The word ‘slavery’ can bring different feelings for all of us. However, because of our world’s sad history and even current situation of enslaving individuals it leaves many of us in deep pain and frustration. We may even feel helpless and without hope.
There is another kind of slavery that we all personally experience. We are slaves to our sins. But there is a solution for our sins because God redeems.
When God redeems us we are no longer slaves to our sins but rather Christ has paid for our freedom and released us of that bondage.
The currency to pay for our freedom was not money, but rather a life. Christ paid for my freedom with his life.
“In him, we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace” (Ephesians 1:7 ESV)
We have done nothing to deserve this freedom. It is a gift from God that we do not deserve. We deserved death and God’s wrath for our sins but God paid for us, redeemed us, and gave us life. The only appropriate response for us is to praise him.
In the following prayers, we will be praising God for redeeming us. These prayers are intended to help you begin to Thank God for this amazing gift, but I pray you never stop thanking him for his gift of redemption.
Please share your prayers of thanksgiving for God’s work of redemption in your life. You can leave them in the comment section below.
A Short Prayer Thanking God For Redeeming You
Dear Heavenly Father, my heart bursts with excitement when I think about you redeeming me from my sin. Thank you for loving me so much that you would set me free. I do not deserve this amazing gift you have given me. I long to live for you in a way that forever shows you how thankful I am.
I pray for your redeeming power to continue in the lives of those around me. Thank you for redeeming me! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer Thanking God For His Redemptive Work Throughout History
God, thank you for giving us your word so we can see how you have redeemed your people throughout history.
One of the greatest examples of your redemptive work in history is when you redeemed the Israelites out of Egypt. As kids, we learn about the story of Moses and your work through the plagues, Passover, and parting of the Red sea.
Thank you, God, for revealing to us, as we grow, how this reflects your character to redeem your people.
It’s not only in Exodus do we see your redemptive work. David cries out to you in the Psalms declaring that you have redeemed him.
“O LORD, my rock and my redeemer” (Psalm 19:14 ESV)
God thank you for the clear documentation throughout the Old Testament on what it looked like for the Old Testament Jews to spill the blood of animals to purify them. It is this background that helps us understand how Jesus’ blood could cleanse and redeem us.
They would bring goats, calves, and lambs into the holy place. These animals would be without blemish and their perfect bodies would die and their blood would be spilled out to cleanse the people. It was in this covenant that God and his people lived.
Jesus, thank you for clearly being the one who redeems lost sinners like me. Creating a new covenant where I can live free of the bondage of my sin.
“how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, purify our conscience from dead works to serve the living God. Therefore he is the mediator of a new covenant, so that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance, since a death has occurred that redeems them from the transgressions committed under the first covenant” (Hebrews 9:14-15 ESV)
We thank you, LORD for caring for your people throughout history. You have seen the bondage, have the power to break us free, but also love us enough to free us. We thank you for being a God who saves. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer Thanking God For His Redemptive Work On The Cross
Jesus, we thank you for redeeming us through your blood. We are so prideful and often think we can handle anything and love being self-sufficient. But we know that no one could be saved from the bondage of sin, without your blood being spilled.
The disciples also struggled with pride and wanting to be important. You humbling reminded them with these words.
“the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28 ESV)
Thank you, Jesus, for giving your life as a ransom. The cost to save many was so high, it was your life. Your whole life was to come for this reason and to serve in this way. It truly humbles us.
Throughout history and in your Word, we are convinced that no one is without sin. Everyone since Adam falls short of what God calls us to. The Old Testament reveals to us that as humans we were going to need something more than laws, priests, sacrifices, and kings to free us from our sins. We needed a savior.
“all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith” (Romans 3:22-25 ESV)
God, thank you for giving Jesus and allowing him to die a death that would satisfy the payment for us. And thank you for giving us your Word that clearly communicates how we are to receive your redeeming work, through faith.
Jesus, thank you for your redemptive work, for dying for sinners for giving faith so we can believe, and for giving the greatest gift that is undeserved, being justified in your sight.
God, thank you for having the plan to redeem us. Thank you for having the power to execute the plan. Thank you for loving us enough to follow through with the plan. We praise you in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer Thanking God For His Redeeming Me
Jesus, thank you for extending your redemptive plan to me. You have given me faith to believe and have given me the greatest gift of freedom from my sin and the promise of everlasting life with you.
When I was young I lived my life for myself. Pride and selfishness controlled my thoughts and actions. I lived a life in rebellion against you. Even when I tried to do good it was coated in selfish desires to be seen.
Thank you for using the people in my life to share the Gospel with me. Thank you for giving us your Word so we can so clearly see your character, love, and redemptive work. Thank you for not leaving me where I was.
“In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, which he lavished upon us” (Ephesians 1:7-8)
Jesus, thank you for paying for my sinful life with your perfect one. You went to the cross and died. Your blood paid for my freedom from sin. You knew of my sin and yet forgave them. I did not deserve any of this. You redeemed me from all my sins, not just one, or a few, but all of them.
Your love is overwhelming when I think of the magnitude of my sin and your abundant grace that is lavished upon them. Thank you for redeeming me.
Prayer Thanking God For His Patients As We Wait For Loved Ones To Be Redeemed
Heavenly Father, when I think about your redeeming work in my life, I want all my loved ones to also experience it. I long to see the day when all my family and friends are freed from the sin that holds them down.
“The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9
God, thank you for being patient. We are so excited about being redeemed and the promise of eternity with you that sometimes we just want you to come… right now. But you are patient, you don’t want anyone to see that day without being redeemed. So we thank you for waiting.
We pray that those who have not been redeemed that God, you will give them the faith they need to believe in your redeeming work on the cross.
God, thank you for showing us, throughout scripture, that it’s only by faith that we can be saved. I pray that their faith will not be simple faith believing that your grace was not costly. But that their eyes will be clearly opened to see how much you hate the sin in their lives and they will never be in right standing without your grace.
I pray that they will repent of their sins, acknowledge their need for you to redeem them, and that they live the rest of their lives under your Lordship.
Thank you for listening to prayers like this where we cry out to you. Thank you for loving me enough to give me faith. Please use me. Give me the boldness to share your redeeming power. Thank you for paying my ransom, please redeem the lost. We pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Concluding Thoughts
Being redeemed from our sins is so freeing. You may have been a slave to alcohol, maybe it was a lustful sin, or maybe it was pride. No matter what sin you have struggled with in the past when you came to Christ he redeemed you from it. You no longer are a slave to your sin.
“For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery” (Galatians 5:1 ESV)
As we reflect on what God has done for us and begin to give thanks to God for your own life and for those that you love, our praise of him will continue to grow. As you begin reading through these prayers, allow yourself to think of the sins you were in bondage to. Then let God reveal to you again how his grace to redeem you is enough to cover all your sins. Let thanksgiving and praise always be on your lips.