5 Hope-Filled Prayers For A Better Tomorrow

Looking for hope?  Hoping for a better tomorrow than you had today?

These five prayers can be of help to you.  Whether you have been praying for a number of years, or you are new to praying and not sure what to do, use the prayers below to guide you.  Prayer is simply talking to God.

You are welcome to modify each prayer as you wish in order to fit your circumstance or specific need.  Think of each prayer as a starting point or conversation starter with God.  As you start saying the words, your own spirit will open up.

Trust that God hears you as you speak.  God is a powerful God–God is also a personal God.

You may be familiar with the expression: better days are ahead.  Generally speaking that is true.  Life can tend to get better as we move along.  We gain perspective so things that  were bothersome before, are less so now.  We get more comfortable in our skin so insecurities and anxieties decrease and we live more confidently.

So, for some people, tomorrow brings relief. For others, tomorrow may bring worry or dread.

But the truth is that tomorrow does not exist yet. Right now is today.  Nothing has happened tomorrow yet.  Next day’s story remains to be written.  Harnessing the power of these prayers can give you strength as you recall this scriptural reality:

“Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long” (Psalm 25.5, NIV).

Keep open expectations for tomorrow.  We know that the next 24 hours is on the way, but we cannot be certain of how each of those 24 hours will unfold.  We can be certain of a strong and mighty God.

In Philippians 3:7, Paul boldly acknowledges that he has had to reevaluate his past accomplishments: “But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ (NIV).”  He couldn’t depend on his education or awards or fame.  Paul explains that he has not attained all his goals including his goal to know Christ.

Then, in Philippians 3:13-14, he addresses tomorrow: “…But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

It’s impossible to move toward what is ahead when we are still clinging to what is behind us.  What are you holding on to?  What’s in the past has already happened and cannot be re-done.  The future lies ahead.  Why not pray in the present so when the future arrives, you are better prepared?

What situation is in store for you tomorrow? What is your goal for tomorrow? Whatever it is, know that God has strategically placed you and He cares about your next day, and the day after that too! So, use these prayers to help strengthen your outlook and pray for a better tomorrow.

Let these prayers be your next best step toward your next day.  Let these prayers fill you with hope that cannot be stolen or lessened.  You are not alone–God is truly with you, yesterday, today, and forever.

“Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord” (Psalm 31.24, NIV).

Please share in the comments section at the bottom of this page, and ask for prayers from others that are going through the same situation you are in right now.

Short Prayer for a Better Tomorrow

Lord, you are in complete control of my life. Thank you for bringing me this far. Thank you for giving me this day. Please bless me and keep me covered as I journey into tomorrow. Please strengthen my faith and guide me in every moment.

Help me to always rely on your protection and your love—especially for tomorrow. I pray this prayer in the powerful name of Jesus Christ.  Amen. 

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Longer Prayer for a Better Tomorrow

Dear God, I humbly pray for a better tomorrow. With all the chaos and disorder in this world, it can be easy to forget that You are in control. I know that You are in control of my life, Lord. You have covered me this far and helped me overcome problems.

You have helped me endure stress and worry. I am praying right now because I am unsure of tomorrow, Lord. Help me to believe that tomorrow will be a better day. Help me to rise with positivity and hope. Let me see each situation I face with eternal eyes.

Pour into my heart, Lord, so that I can be strong and face the day with a bright attitude. I am here today because of Your grace and mercy. I will get through tomorrow because of Your grace and mercy which is everlasting.

If I start to get discouraged tomorrow, then help me to keep my mind focused on Your love. In Your love, I will find strength to get through the day. In Your love, I will find comfort. In Your love, I have hope!

Thank you for hearing my prayer, Lord. I love you and I pray in Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.  

Prayer for a Better Week

Dear God, please bless the days ahead. Bless this week, Lord. I pray that this week will be the best one of the entire year. I ask that You guide me in the right direction and help me to avoid any pitfalls or dangers.

While I make plans for each day this week, I lay those plans at your feet.  Use it all for your plan, that you may be gloried in what I do each day.  After the raining of emotions last week, I pray for the sunshine of hope in the next seven days, Lord.

Please keep me covered in your grace and mercy as I push forward and get through this week. In Jesus Christ’s name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer for a Better Future

Dear Lord, I understand that life is not meant to be easy all the time, but I have been through a lot. Please bless me with a better future. Please let whatever is ahead of me be more awesome than what I have been through, and more awesome than what I am going through right now.

You are my loving God. Thank you for protecting me this far. Thank you for the air that I breathe. Thank you for staying with me even when I did not acknowledge your presence.  Thank you for giving me life when I was headed toward death.

