Are you striving to be a better father? Have you considered praying about becoming a better dad?
As a Christian father, you have a unique opportunity to model the love and grace of God to your children. The Bible is full of examples of godly fathers, and it can provide you with guidance and inspiration as you raise your own children.
“Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord” (Ephesians 6.4, NLT).
So, as you pray about being a good father, also consider these practical suggestions as to how to go about actually living out that desire. Here are a few things that you can do to be a better father from a Christian perspective:
Love your children unconditionally. This means loving them even when they make mistakes. It also means being there for them through thick and thin. They will learn to trust God as they see they can trust their earthly father.
Be a good role model. Your children are watching you, and they are learning from your example. Make sure that you are living a life that is consistent with your values. Ask God to enable you to live an authentic life.
Teach your children about God. Share your faith with them and help them to grow in their relationship with God. Let them see, and hear, you pray, and not just saying grace at the dinner table.
Invest time with your children. Make time for them, even when you are busy. Let them know that they are important to you. You are the only father they have.
If you are a Christian father, I encourage you to pray for guidance, patience, and empathy as you raise your children. God has given you a great responsibility, and He will help you to be a good father.
While each prayer is written about a certain scenario, you can alter the wording as you need to, in order to have it fit with your particular circumstances. You might want to read or share prayers to be a better mother, explore prayers for arguments in relationships, or any of the hundreds of other helpful prayers on this site.
We invite you to come back whenever you feel like you to pray about a specific challenge in your life. I encourage you to share about your fatherhood journey, or your comments, in the section at the end of this article.
Short Prayer For Being A Better Father
Dear God, I want to be a better father, but I feel overwhelmed even thinking about all that it can mean. What do I do, or not do? Where do I start? Please guide me through your Scriptures and in my thoughts as I seek to follow Christ in my life as a loving and supportive husband and dad. I make this prayer in the name of Jesus, Amen.
Prayer For Being A Better Father To A Toddler
Dear heavenly Father, I come to you today to pray for my toddler. She is such a blessing to me, and I want to be the best father I can be. She is so tiny but her eyes seem to take in so much–I want her to see love and compassion in me.
Please help me to be patient and understanding. Help me to not lose my temper when she is being difficult. Help me to be a good role model and teach her right from wrong, even at an early age.
Most importantly, help me to love her unconditionally. I know that I will make mistakes, but I pray that you will forgive me and help me to be the father that my child needs. She’s growing fast, Lord, and I don’t want to wait to begin to be a better dad–I want to be that now. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer For Being A Better Father To A Young Child
Dear God, I pray for my young child. He is growing and changing so quickly, and I want to be there for him every step of the way. It seems like it was only yesterday that I taught him to tie his shoes and ride a bike.
Please help me to be a good listener and always be there for him when he needs me. I want to teach him about the importance of love, kindness, and compassion, not just with my words, but with my actions. Enable me by your Spirit to be consistent with him.
Most importantly, help me to be a good role model and to show him how to live a life that is pleasing to you. May he fall in love with you as he sees me following Jesus with passion and humility. In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.
Prayer For Being A Better Father To A Teenager
Dear God in Heaven, I officially now have a teenager. Her 13th birthday was yesterday and it has hit me that she and I are in a new season of life as a father and daughter.
I come to you today to pray for my teenage daughter. She is going through a lot of changes, emotionally and physically, and I want to be available for her in the best way possible.
Please help me to be patient and understanding. Help me to not overreact when she is being rebellious, which I know is part of this age. I want to be able to listen to her, especially when I probably won’t grasp all that she is talking about. I just want to be a good father to her. I pray this in the name of Jesus, Amen.
Prayer To Be A Better Father To A College Student
Dear Lord God, my baby is now grown up and headed off to college, which means I won’t see her every day like I have these last 18 years. I realize this is part of this season of life, but I still want to be a good father to her in this transition.
Please help her to succeed in college. Help her to make good choices and to avoid temptation. Let her stay focused on her studies and also enjoy this time in her life–to explore and discover what you have for her. Maybe the best way I can be a better father to her is to pray for her more regularly. Help me do that.
I ask that you put people in her life to help her to grow in her relationship with you since I won’t be around her as much. I ask all of this through Jesus Christ, Amen.
Prayer For Being A Better Father To An Adult Child
Dear God, I am taking a pause now to pray to you about my child. He just came by to visit and is headed back to his own family. It really hit me that I am a father to an adult man now, but he will always be my child. Help me to accept that and be available when he needs me.
Please continue to bless him in all that he does and I pray he seeks you for guidance. I guess if I’ve done a good enough job, he will make good decisions. I still want to be the best father I can be to him, even if he doesn’t need me as much as he did when he was younger.
I pray that he always knows how much I love him, and that he understands that you accept him fully. In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.
Consider This
When fathers are involved in their children’s lives, they are more likely to succeed in school, stay out of trouble, and become productive members of society. Fathers also play an important role in shaping their children’s values and beliefs, which is why praying to God is a vital part of being a better father.
When fathers are present and involved, their children are more likely to develop a strong sense of morality and a commitment to doing good. The Psalmist reminds us that our compassion for our children is in keeping with the Lord’s compassion for us:
“As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him” (Psalm 103.13, NIV).
From a Christian perspective, being a good father is a calling from God. God has entrusted fathers with the responsibility of raising their children in the way that they should go. When fathers fulfill this responsibility, they are not only blessing their own children, but they are also blessing society as a whole. It makes sense to seek God’s guidance in prayer, doesn’t it?
There are many ways to be a better father, including the prayers you will be praying in the near future.
Fathers can invest more time with their children, talk to them about their day, and listen to their concerns. Fathers can also help their children with their homework, teach them about important life skills, and set a good example by living a life of integrity and empathy.
If you are a father, I encourage you to make a commitment to being a better father. It is one of the most important things you can do for your children, and it is one of the best ways to make a difference in the world. What better way to begin than with prayer?