5 Caring Prayers For a Co-Worker Leaving

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Is a co-worker leaving?  Need a prayer for your co-worker who is departing?

In the last year or two, many employees have left their current jobs  for a variety of reasons.  Maybe the person you work with at your job is one of those people.  Many employees leave for a better job or increased pay at a different company.  But there are others who need to leave for medical or personal reasons.

As they depart, you may wish to pray a prayer for them.  Of course, it depends on your relationship with them and whether you share the prayer with them or not.  If you are unable to share with them, don’t let that stop you from lifting a prayer to God for their next place, or the next step in their journey.

You can pray for them from the perspective that you are asking God to watch over them, as the Psalmist does:

“I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
    my God, in whom I trust.”   Surely he will save you
    from the fowler’s snare
    and from the deadly pestilence.
 He will cover you with his feathers,
    and under his wings you will find refuge;
    his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart” (Psalm 91.2-4, NIV).

It can be challenging to pray for a co-worker, as typically religion or faith or belief doesn’t come up in the workplace.  Yet, you can pray with a sincere heart for your fellow employee, whatever their reason for leaving.  These five caring prayers touch on a few common reasons people may depart from their current employer.  Please alter each prayer as needed to fit what you want to pray for your co-worker.

Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you” (2 Thessalonians 3.16, NIV).

The Apostle Paul reminds us that ultimately we are praying for peace when a colleague at work departs.  Peace in their new job, peace surrounding their decision, peace for their future, and peace to follow them wherever they go.  As you engage in praying for your friend at work, your own prayer requests may rise to the surface.  We invite you to share them at the end of this article.

Prayer For a Co-worker Retiring

Dear Lord, I come to you in prayer for (name), who is retiring at the end of this month.  I know she has been here for many years, but I was surprised to hear the news that she is departing from here.  I will miss her, as she has been so helpful in getting me adjusted to the culture here when I first came on the job.

I pray that she continue to have purpose and meaning in her life outside of what she did here at (the company).  I pray that here retirement funds are enough to allow her to live as she wants to live.  I pray, Lord, that she be able to finish well here in the next few weeks.  I also ask that management show her respect and not try to rush her out the door.

I ask that you keep her in good health and enable her to enjoy not having to come into work.  I pray for her hobbies and interests to develop and flourish in retirement.  I ask you for all of these things in the name of Jesus, Amen.

a prayer for a co-worker retiring Pin

Prayer For a Co-worker Leaving For a New Job

Dear Lord, my buddy at work is leaving for a new job in two weeks!  I’m having conflicting emotions about all of this.  On one hand, I’m happy for him as the new position is much more in his skill set and it’s a nice bump in pay as well.

On the other hand, I’m a little bummed out because (name) was a friend at work, not just a co-worker.  We came on board at around the same time and have developed a good working relationship.  We’ve been supportive of each other in the ups and downs of getting projects completed and meeting deadlines.

But now he’s going to be gone soon.  I pray for him to have a smooth entry at his new job and to make friends quickly.  I also pray for whomever will be his replacement here, that the company makes a quality hire.  As well, I pray for myself–help me to let go and welcome the new person when they arrive.  I pray this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

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Prayer For a Co-worker’s Maternity/Paternity Leave

Dear Lord Jesus, I pray for (co-worker) who is going on maternity (or paternity) leave soon.  She has worked so diligently through most of her pregnancy, but her doctor said it’s now time for her to be at home and off her feet.

I pray for the last couple of weeks of her pregnancy, that everything continues smoothly and the birth itself goes well.  I pray for her new baby and it’s health.  I lift (name) to you that as a new mother she gets the rest she needs once the baby is born.  I pray for her health and mental well-being.

While she will have so many things to take care of, I ask that you give her moments of delight and joy with her new baby–the kind of moments memories are made of.  On her behalf, I give you thanks that our company is so generous with parental leave–what a blessing to work for an organization that cares so deeply for its employees.  I lift this prayer to you, O God, in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer For a Co-worker Leaving For Illness

O Lord, my friend at work had to depart from work today due to a sudden illness.  He won’t be back for quite some time.  I don’t know all of the details but from what I heard, he wasn’t feeling well and went to the emergency room to get checked out.

It seems serious Lord, so I pray for his full recovery and comfort and safety for his family as well.  I give you thanks that our human resource department has already cleared him for sick leave without a lot of hassle.  This will save him worry that he doesn’t have time to deal with.

I pray for the doctors and nurses who are attending to him.  Give them clarity as the diagnose what is wrong with him.  I pray you strengthen his immune system.  I pray for his financial provision during this time as well, Lord.  I pray this in the healing name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer for a Co-worker Moving Out-of-State

We were told at work today that (co-worker’s name) is leaving the company in a few weeks.  She is moving out of state with her family, in order to be closer to her extended family.  We all will miss her, but we understand why she made the decision to depart.

I pray for her replacement, that the person be found and hired soon, because (co-worker) did such great work while she was here.  I pray for her house to sell quickly and without hassle, and for them to find a new house that suits their family quickly.  I pray for the move itself to go smoothly.

I ask that you go ahead of her and grant her favor in the new city, as she finds new friends, a new job, new medical providers, and new schools for her children.  Guide and direct her path, O God.  Let her remaining time here at the company be enjoyable and filled with good memories, and a realization of just how much great work she accomplished in her role.  I make this prayer in the name of Jesus, Amen.

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Final Thoughts

The people we work with on a regular basis become an important part of our lives.  If we work full time, we’re around these people 40-50 hours a week.  Some employees we may not get along with like we do others, but generally, we’re going to miss someone if they are no longer working at the company with us.

When a co-worker departs, or has to leave for some reason, there’s a void that remains.  Sure, another person may get hired to take your co-worker’s place or to fill the same role, but it’s not the same.  Whenever a colleague leaves, you may speak a blessing over them in your heart,

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all” (2 Corinthians 13.14, NIV).

It’s okay to pray for a co-worker, even if they don’t know you are doing it.  You’re praying to God on their behalf.  You’re asking God to step into their circumstances and guide them and bless them.  The prayer you pray may help their transition be better and less stressful.  Your prayer may be a blessing to them that they didn’t even know they needed.

Think about it this way:  Wouldn’t you want a co-worker to pray for you when you leave for whatever reason?

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