I give you praise for your provision. I give you praise for the peace I experienced in recent days.  I give you praise for working in my life as I pray.  I give you praise for helping me experience “better” in the midst of “not great.”

Thank you for my future which is being organized even as I pray.   I don’t know what it is, but I know that all good things come from your hand, Lord.  I believe that great things are in store for me and I thank you in advance for guiding my path. I love you, Lord.

I know you hold the future in your mighty hands.  I know you hold the future in your loving hands too.  So, I pray for a better future by placing myself in your hand.  I pray this in Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.

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Prayer for a Better Month

Dear Father in heaven, can I get a do-over this next month?  Last month, and even the month before that have been rough.  From financial stress to health concerns, every time I turn around I seem to encounter some trial or negativity.

I pray for each day of this month to be an improvement.  I thank you for the provision you have given to me in the last few days.  I ask for that positive momentum and positive thinking to continue to roll into this coming month.

As each week unfolds, I pray for hope to be revealed and enlarged.  Grant me perspective to see you at work, despite any circumstance I may face.  As I see you, fill my heart with hope.  Fill my mind with positivity.

I thank you Lord for how far you have brought me.  I look back at last year and can’t hardly believe how much better life is now than back then.  I grab hold of that truth, that reality, and bring it forward in prayer now.

May I see how you have acted in my past and believe in you for a better month ahead.  You have acted for my well being in the past so I can believe that you will work in me and around me for a better future, including this coming month.  Thank you Lord for truth that sets me free!

I know I can do all things through you because you, Lord, are the One who gives me strength to face each day.  May I live this truth each day for the next 30 days, so that by the end of this month, this prayer for a better month will have been a lived-out reality.

I make this prayer with hope, in the name of the One who is the Giver of Hope, Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Closing Thoughts

Hope is a wonderful thing, and we can have hope in a God who is our Rock, amidst the shifting sand of society and circumstances.  Hope for a better tomorrow is best discovered through prayer.

In prayer, we are reminded that God is God and we are not.  In prayer we realize that God is already at work on the things that fill us with worry or anxiety or fear or uncertainty.  As we pray, we understand that we are putting our hope and trust in God, for a tomorrow that has not yet arrived.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3.5-6, NIV).

By praying for a better tomorrow, we are praying, trusting that God will do what he said he will do.

Whether you’re praying for a better Monday or a better month, we’re trusting that God will be who he said he will be.  We relinquish our understanding which is finite, and place our hope in God, who is infinite.

This is the God who placed each star in place and calls it by name.  This is the God who separated the water from the land and heavens from the earth.  The God we pray to for a better tomorrow is the same God who colored each flower, gave each bird a unique song, and knows each hair on your head.

Isn’t that a God in whom you can place your hope and trust?

A better tomorrow starts today as you pray.  One better tomorrow builds to a better week, which can grow to a better month, and then expand to a better year.  Continued prayer may lead to simply a better life–a life lived in dependence on the Almighty Creator of the Universe, God.

Truly, better days are ahead. Some days might seem worse than others, but our loving God has you exactly in the right space.  Even we cannot see fully what God is doing, believe that God is doing something that will be to your benefit and growth, and ultimately, for his glory. 

So, move forward with faith and expect a better tomorrow.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29.11, NIV).

You can leave a prayer request below. Your comments can help others, too.  Please share these prayers and this website with people in your life, so they can benefit from praying as you have.  Thank you for visiting this site, and for praying these prayers, in trust that God hears you when you pray.

6 thoughts on “5 Hope-Filled Prayers For A Better Tomorrow”

  1. Μίνα

    I really really really need a better tomorrow concerning my health concerning my rent and concerning a certain person to change his mind so I can rent the place and make my son’s wedding as a.
    Above all I pray for my student George to get leukemia out of his body n become healthy..
    I pray for his family n I pray for all children in this world!!! AMEN

  2. I need prayers for my husband he is getting better from the Covid but his saturation gets a bit fluctuated. But the sore areas on his bottom is still painful and raw. He s suffering a lot with that. Please pray for him for that sore area to be healed and get a full recovery. Also pray for my sons and daughter who are very stressed also. Thank you so BBM much in the name of Jesus Christ our Healer and Saviour. Amen

  3. We are stifled here. I need prayers as a young man with hopes of a better tomorrow. Right now I am trying to apply for scholarship opportunities—since I am financially strained—to study for my Master’s degree program in any of the European universities and then give back to the community through the knowledge and skills gained in the process.

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