10 Calming Bedtime Prayers for Adults

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Having trouble sleeping?  Wondering what to pray at bedtime now that you’re an adult?

These ten prayers are here to help you.  Maybe you prayed at bedtime when you were a teenager or even younger but now that you’re adult, you’ve slipped out of the habit.  Or perhaps you’re not sure if you should engage in “bedtime prayers” as an adult.

Rest assured, God hears our prayers regardless of our age or circumstance.  As the Psalmist promises, “In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety” (Psalm 4.8, NIV).  You can be safe and secure in your prayers before you go to sleep.

Whatever your day has been like, and despite who or what you’ve encountered, saying a prayer prior to going to bed can relax you, grant you a calm mind, and a peaceful heart.  Let these prayers invite this biblical truth into your life, “When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet” (Proverbs 3.24, NIV).

We invite you to pray these prayers, or you may come up with your own, once you get started.  Feel free to modify each prayer to your specific situation or circumstance.  Let your own heart words pour forth to God as you pray.  You are welcome to also share your personal prayer requests below in the comments section.

Short Bedtime Prayer for Adults

Lord God, I pray to you now for peace in my heart.  I trust you to bring me rest and renewal as I sleep this night. I ask this in the strong name of Jesus, Amen.

Weeknight Bedtime Prayer for Adults

Jesus, the week has started and I feel I need to pray to you.  First, I give you thanks for giving me a job in which I can earn money and have a purpose each day.

Second, I pray for my spouse, that you grant her (him) strength to do what she (he) needs to do each day.

Third, I pray for my children.  Keep them safe when I am gone.

Praise you for your blessings in my life, Lord.  I pray with a grateful heart, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer at Bedtime for Adults After a Hard Day

God in heaven, this day has been horrible!  It seemed like nothing went right from the time I woke up until now.  Bring me peace and calmness Lord–I need it!

One thing after another kept going sideways and it all snowballed the longer the day went on.  I ask for your mercy because I’m not in a good mood right now.  I’m praying to you because I’ve got to unload the burden of this day and you’ve promised to give us rest when we are weary.

Thank you God, for even now as I make this prayer in Jesus’ name, my breathing and heart rate are slowing down. Thank you for your peace, Amen.

a bedtime prayer for an adult after a hard day pinPin

Weekend Bedtime Prayer for Adults

Father God, the work week has finally ended and I’m so thankful for an unscheduled weekend!  As I go to sleep tonight, help my body and mind rest and recover.

Thank you for work, but also thank you for time away from work, to realize my identity is in you, not in my job or my title.  A weekend is a blessing from you and I give you grateful praise, in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Midweek Bedtime Prayer for Adults

God, what happiness feels my heart to know I can talk with you anytime.  I don’t have to wait for a special day or a certain time–you hear my prayer any day.

I’m praying for strength this week, Lord.  We have a lot on our plate, both at work, and here at home, so as I prepare to go to sleep, I ask for that strength.  I ask for true and deep rest this night, to be ready for tomorrow.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Bedtime Prayer for Adults When Sick

Lord Jesus, I’m not feeling so well right now.  I don’t think it’s anything I ate, but I’m just feeling puny and under the weather.

I ask for your healing power to wash over me as I sleep tonight.  Let the rest my physical body receives tonight be renewing and strengthening in my muscles and cells and blood and lungs and heart.

Thank you for my spouse who has been taking care of me this evening.  I pray your blessings upon him (her) as well.  I pray this prayer in the belief that you hear and you are at work.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Bedtime Prayer for Adults with Trouble Sleeping

God!  I can’t sleep!  I really needed rest tonight for tomorrow is a busy day and I need to be focused.  I’m not going to be at my best dragging around due to lack of sleep.

I ask you to lower my anxiety and worry–I’m sure my swirling thoughts are not helping with my sleep.  Grant me your perfect peace, in my mind and body and spirit.  I place my trust in you as I pray this prayer in the name of the Prince of Peace, Lord Jesus, Amen.

Bedtime Prayer for Adults with Young Children

Father in heaven, I haven’t prayed to you in some time, but I come to you now, asking for your grace.  I’ve been so busy trying to care for our children that I’ve forgotten that one of the best things I can do is to pray for them.

So, I pray for (name) and (name).  Guard and protect their sleep and dreams tonight, God.  Help me to love them beyond my own ability, both with boundaries and with faith.

I ask that you work in me by your Spirit to help them see your love and acceptance for each of them.  Thank you Lord for the blessing of my young children. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Bedtime Prayer for Adults with Youth

Jesus, I woke up the other day and realized my kids are now teenagers.  As I prepare to go to bed this night, I lift each one to you in prayer.

I pray for (name), for you to help him make good decisions each day.  I pray for him to grow into a Jesus-following young man.  I pray for him to appreciate and value women and not to see them as objects. Watch over his heart, Lord.

I pray for (name), for you to help her understand her great worth in her identity in you.  I pray confidence and strength be full in her, so she knows deeply that she doesn’t have to depend on a man to have value.

Protect them both each day, and thank you for the joy they bring to my heart as I watch them mature. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Bedtime Prayer for Single Adults

Lord, I’m feeling alone tonight, so I turn to you because you have promised to never abandon me and to always be with me.  Thank you for your presence in my life, and in this prayer.

Lord, sometimes it’s hard being single when nearly everyone around me is married or they are in some type of relationship.  I like having my own life, Lord, but I pray for your power each day to accept myself as I am.

As I go to sleep, I ask you to help me grow a robust faith in you, regardless of my circumstance.  I pray this sleepily, but happily, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Bedtime Prayer for Widowed Adults

God in heaven, nighttime is the worst time since my spouse died.  Visitors are gone, and the texts, emails, and calls have quieted down as the moon arises in the darkened sky.

I miss him (her) so much.  Fill me with your presence, O Lord even in this silence that envelopes this house.  Let my words to you bring me peace.  I need to get good sleep, God, so let me rest in your promise.  I ask this in the healing name of Jesus, Amen.

a man having a bedtime prayer as an adult pin Pin

Final Thoughts

At the end of a day, we may be so tired that we forget to pray.  Or we may be so stressed or worried or distracted that words just don’t come easily.

Let us all be encouraged that however our prayers sound, talking to God in the night watch, before we go to bed, can be a calming time of fellowship with God.  We can rely on God, “I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me” (Psalm 3.5, NIV).

You can use any of these ten prayers anytime you have need to pray at night.  Come back to them time and time again. We encourage you to share them with your friends so they too can benefit from the peace that prayer brings.

Perhaps as you’ve read this, or prayed these prayers, your own prayer requests have come to mind.  Please share them below in the comments section.  May the Lord bless you and give you peace in your prayers.

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