57 Easy To Learn Prayers for Toddlers

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My understanding of God’s love for me mirrors the relationship between a parent and a child. We are all his children. He created us, and gave us a purpose. I can only imagine the things I would do to keep my children safe.

Then to sit and think about how God sent Jesus to save us; it reminds me that it is an unbreakable love. John 3:16 reads “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life”.

I could not imagine sending my child into the world, for the purpose of suffering. How God must love us to send Jesus to die for us. How Jesus must love us to come and take away all of our sins. All we have to do is love and follow him in return, make our future God’s will. 

Teaching our children how to talk to God creates a great foundation for the rest of their faith. We can model this for them by speaking prayers out loud and then having our child repeat them, or even just speaking prayers over them.

My children know they can talk with God whenever they want to. They know that he is always listening, and always with them. Our youngest does not quite speak yet, but we pray simple prayers over him.

I hope these prayers help you and your toddler pray together. Remember to keep them short and simple, let your child add in at any time. Remind your toddler that what they have to say is important. Tell your child God wants to hear from them.

If you have any other specific easy toddler prayer request, please leave them below in the comments.

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Easy Breakfast Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, thank you for this food.

Help it create a great start to my day.

Help it keep me moving today, Lord.

Please let me stay full until lunch.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Quick Breakfast Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, thank you for my breakfast.

Lord help my belly need all the food on my plate.

Please help my food give me lots of energy.

Let my energy help me be very fast today.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

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Easy Lunch to Nap Transition Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, thank you for my lunch.

Help my body calm down while I eat.

Lord, help the room around me be peaceful.

Let my lunch time get me ready for nap.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Simple Nap Time Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, thank you for the morning.

Please help me get rested for the afternoon.

Lord, help my body settle

Help my mind settle.

Give me the rest I need, Lord.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Growing Big, Lunch Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, thank you for the meal you have given me.

Please help it nourish my bones.

Let my lunch make me big and tall, Lord.

Please help it nourish my muscles.

Let my lunch make me strong, Lord.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Dinner Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, thank you for giving me this meal.

Lord, help this food give me energy until bed time.

Help my belly eat my meal so I can have dessert, Lord.

Let my dinner disappear quickly.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Short Dinner Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, thank you for my yummy dinner.

Thank you for the parent that cooked it for me.

Please allow my dinner to fill my stomach so I do not feel hungry.

Help all of us eat everything that was made for us, Lord.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Play Date Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, thank you for my friends.

Lord, please help me remember to be kind while we play today.

Father help me remember to keep my hands to myself.

Please remind me to keep my feet on the ground.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Fun Play Date Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, thank you for letting me play with a friend today.

Help me come up with new ideas for our adventure.

Lord, help me listen to my friend’s ideas too.

Please allow me to be a good playmate.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Forgiveness Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, help me forgive.

Help me let go of my anger.

Help me let go of my disappointment.

Take it from me, Lord.

Teach me to be like you and forgive those who hurt me.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Positive Attitude Morning Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, Thank you for today!

Father, help me have a great day today.

Help me stay positive while I explore.

Please let me be a good listener.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Morning Prayer for Toddlers:

Lord, thank you for giving us this morning.

Father help me remember to be like you.

Help me be kind, Lord.

Help me be helpful, Lord.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

a morning prayers for toddlers pinPin

Easy Bedtime Prayer for Good Dreams:

Dear Lord, thank you for today.

Thank you for the time I spent with my family.

Lord, only allow me to have good dreams.

Help me sleep until morning.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Bedtime Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, thank you for letting me have so much fun today.

Help my body rest and be still, Lord.

Help my body get a good night’s sleep.

Lord, help me be energized in the morning.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Road Trip Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, thank you for letting us go on this exciting road trip!

Help me remember to go potty every time we stop.

Help me remember to tell my parents when I need to go potty, Lord.

Lord, help me not have to go potty any extra times.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Road Car Ride Prayer for Reducing Boredom:

Dear Lord, thank you for this time traveling together.

