How exciting that you are seeking out a prayer to acknowledge God!
This is so exciting because it is the beginning of a new life. When you acknowledge God for who He is you are declaring He is Lord and ruler of your life. It is this faith that changes everything!
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16 ESV)
When you acknowledge God your sins are forgiven. Now on judgment day, God will see the righteousness of Jesus instead of your sin!
When you acknowledge God you instantly start to receive the blessings of being a citizen of the Kingdom of God. You receive the Holy Spirit and begin to grow to be more Christ-like!
Acknowledging God might seem like it was something you did or accomplished but I have even more exciting news! It was God who called you, and gave you understanding, and the ability to acknowledge Him. Why is this exciting? Because if our salvation was based on our works we would mess it up, but when our salvation is based on a faithful and loving God we can rest that His promises for us are secure!
These prayers acknowledge different characteristics of God. A word of caution… these prayers read will not save you. What saves you is truly acknowledging that Jesus is the Lord of your life.
So I want to encourage you to read these prayers but to make them your own. You are talking to God, and He not only welcomes it, He loves hearing from you!
Short Prayer Acknowledging God
“I am the Lord, and there is no other, besides me there is no God; I equip you, though you do not know me,” (Isaiah 45:5 ESV)
Prayer Acknowledging Jesus Is God
Father, it is amazing to step back and remember all that You have done for us in sending Jesus. Not only were you willing to send Your only Son to die for us but in doing so God became flesh and dwelt among us.
Your Word teaches us that Jesus is God and that You sent Him for us.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1 ESV)
God, and then just a few verses later you tell us who the Word is. It is indeed Jesus.
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14 ESV)
Thank you Jesus that You were willing to leave your place in Heaven where You reign as God to be with us in order to save us.
We could never acknowledge the extent to which you were willing to go for us. Thank You, Jesus, that Your place as God did not stop you from coming to Earth to save sinners like me.
You did not count yourself greater than the need to become a man that we might have a Savior. I pray that I would never forget that You are God and that You became man for me. Amen.
Prayer Acknowledging God’s Love
God no greater love has ever been known than Your love for Your people. You have shown Your love for us in the way that You have made salvation available to those that call on You.
Your love for us was so great that there was nothing that You were not willing to do to save us. There was no extent that You were not willing to go to. Even sending Your only Son to die in our place.
Our sin against You was great, but Your love for us was greater. Our sin against You, God, made us worthy of nothing but Your wrath and condemnation for our sin. Yet despite our sin, Your love for us caused You to send Jesus. Our sin against You had a penalty.
God, you sent Jesus to pay the price for our sin. A price that had to be paid and no one but us deserved to die for our sin. But in love, You gave us Jesus as a substitute.
Father, I deserved death yet You showed me love. A love that no matter what I will never deserve and love that I could never earn.
Father thank You for Your grace in sending Jesus to die in our place. May we never grow complacent in understanding just how much You have done for us. Not because we deserve it but because You have loved us with a greater love than we could ever understand. Thank You, Father. Amen.
Prayer Acknowledging God’s Greatness
God, as we seek to acknowledge You we have to start with an understanding of Your greatness. Your greatness can be hard for us to understand because as mere humans we have no concept of what it must be like to be the God of the entire universe.
Father, You rule and reign over it all with a greatness that is beyond our understanding. When we hear the word great we often think of things that we would label that way. Like a meal or event or feeling that we have had. But when we acknowledge Your greatness we are talking about so much more.
We are acknowledging that You are greater than anything else. That You have more power than anything else. That You have shown greater love than anyone else. That Your wisdom is greater than anyone else. Your greatness is what gives You all of the other attributes or characteristics that we acknowledge as Yours.
God, Your greatness should leave us in awe that You have shown any love or care for us as Your creation. Thank You, God, that we get to experience the greatness of who You are in our lives every day. May we never stop acknowledging the greatness of who You are and what that means for us if we are yours. Amen.
Prayer Acknowledging God’s Sovereignty
God, there is no one like you. Your sovereignty is something that we should never overlook. Because of Your sovereignty, it should bring us to a place of great trust in You and who You are.
Your sovereignty reminds us that there is nothing that is outside of Your control. Nothing that is under Your rule and nothing over which You’re reigning as Lord and King.
Father, No matter what may be going on around us or in our lives we can trust that it is not part of Your plan and is not outside of Your control. We often look at our lives and see chaos and don’t understand what is happening. But You God never view anything in that way.
You look at everything and You know the plan and You know what is going on. We can trust that if we are Yours You are sovereign working all things for our good.
“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)
God thank you that no matter what we face You are in control. Thank you that no matter what happens in our lives we can trust that You are in complete control of it all. The good and the bad are under Your control, and we can trust that You have a plan for us. Thank You, God, that You are sovereign over all things. Amen.
Closing Thoughts
One of the best things we can do is acknowledge who God is. Not only does acknowledging Him for who He is good for initially coming to faith but also as we continue to grow in our walk with God.
Every time we acknowledge who God is and the characteristics that define Him we grow closer in our relationship with Him. Acknowledging Him also gives us strength as we fight against the evil one and the sins in our lives.
I’m so glad you have used these prayers to start to grow this relationship with the Lord. If this is the first time you have acknowledged who God is I would encourage you to tell a close Christian friend and find a church. We would also love to hear about it and you can comment below.