6 Surrendering Prayers About Financial Stewardship

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What a great privilege it is that God has allowed us to steward the gifts He has given us. Some of these things include our time, gifts, and our money. 

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: (1 Peter 4:10 ESV)

This verse reminds us that we steward the things God has given us to serve one another. In 1 Corinthians we are reminded we do this as an act of faithfulness to God. 

Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful. (1 Corinthians 4:2 ESV)

All of these areas are important to steward well but these prayers are going to focus on how we steward our money well and ask God to help in this area. 

If our stewardship is to be faithful to God and serve others it should be no surprise to us that being a good steward of our money is not just having a good budget but also how and where we are giving.

To be faithful to God in our giving we must begin to give to our local church and ministries that are sharing the Gospel. The Gospel of Jesus Christ gives eternal hope and peace to all those who believe and thus these ministries are the best way to be faithful to God.  

As Christians, we should long to steward our money in this way because God has given us so much. As we reflect on all that God has given us it should cause us to want to give back. 

We love because he first loved us. (1 John 4:19 ESV)

We love because he first loved us and we give because he first gave to us. He is God over all and to be good stewards of what he has given us is to love Him back. 
Jesus said a lot about money. In Luke 3 there is an account of individuals asking Jesus what they should do. They understood that if they believed in Christ their lives should actively look different. 

Jesus knows that there is an important relationship with God and others that is put to test when it comes to our attitude and actions toward our money and possessions. 

So with each person who asked what they should do, he responded with different ways they should use their money or possessions. 

If we are believers we should also experience a spiritual change that bears good fruit, especially in how we handle our money. If we are frustrated or nervous about giving we have to examine our hearts. 

If we truly believe that all of our money is His and we are just stewards of it, we will be more willing to share and give. But this goes against our human nature and that is why we need to go to God in prayer. 

We are hopeful that these prayers will help you think about how you steward your money differently and that you will be blessed through your faithful stewardship of your money. 

Please let us know how you are doing in stewarding your money in the comments below. We would love to pray with you on this journey of being better stewards of our money together. 

Short Prayer For Financial Stewardship

God, please help me to be a good steward of my money. I so often just want to spend money on myself or what I think is good. Give me your eyes to see how I should be using the money you have entrusted me with. Father, I ask that you reveal to me areas in my heart that I have still been trusting in myself rather than trusting in you. Help me to radically live a different way with my money for your glory. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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Prayer To Be A Good Provider

God, I ask that as I seek to grow in financial stewardship you help me to see the importance of providing for my family. 

But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. (1 Timothy 5:8 ESV)

Help me to see that my family is one of the most important ministries you have given me stewardship over and that providing for them is a way that I honor you. Help me to work hard so I can provide for my family. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For How To Be Wise With Financial Stewardship

God, I ask that you help me to have wisdom as to how and when to use and share the money you have entrusted me with. I want the money I am able to earn to be spent in areas that will further your kingdom and not my own desires.

God, help me to be generous and to know how much to give to my local church and how much to give to other ministries that are sharing the Gospel.  

Give me wisdom to see where I have been a bad steward of my money and surrender these areas to you. I do not want to be like the rich fool in Luke 12 who is a fool when it comes to his money. Give me the wisdom I need to honor you with my money. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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Prayer For Radical Giving As Part Of My Financial Stewardship

God, I see that sometimes you call people to do radical things with their time and money. I am eager right now to jump in completely and give my whole life to you. My friends and family don’t seem to understand. I’m asking that you help me to know if this is from you.

Father, I ask that you reveal to me in your word if this is the moment I jump in and if this is the way you want me to steward the money you have given me. 

I want to be like the poor widow in Mark 12, who gives everything because she fully trusts in you, God. 

Help me to see practically what it looks like to give radically. Help me to see how I can use my money and possessions to help further your kingdom. 

God, help me to place no value on anything I have except on how it can serve the Kingdom of Christ. Guide me in how to be bold in my giving as I seek to surrender to you in my financial stewardship. In Jesus name, Amen. 

Prayer To Stop Storing Up Treasures On Earth

God, help me to not treasure things on earth. I want to steward my money and possessions in a way that honors you and stores up treasures in heaven.  

Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Matthew 6:19-21 ESV)

God, help me to stop storing up your treasure in the wrong place. Please give me opportunities and the eyes to see where you want me to give to those in need and the ministries that advance your kingdom. 

God, I know that I am not saved by how well I use my money or who I give it to. But it’s because you have given me so much that I desire now to give back. 

Father, it is so easy to look ahead and to see if I will be better off financially in the future. Instead help me to keep my eyes on the eternal future. Help me to steward my money in a way that has heaven in mind.

Help me to be a good steward with the money you have given me. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For Accountability In Financial Stewardship

God, I thank you for the body of Christ. I thank you for the people in the church who give generously and have shown me what it looks like to give and be good stewards of their money.

Father, help me to be a good provider, and when I’m wasting my money help there to be someone in my church that can walk alongside me and help me to grow in this area.

God, I ask that I would be generous and when I’m not that you would provide accountability. This is not just for the good of others but for me to grow in my dependence and joy in you.

God, will you give me models of generous giving and give me the boldness to follow after their example? In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Closing Thoughts

Being a good steward of our money is not easy. It goes against everything that our human bodies want. We want to be in control and store up wealth. But God challenges us to remember that it is all from Him and we can trust Him. 

The change is not easy. As you seek to grow in your financial stewardship there will be growing pains. There will be moments when slide back into your old ways. There is grace for that. 

However, we should never continue to live in our old ways knowing that God will just forgive us. He has redeemed us for something better and wants us to grow and be generous like He is. 

We would love to pray with you as we grow together in this area. Please comment below so we can pray with you today. 

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