:

Dear Father, my child is turning into a rebellious teenager. Lord, help me guide my teenager and stop this before it gets out of hand. Father, show me the direction I need to take with this teenager.

Guide me Father, to have the words to steer my teenager away from temptations and peer pressure. Help me show my teenager that they can change their attitude, Lord.

Give me the words that will help in a positive manner and not create any more animosity between us. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

a quick prayer for a rebellious teenager pin Pin


Prayer for a Rebellious Daughter:

Father, my daughter is changing before me into a teenager who is not being obedient. Lord, show me what I can do to stop this behavior now.

Father, I fear that if I do not step in now, I will lose her to her rebellious behavior. Guide me, Lord, to know when the perfect moment to speak to my daughter is.

Lord, I ask that you open my daughter’s heart to her family. Father, show her that we love her, and that we care about whatever is causing her to become rebellious. I ask you, Lord, to bring her to me. Show her she can talk with me about anything that is going on in her life.

Lord, I ask that you take away any temptation that is present in my daughter’s life. Shield my daughter from the evil, Lord. Show her only light and love in every direction.

Father, I ask that you settle the peer pressure that surrounds her. Help her see that these individuals are not truly her friends. Show her that no one can love her more than you and I, Father. I ask that you bring new people into her life, Lord. People that will point her towards you and no one else.

Thank you, Lord, for walking this path with both of us. Father, help us come out of this rebellious behavior with a stronger bond. I ask that you not let anything tear my daughter away from this family, Lord. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Prayer for a Rebellious Son:

Dear Lord, I come to you today to ask for assistance with my rebellious son. He has stretched his boundaries farther than I would like and I am stuck with what to do next, Lord.

I ask that you send me words of wisdom, Lord. I ask that you give me the strength to be calm and collected as I speak with my son. Father, help me speak the words he needs to hear. Help me talk with him at a time that will make a difference to him, Lord. Help my words sit with him and make him think about the decisions he is making.

Lord, I ask that you guide my son away from his rebellious actions. Father, show him that his actions are wrong. Show him that he does not have to take this path, Lord. Give him the vision he needs to turn his actions around.

Lord, I ask that you send away the peers around him that are adding to his bad decision making. Father show him these kids are not people he needs to impress. Please remind my son that you are the only thing worth following. Show him that peer pressure only leads you into the darkness.

Father, I ask that you remove all the temptations surrounding my son. Show him only your greatness and love. Lord, guide me to help you in doing all of these things. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Quick Prayer for a Disrespectful Teenager:

Lord, this teenager is testing me with their disrespect. They are pushing my boundaries to the extreme and I need your help, Father.

I ask that you wash the attitude and language away from their bodies. I ask that you remove any negativity that is consuming their minds, Lord. Show them how hurtful their words and attitudes are to others.

Father, I know you can change anyone’s path. I ask that you guide this teenager in a different direction. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Prayer for a Disrespectful Daughter:

Father, my daughter is being disrespectful. Her actions and her words are showing great angst inside of her. Lord, show me what is causing her to give off such anger. Help me understand, Lord, so that I can give her the support that she needs.

Father, I pray that you only put people in her life that radiate respect and positivity. Father, surround her with people who show only your love and kindness.

Lord, help my daughter come to me for help. Help her remember that I am here to stand with her against whatever is causing this disrespect. Give my daughter the courage and the words she needs to talk with me, Lord.

Allow me the mindset to understand her words, Lord. Help guard my heart from hurt and verbal attacks. Help me see what she needs to turn her attitude around.

Lord, I ask that you lift away whatever is causing my daughter to be disrespectful. I ask that you reignite the light that used to be inside of her and drowned out the darkness. Father, I know she can be so much more than the behavior she is showing today. Help me find it again, Lord. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Prayer for a Disrespectful Son:

Heavenly Father, my son is giving off nothing but disrespect. Father, give me the strength I need to get through this time. Help me know when to stop, Lord. Give me the sense of urgency to stop what I am doing, when I am doing anything that is making it worse.

Lift me up, Lord, help me show my son only love and forgiveness. Help me guide him in the way you have guided me when I have been disrespectful towards you.

I pray that you help my son’s tone, Lord. Father, it is vicious and he cuts our family down when he speaks. Lord, I ask that you take this power away from him. Only give him the power to lift those around him up. Take away the angry thoughts that lead these tones of wickedness.

I pray that you help my son’s actions, Lord. Show him that his actions are hurtful. Let him see what his disrespect is doing to those around him.

