6 Bold Prayers For A Hockey Game

Hockey is by far my favorite sport. From a young age, my father instilled in me how much more fun it was to watch than any other sport. The players are always moving and the puck moves even quicker. It’s fast, loud, and fun. 

From a young age, I was at the rink watching my brothers play. And when my father found out I was pregnant the first gift I received from him was the smallest pair of hockey skates. 

To be honest, though praying for a hockey game was not on the pre-game checklist. No, instead as we ran out the door the question was, “Do you have your stick?” As we entered the rink we would quickly glance to see what locker room, get ready, quickly tie skates, and off they went. No prayer was involved, but why not?

I now recognize more and more that I am living off of my strength and wisdom. I live many hours of my daily life without recognizing my need for Christ. I have allowed the Gospel to save me but it is much slower at transforming me.

My greatest need as a Christian is not just knowing the Bible and its truths but living it out in a functional way. I’m growing in ways to allow Gospel to connect my thinking and behavior to my everyday life, even as I pray before a hockey game. I’m guessing if you clicked on this article, Prayers for a hockey game, that you are also growing in ways to seek God in all areas of your life. 

I love that we can connect in this way because it is the Gospel, the life and work of Christ, that has the power to save us, help us, grow, and continue to give us faith. 

 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.” (Romans 1:16-17 ESV)

I hope these prayers for a hockey game allow you to focus back on Christ and how His work affects our entire lives. We would love to pray with you for a hockey game. Comment below and let us know how we can be praying. We would love to hear how the Gospel is changing your lives and all about those big important games. 

Short Prayer For A Hockey Game

God, you are the creator of all. You have created ice and our bodies. You have created a creative mind in us to think up games like hockey. You have given us the groundwork to live under authority like the refs and even given us loud voices to cheer. We praise you for being our creator. 

Father, I pray today for the hockey game we are going to. I pray that we win, but more importantly that your will, will be done. Don’t let me trust in luck, but rather in my preparation and your control. 

Help me to have the eyes to see where you are working and give me the boldness to step in. Give me compassion and help me to be slow to speak. These are characteristics that are not always seen at hockey games, but you have called me to such things so I pray that above living out the norm that I live a life pleasing to you. 

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A Player’s Prayer To Win A Hockey Game  

Father, I do thank you for Jesus Christ. I am so thankful that Christ has saved me and is working in me. I’m thankful that you have given me the ability to play hockey. Today I come to you asking you to help us win.  

I know it’s just a sport, but my team has been working really hard and it would be great to win this game. 

Father, I know that I can trust you to carry out whatever result would be best for me and my teammates. I pray that if we win that we will not be puffed up thinking it came from our own abilities but that we can humble ourselves enough to give you the credit. 

God, if it is in your will for us to not win today I pray that you allow that to help us get stronger and more determined for the following game. For those on my team that do not know you I pray that you would allow this loss to be something that draws them closer to you. 

God, I pray that if it is your will, we will win our hockey game. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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A Player’s Prayer To Play Well

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for guiding me. Thank you for sustaining me. Thank you for giving my coaches the wisdom to train me. Thank you for my parents that have supported me and drove me to all my practices and games. You have blessed me greatly. 

God, I ask that you help me play well today. This game is important for our season. I want to be a valuable member of the team and contribute. Help me to stay focused and use the skills that have been practicing. 

Father, I know that in the grand picture, this game is not as important as my relationship with you and my witness to the world about who you are. So I ask that you help me play well for your glory. Give me the courage to give you the credit when I play well. Help my life shine brightly not just for the game of Hockey but for you. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

A Parent’s Prayer For A Hockey Game

Father, I do thank you for the sweetness of the news of Jesus Christ. God, will you please set my heart on you today as we get ready for this hockey game? God, help me prepare by remembering the Gospel and centering my life around it.  

God, I pray that I remember the Gospel as we prepare for this hockey game. Help me to light as I sit in the stand and cheer. Help me to be a guide to my child and his/her teammates as they battle through this game and all the emotions that go with it. 

I pray this for the good of the team’s lives, I pray this for the strengthening of your body, but ultimately pray for the glory of Jesus Christ. Amen. 

A Coach’s Prayer For A Hockey Game

Father, I thank you for the opportunity you have given me to coach this team. Thank you for bringing each player to this team. In your great providence, you have brought us together. 

I pray for our game today. I pray that each player would play their best and would have fun. I pray that we win this game so these players can see that hard work is good. 

God, I want to pray for more than just this game. I want to pray for the souls of each player. I pray that if we win or lose that they would not be defeated. God, you have defeated death and the devil. You have given us a living hope. I pray that each of my students would know and believe this truth. That they never put their worth in winning a hockey game but instead that their worth is being a child of the One True God. 

I boldly ask this, not because I deserve it, but because you have given me new life and called me your own. So in Jesus’ name, I pray this. Amen. 

Prayer For Recovery From A Hockey Game

God, you have created our bodies so uniquely that they can heal. It is a wondrous mystery to me. I pray today that you help (name) heal from a hockey injury. 

Father, please take what is broken and heal it. I pray that you use the doctors and the medicines that you have created, to help heal this injury. 

Father, I ask that you also take this time of recovery and use it for your glory. Place someone in this young person’s life that can disciple him/her during this time. Guide (name) to you and trust in your saving, healing, and loving-kindness. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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Closing Thoughts

Hockey is a great sport to watch and play (I’ve been told). It is fun, strategic, and action-packed. Just like every aspect of our lives, it is not separate from our relationship with God. Christ should be at the center of all we do. 

So as we pray for goals scored, healthy bodies, and perfect ice, it’s much more important to pray for the things concerning God and what He has called each of us to do. We hope these prayers sparked your thoughts about how you can be praying for hockey differently, or other types of sports like football, and basketball, or even baseball, and helped draw you closer to God. 

We would love to be praying about your big game and what God is doing in your player and team’s lives. Please comment below so we know how we can specifically be praying for you. 

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