7 Strengthening Prayers To Accept Change

Change is such a funny thing. We experience change over and over again but yet it still seems to catch us off guard. 

I remember thinking about this at my first job working in a retirement facility. It seemed like these residents had lived their whole lives, and had experienced many changes, and yet even the smallest change in their lives would really disturb them. 

What is it about change that makes us dislike it so much? Why can change be so hard? As with many things, I think it comes back to our selfishness. We want to be in control and change makes us feel out of control. Change reminds us that we are mortal.

Thankfully we have a God who is in control and will never change. 

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8 ESV)

This should give us so much hope because when life is changing all around us we can stand on the firm foundation that Jesus is the same. That means His love never changes. That means His promises never change. That means He will never change His mind about forgiving those who repent.  His power to rule over Satan and the attacks of the evil one will never change, He will always be victorious. 

As we pray for God to help us accept the change in our lives we can’t help but reflect on His never changing characteristic. It’s God’s steadfastness that allows us to go to Him in prayer and have confidence that He hears us and will lovingly carry out His plan in our lives. 

We would love to pray with you as you are going through this change in your life. Please comment below so that we can be praying with you during this time. 

Short Prayer To Accept Change

Dear Heavenly Father, you alone are worthy to be praised. I am overwhelmed with the prospect of change in my life, but I can praise you because you are unchanging. 

Help me to lay a firm foundation in you so when, this change comes I can accept it. God your providence in my life gives me peace. You called me out of darkness and into light and I have confidence that you will bring me through this change as well. 

Father, when I’m tempted to let this change overwhelm me help me to turn to you instead, resting in you alone. I Pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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Longer Prayer To Accept Change

God, you are constant. Your steadfast love in my life anchors me. I turn to you today because there is so much change in my life. I am seeking your wisdom, patience, and hope that I know only you can give me in this season. Give me contentment for the things you have given me and lead me to know how to honor you through all this change. 

Father, I ask that you help me to accept the things in my life that are changing right now. Help me to remember that you are in control and I can trust in you. Help me to grow through this to be a better person. 

God, during this time of change I feel so much discouragement, frustration, and suffering. I just don’t like this change at all. But I pray that you help me to accept this change because I know it comes from you. Even though I do not understand all the details, I know you do. Help me to trust in you during this season of change. 

Prayers To Receive The Change

Father in Heaven, I come to you today asking that you help me receive the change that is about to take place in my life. The Good News of the Gospel is that you have already rescued me from my biggest problem, my sin. In exchange you have given me a gift I did not deserve, eternal life with You. 

Help me to recognize now that this change in my life is not out of your control and is even a gift from you. Help me to receive this change with gratitude, and allow me to be flexible as I trust you, the giver, and not in my changing circumstances. 

 For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Peter 1:3-7).

God, I pray that I will receive this change in my life and allow it to be effective and productive in my relationship with you. 

To you, I give all my praise. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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Prayers For Patience During Change

Dear God, I humbly come before you today asking that you give me patience. You know the changes that are taking place in my life right now. They are difficult, frustrating, and the source of much pain. Help me to recognize that this change is not outside of your control and trust you in that. 

I pray that You give me patients as You reveal to me how this change will benefit my relationship with You, the spread of the Gospel, or the proclamation of Your glory. 

When I’m tempted to become impatient or irritable because of this change, help me to draw near to you. Help me to remember the Gospel, because it is the Gospel that gives me peace during these times. 

God, I pray that as I am patient during this change that it will strengthen my patience in general. Help me to be patient as we wait eagerly for your return. Come, Lord Jesus, come. Amen. 

Prayers For Strength During Change

Father, You have all power, authority, and strength. I know that any strength that I have comes from you. I pray that you provide your strength in my life right now as I am in a season of change. 

Strengthen my trust and confidence in you as the sovereign God. 

Strengthen my ability to share my story as I tell others of your amazing love.

Strengthen my body as this change has physically exhausted me.

Strengthen my confidence that Jesus Christ is my only Savior. 

Strengthen me so I do not become bitter. 

God, as I seek strength, I pray that you help me to remember that this change can be used for your glory. For while it feels like I am wasting away I know you are strengthening my soul. 

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal (2 Corinthians 4:16-18).

Thank you Father for hearing my prayers and for answering them. Thank you that I can come to you, the creator of the world, and that you care for me. I pray that you strengthen me now. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For Godly Change In My Life

God, you alone have the power to change me. You have already brought me from death to life. You have given me a secure hope and future and now I ask that you help me to grow. 

So often we do not want change, but I boldly ask for it now. Help me to change so that I can become more like you. Help me to grow in godliness. 

Father, I ask that you help me to work out of this change in my own life. Allow me to work with faith, love, hope, patience, and endurance.

Help me to interact with others out of this change in my life. Allow me to be kind, patient, and the bearer of good news. 

Hear my prayers today and allow this change that I long for to be effective for your work and carried out through your sovereign power. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayers To Accept God’s Rebuke

God, I know that many of the changes I am experiencing is because of you rebuking the sin in my life. I want to thank you for your love that has revealed this in my life and your grace that allows me to be forgiven. Please help me not to lose heart as you continue to rebuke me and I experience this change. 

Father, I pray that you help me to see your rebuke as good as it helps me to become more like Christ. 

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything (James 1:2-4).

Father, give me perspective when I’m experiencing change because of your rebuke. Help me to recognize the sin in my life that has caused this need for change. Give me the boldness to repent of these sins. Allow me to receive the gift that only you can give through forgiveness. 

Thank you Father for the confidence I have in you, help me to accept your rebuke as I turn to trust you more fully. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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Closing Thoughts

Change can be very difficult if we are looking at it through our own human strength and control. But when we recognize that God is in control and he loves us enough to use change for our goodness and His glory we can rest in Him. 

Many times we can understand these truths but worry still grips our hearts during times of change. We would love to be praying with you so that God can work on helping you trust in Him more fully during this time of change. Please comment below so we can join you in prayer. 

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