Lord, I want our son to see that his actions show others the type of man he is going to be some day. Father, help him see that the man he is currently demonstrating is not someone others will want to be around.

Father, you are the greatest gift I can give to my son. Help him remember you; help our time in your house light the brightness inside of him. Father, I ask you give him a breakthrough. I ask that you show him the plan you have had for him all along. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Prayer for a Rebellious Teenager Walking Away from God:

Dear Lord, my teenager has made a decision I do not know how to handle. Lord, they have declared independence from you and do not wish to follow in your ways anymore.

Father I have raised my children to know and love you, this is not something I am prepared for. Help me guide my teenager home, Lord. Help them hear my words of faith as a reminder of your love.

Lord, I pray that you consume my teenager with your love. I ask you Lord, to put instance after instance of your life into their life. Please take away their ability to explain away what is happening around them. Lord, show them that the only person who can do such things is you.

Father, I know you are fighting a war for each of us. I know you are in the throes of battle over my teenager’s soul, and I thank you, Lord. Thank you for being by my teenager’s side, Lord, even if they are refusing to acknowledge you.

Lord, I pray that you bless me with a light their attitude cannot put out. I ask that you help this light shine whenever my teenager is around.

Help the music I play in our house open my teenager’s heart, Lord. Allow the words we speak as we read the bible to overcome every other thought that has been allowed to plant seeds of doubt in my teenager’s brain.

I want to help you rage this battle, Lord. Show me what to do. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.


Concluding Thoughts:

Raising a Godly teenager in today’s world is something I can only prepare for. It starts early but teaching your toddler to pray doesn’t mean you won’t still have a rebellious and disrespectful teen. These days, the tween ages aren’t much easier either!

Throughout the years there will be stress and conflict from struggling with grades to learning to drive and everything in between.

But I hope you praying over your child allows them to see the greatness that they are letting evil consume. I pray that you are given the words to help them break through this dark time in their lives. I pray that you see the perfect moment to speak to them; that this moment saves your child from continuing down a dark path.

Proverbs 28:13 reads “Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.” Remember no matter what your child does, they can be redeemed. No one is ever too far gone for the Lord.

I pray that one day your child wakes up and realizes all of the blessings you prayed over them. I hope you hear your teenager say thank you someday, for the strength and the sacrifice you gave to raise them.

If you have any specific rebellious teenager prayer requests, please leave them in the comments below.

11 thoughts on “14 Powerful Prayers for Rebellious Teenagers”

  1. my teenage 17 yrs old. granddaughter has become very verbally abusive and disrespectful towards her mother, and her young siblings (from step dad and mom’s children), she feels like she’s not part of this family because he’s not her natural father . she has this anger towards her step dad- this behavior is taking a toll on my daughter’s marriage and her relationship with her younger siblings. both mother & daughter have declared their independence from God. my teenage grand daughter is dating a non Christian boy, (she wants to come and go as she pleases but my daughter won’t go for it) this is where the problems start and escalate from there. she’s and her mother no longer are interested in going to church. it brakes my heart to see that their relationship has become so sour that my daughter don’t want her in the home if she’s not willing to show respect in the home ..only our God can brake this relationship, family and make it new again!!! thank you in advance for the prayers!!! AM DESPERATE FOR WORDS OF ENCOURAMENT… PLEASE HELP MY FAMILY! IF GOD IS FOR US WHO CAN COME AGAINST US!!

    1. I’m sorry you’re going through all this, Mary. I know that with God’s support you and your family will get through this. I’m praying for you and I know many others are as well. God bless.

  2. Please pray for me and my Liliana, so any chains that are holding her can be broken. She is not doing good at school ,home and life.She has used,alcohol and vaping to deal with her feelings. It breaks my heart to see her going that path and refuses to go to church.

  3. Theodora A Omboto

    Pray for my son Emmanuel.
    He is using weed. He is disobedient. He cannot listen to me or any of my family members. He is going to sit for his final exam and he is not interested in school. He left for school but never reached school.

  4. My daughter is 14 yrs old she is very disrespectful and very rebellious especially when I tell her she can’t do something or punish her how she acts really brokes my heart I tired to get her help but she refused to take medicine and disobey me daily leaves and don’t call me just comes home when she wants to she is stressing me I don’t know what to do I need prayer for us 🙏🙏😞😞

  5. Was on a search for a prayers for my daughter who is now well passed her teens but indeed found some powerful prayers that certainly apply. Grateful for the prayers for our loved ones.

  6. Asking for prayer for my grandson who has become very disrespectful to us his grandparents and evev to his teachers and begun to get himself in wrong activities in school causing suspension..please pray for him

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