9 Powerful Prayers For Good News

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Are you ready for some good news in your life? Want to pray for good news?

Did you know you can pray for positive thoughts, for business, and even good news?  Let these nine powerful prayers for good news open your heart to pray for positive happenings in your life.

As the prophet Isaiah reminds us, goodness and good news can be life changing:

“The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners” ( Isaiah 61.1, NIV).

Choose the prayer that fits your situation or change the words as needed to better suit your circumstances. But do pray these prayers!

Prayer not only helps you grow closer to God, but as God works through our prayers, you may see your situation change for the good. We invite you to share your stories of good news in the comments section at the end of this article.

May goodness surround you and fill you as you pray for good news!

Short Prayer For Good News

Dear God, I want to pray for good news in every area of my life.  I am tired of bad news, of negativity, and pessimistic chatter all around me. I need to hear good news, and see good news.

Help open my eyes and heart to you and your goodness this day.  In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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Prayer For Good News At Work

Dear God, I want to ask you for something that I am not sure about asking you for.  But I’m going to ask anyway because I believe you want to help me in my life.  I need some good news at work.  There have been so many layoffs in our industry across several companies in the last month.

Everyone in my company is worried and anxious because they don’t know what might happen here.  We all need the income from our jobs so no one wants to be laid off.  Can you work in the minds and hearts of our managers and leaders?  Can you help them see the wisdom of communicating to us about what’s happening?

I pray for good news from them.  I pray for the good news to be spread soon.  In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen

Prayer For Good News At School

Lord God, I want to ask you for there to be some good news at school.  On top of the regular amounts of homework and tests, we’ve had fire drills, disaster drills, and active shooter drills, and people are a bit on edge.  Plus, we just heard that we’re not getting funding for our band or art department.

As a student, I am stressed and everywhere I turn, there seems to be bad news at school.  It makes me not want even go to school each day.  I need good news.  We all need some good news in our school.  Help me see something positive today, this week.

I know I’m not the only one feeling this way, Lord, so I pray for my classmates and our teachers too.  We need goodness and joy.  Please hear my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayer For Good News In Our Family

Dear God our Creator, I pray for my family.  I ask you for good news to make itself known sometime in the very near future.  I know life is not all positive all the time and there are struggles and heartaches, but Lord, our family is reaching our breaking point on bad things happening.

We need a spark of light to shine in the darkness, to help us see your guiding hope that we can cling to.  We’ve had death, despair, bankruptcy, and abandonment in the last year and we are all reeling.

I pray for good news.  Please give us something positive we can see, something tangible.  I pray in desperation, God.  We need goodness, love, joy, and light.  I pray this prayer through Jesus, our Redeemer, Amen.

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Prayer For Good News At Church

Dear Father God, I come to you in prayer on behalf of our church.  We are grateful for all you have done in our congregation in the last year, as we have struggled.  We struggled to have enough offerings to be able to do ministry and pay our bills.  We struggled with the loss of several members to death as well.

I pray, asking for some good news to come our way.  You are our hope and salvation, and upon you our faith rests. We are trusting in you for the future of this small faith community and I pray for something positive to be seen and felt.  I confess my weakness in this but I pray this prayer even as I admit that to you, my God.

Even the smallest drop of hope and goodness will be like a full drink of water to our dry and thirsty souls.  We place our future in your hands and our trust in your will and wisdom.  Help us see, and be, the good news that you have given to us.  In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

Prayer For Good News In Our Community

God, I barely have words to say as I pray this prayer.  Our community, our town, has been devastated by recent events.

We barely had time to deal with the damage the bad weather storms brought before we got slammed with a multiple murder of a dear family.  Lord God, we need serious help.  We need tangible, graspable good news.

So many are focused on trying to get their homes and businesses back into some kind of living situation, that we don’t seem to have the empathy left to deal with this tragic killing in our community.  We can hardly believe something like that happened here.

I’m not even sure I have the emotional bandwidth to deal with it, so I can only imagine how others are feeling and thinking.  I pray for good news, Lord.  I ask for good news, something positive to come across our reality right now.  I pray this in the strong name of Jesus, our true Savior, Amen.

Prayer For Good News On Television

God in heaven, I think, even as I pray this prayer, that I am praying a foolish prayer.  I am asking for there to be good news on television.  All the news shows seem to cover is bad news–murder, mayhem, disaster, negative, negative, negative.  Isn’t there some good news out there that is worth covering and sharing with their watchers and listeners?

I understand that bad news gets covered because it’s what is unusual.  A thousand cars traveled safely down our major interstate and didn’t wreck, but the one car that did have a wreck is what ends up on television.  I just wish that some of the good things that people do for each other could get some spotlight as well.

I pray that you would work in the minds and hearts of television producers and editors and reporters.  Help them take a chance on some positive, good news.  I pray this prayer in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer For Good News On My Social Network

Dear Lord, I think I might have to get off of my social networks.  Or I might have to block or turn off some of the people who are in my friend group or news feed.  Everyone seems to only want to post negative stuff.  Or articles attacking other people they disagree with.

I don’t need more negativity in my life.  I want to see that good things are happening in my friends’ lives or in my work colleagues’ lives.  I know if I say something online, I will get hounded so I just remain silent.  But, I can still pray to you about it and for that I am grateful.

Perhaps I can just post positive stuff and let my own personal good news campaign catch on.  Maybe people will see my example and want to join in.  I can only be responsible for myself and my actions so I pray that you give me guidance on this.  I pray this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer For Good News In Government

Father God, I pray for good news in our government.  I pray that our elected leaders will stop being divisive and attacking each other and work for the good of the country, not just their political party.  I pray that there be good news about what our government is doing, instead of just hearing about who is arguing with whom.

I want my government to be a force for good in our town, state, and country, not a force for greed, power, and self-interest.  I pray you work in their minds and hearts to instill positive mindsets.  I pray for good news in and through our government.  I pray this prayer with hope through Jesus, the Author, and Finisher of our faith, Amen.

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Concluding Thoughts

Praying for good news may feel like we’re trying to ignore, or not accept, the harsh realities of living in a broken world. We’re not pushing aside those realities, but admitting, as we pray, that we need God to help us. We need God, who is all Goodness, to bring good news into our lives.

Like cold water to a weary soul
    is good news from a distant land” (Proverbs 25.25, NIV).

Our souls and our lives are lifted up, physically, mentally, and spiritually, with good news. Even the act of praying is a step toward goodness, in and of itself.

May your prayers for good news find reality and bring positivity into your life.

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