Father help me with my car activities.

Let me stay focused on my toys and books.

I ask you to help me find fun things to look at out the windows.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Thankful Prayer for Toddlers:

Lord, thank you for giving me today.

Thank you for giving me such a beautiful world to look at.

Thank you for filling it with laughter.

Father, I appreciate you being with me always.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Friend Thankful Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, thank you for blessing me.

Thank you for giving me friends who want to play with me, Lord.

Thank you for giving me friends who live close to my house.

Thank you for surrounding me with so many friends.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Sister Thankful Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord thank you for my sister.

Thank you for making her so much fun to play with.

Thank you for giving her the ability to share knowledge with me.

Thank you for teaching her to love me so well.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Sister Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, please help my sister have a great day.

Help her enjoy the world around her.

Father I ask that you protect her from everything.

Please help her listen to mom and dad.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Older Sister Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, please protect my sister while she is at school.

Help her learn a lot today.

Please help her friends be kind today, Lord.

Father remind her to tell me everything when she gets home.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Baby Sister Prayers for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, thank you for my baby sister.

Father help her keep eating well.

Help her take a nap when she is tired.

Help her grow big so she can play with me, Lord.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Brother Thankful Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, thank you for my brother.

Thank you for making him so adventurous.

Thank you for teaching him to protect me, Lord.

Father, thank you for giving me a friend in him.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Brother Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, please help my brother have a great day.

Lord help him enjoy his friends and family.

Help my brother listen to my mom and dad.

Father, please keep him safe today.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Old Brother Prayer:

Dear Lord, guide my brother to have a great day at school today.

Help him listen to his teachers.

Help him remember how to do his work.

Father, help him settle and focus.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Baby Brother Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, thank you for my baby brother.

Help him grow big and strong.

Help him eat enough, Lord.

Help him sleep when he is tired.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Mom Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, I ask that you please help mommy.

Help her be less stressed.

Help her have enough time to do all her chores.

Help her have time to play with me.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy To Learn Prayer For A Sick Mom:

Dear Lord, help mommy feel better.

Please take her sickness away.

Please heal her, Lord.

Let my hugs make her feel better.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Pregnant Mom Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, thank you for blessing our family with a new baby.

Lord help my mom grow our new baby.

Help my mom’s stomach feel well.

Help my mom sleep well at night.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy New Baby Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, thank you for the new baby in our family.

Help me be a good older sibling.

Help me teach them something new every day.

Let my new baby feel how much I love them, Lord.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Dad Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, help daddy be less stressed.

Help him have time to eat dinner with us.

Help him remember how to be the tickle monster.

Lord, help daddy relax and play more.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy To Learn Prayer For A Sick Dad:

Dear Lord, help daddy feel better soon.

Help his body fight off the sickness.

Lord help him get back his energy.

Help my hugs make him feel better.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Traveling Parent Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, help keep my parent safe.

Help them feel our love while they are away.

Lord, help my phone call make them smile.

Allow them to feel my hugs every night.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Calming Prayer for Sad Toddlers:

Dear Lord, I am feeling sad.

Help my eyes stop crying.

Help my breathing steady.

Please help my body calm down, Lord.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Calming Prayer for Angry Toddlers:

Dear Lord, I am so angry.

My body is tense and I want it to stop.

Please Lord, help me get rid of my anger.

Help me let out my rage.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Calming Prayer for Excited Toddlers:

Dear Lord, I am so excited today!

I feel like I could jump higher than anyone.

Lord, help my body calm down.

Help my body settle, Lord.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Lost Toy Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, I am very upset that my toy is gone.

Help me remember where I left it, Lord.

Please help me find my toy soon.

Lord help me find comfort in another toy until I find it.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Creation Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, thank you for the beautiful world around me.

Thank you for the trees and the flowers.

Thank you for the bird who sing in the morning.

Thank you for taking the time to create everything.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Gardening Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, I pray that you help our garden grow.

I ask for the rain to water the seeds.

I ask for the sun to warm the ground.

Lord, we ask that we can see our plants begin to reach for the sky.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Art Project Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, help me be creative today.

Help me make something awesome, just like you.

Lord, help me keep my art creation in my area.

Help me keep the floors and the walls clean.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Safety Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, help me stay safe.

Help me remember to follow my parent’s rules.

Help me to stay where my teachers tell me.

Lord, help me remember when things are hot.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Daycare Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, help me have a good day at daycare.

Help me use kind words.

Help me have listening ears.

Help me have calm hands and feet.

Help me make everyone smile.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Sleepover Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, thank you for letting me spend the night with my family.

Lord, watch over my mom and dad on their night away.

Help me sleep through the night, Lord.

Help me not miss my parents too much.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Kitchen Helper Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, thank you for my family who is letting me help in the kitchen.

Lord, help me keep my hands clean.

Help me stay away from things that are hot.

Guide me to listen to instructions.

Father, help us all have fun.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Potty-Training Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, help me feel when I need to go potty.

Please help me make it to the bathroom, Lord.

Help me keep my underwear and pants dry today.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy To Learn Swim Lesson Prayer:

Dear Lord, thank you for the water.

Thank you for my swim teacher.

Lord, help me stay safe as I splash in the pool.

Help me listen and follow instructions.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Soccer Prayer:

Dear Lord, thank you for helping me grow.

Guide me to be big enough for playing soccer.

Help me remember to only kick the ball.

Help me aim at the net when I kick.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Music Class Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, help me have fun today.

Help me move my body to the music.

Lord, help me enjoy using the instruments

Let my voice sing above the crowd, Lord.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Dance Class Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, thank you for dance class.

Thank you for my teachers.

Lord, help me move my body to the music.

Help me show my joy through dance.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Faith Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, help me have faith that you are always with me.

Help me remember to lean on you.

Help me understand that you love me, Lord.

Let me share the Gospel with everyone around me.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Health Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, keep my body strong.

Lord, keep germs away from me.

Help me stay healthy, Lord.

Protect my body from any harm.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Doctor Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, guide the doctor during my checkup.

Help them check to see if my body is growing big and strong.

Guide my eyes to see well.

Help me be brave and answer all of the doctor’s questions.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Dentist Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, help me be good at the dentist.

Help me sit still as they clean my teeth.

Help me be brave while they clean my teeth.

Lord, help me listen to their cleaning directions.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Tooth Brushing Prayer:

Dear Lord, help me keep my teeth healthy.

Lord help me brush my teeth well so they are clean.

Guide me to take my time while I brush.

Help me to remember to go up and down, and back and forth.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Following Directions Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, please help me follow directions.

Help me hear my parents when they speak to me.

Help me understand what they want me to do.

Allow me to remember their directions, Lord.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Simple Prayer Asking for Peace:

Dear Lord, help me be at peace.

Help my brain be peaceful.

Help my body be peaceful.

Help me spread peace all around my house.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Easy Listening to God Prayer for Toddlers:

Dear Lord, I want to listen to your words.

Help me be still so I can hear you.

Help me know when you are near.

Thank you for listening to my voice, Lord.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

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Concluding Thoughts:

This stage of life is full of emotions and new stages. I hope you see the fun in all of the stressful times. Remember to tell yourself you are doing a good job, at least once a day! It will go by much faster than you expect and before you know it your little one will be graduating preschool, getting their license for the first time, and then graduating college!

But one step at a time and we can’t forget how blessed we are to be able to raise our children to talk to the Lord. The best thing we can do is to model this behavior for them.

Luke 18:16 reads “But Jesus called them to him, saying, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God”.

I hope these little prayers help your children come to Jesus. I hope you find them praying over little things all day long. Encourage them to speak their minds to the Lord, but then to also listen. Praise them as they learn to pray.

If you have any specific easy prayers for toddler’s topic requests, please leave them in the comments below.

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