6 Tender Prayers For Your Nephew

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One of my biggest desires is that I will one day have a nephew (or niece)! My kids are the only grandchildren on both sides of our families so I have yet to experience the joy of being an aunt. I know that if I do get that opportunity, I will fervently pray for my nephews. I hope you are praying for your nephews too!

I mentioned in a previous blog post that my children’s aunts and uncles aren’t religious. My kids have many people praying for them, but unfortunately, their aunts and uncles are not those people. It breaks my heart, so I hope that you take the role of being an aunt or uncle seriously and pray for your nephew(s) daily.

As an (aunt/uncle) you can have a positive spiritual influence over your nephew. Here are a few ways you can lead your nephew closer to the Lord without being obnoxious.

  1. Practice what you preach: “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16, NIV). You don’t always need to talk about your faith. In fact, this can sometimes be a turn off if your nephew is in a particularly sensitive place with his faith. Sometimes, actions speak louder than words.
  2. Pray before meals: If you are sharing a meal with your nephew, you should pray beforehand. This is a small way to show your nephew that God is important in your life. It’s also an opportunity for him to learn how to pray by hearing you pray out loud.
  3. Pray for your nephew daily: Pray for your nephew daily and tell him that you do so! It will mean a lot to him and plant seeds in his head that he should also maintain a daily connection with the Lord.

I have given you 6 prayers for a nephew, but feel free to customize them to your specific situation. Please leave any prayer requests in the comments as you are praying so we can pray with you!

Short Prayer For My Nephew

Lord, thank you for the gift of my nephew. (Name) is such a light to the world. He is such a genuine young man. Thank you for the gift of family! May he continue to glorify You in all that he does. May You be at the forefront of (Name)’s mind and the driving force for all of his actions. In Your Name, I pray. Amen.

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Prayer For Keeping A Good Connection With My Nephew

Lord, thank you for the gift of my nephew, (name). I have a good bond with my nephew, but I’d like to work on it more. I sometimes feel uncomfortable and don’t know what to say to be relatable to him.  We used to see each other a lot, but now we don’t see each other as often. I want to stay active and involved in his life. Help me to know he will always be loved by me.

Although we are far apart, help me to keep that good connection with my nephew. I am so busy with my job and family that I often times forget about him. I know he has important and stressful things going on in his life so I need to keep him at the forefront of my mind more often. I know it means a lot to me when he reaches out to me so I need to return the favor and work harder to maintain our connection.

Please help our relationship to grow on a spiritual level. I know (name) has fallen away from the faith he grew up with. He doesn’t pray or go to church anymore. Allow me to be a light to my nephew so that he can turn back to you. When we aren’t close to you, O God, we are restless. I know my nephew is restless.

When my nephew and I speak please help my words to be Your words. Help me to be Your face, hands, and feet. Help me to preach the Gospel and when necessary use words to do so. I hope he can see my passion and purpose for life that derives from an authentic and pure connection with You.

I love my nephew. love you. I hope (name) and I can maintain a better connection so he can love you too. In Your Name, I pray. Amen.

Healing Prayer For My Nephew

Good and gracious God, please keep my nephew in good health. I know he has been battling a variety of health concerns and I pray that you clear them up. You are a miracle worker so I know that if it is Your will you will heal (name) of his afflictions.

Please heal (name) of not only his physical wounds, but of his emotional and spiritual wounds as well. May name remember the words from Scripture, “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds” (Psalm 147:3, NIV). May my uncle turn to you, the ultimate healer, for every kind of healing that he needs. In Your Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer For My Nephew To Put God First

Dear God, Your Son says, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these” (Mark 12: 30-31, NIV).

If these are your greatest commandments then they are my biggest prayers for my nephew. I hope (name) loves you above all else. If (name) is struggling to put you first right now I pray that you take away the distractions. Give him the desire to pray daily and fervently.

I also pray (name) loves others as himself. Your Son served the poor selflessly and that is something we should be doing here on earth. It is our mission as Christians to be Your face, hands, and feet to those we encounter daily. I hope this mission is at the forefront of (his/her) mind.

If (name) is struggling in either of these areas please place someone in his path to help him grow. In Your Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer For My Struggling Nephew

Lord, my nephew is going through a difficult time right now. Things are piling up on him and I know he is struggling even though he doesn’t want to show it. He is such an amazing person. He is a true light in so much darkness in this world. Please don’t let the darkness get to him too.

Help him to persevere in all his endeavors. When my nephew is struggling help him remember to “cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken” (Psalm 55:22, NIV).

We can fill ourselves with worldly things, but nothing will ever sustain us as You do. No matter how difficult things are right now for (name) please help him to have hope in You. Help (name) to deal with their stress in healthy ways and if they need help, give him the courage and strength to ask for help. In Your Name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer For My Nephew To Grow In Virtue

God, there are many virtues you want us to model as Christians. The Scriptures tell us that compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience are just a few of the characteristics we should embody as Christians (Colossians 3:12, NIV).

I fervently pray that my uncle strives to be compassionate, kind, humble, gentle, and patient. When he sees those less fortunate than him may he remember to treat them with the love of Christ. May all the words that come from his lips be spoken with kindness, gentleness, and love.

May (name) try not to boast about his accomplishments. May (name) strive to recognize Your power and know that he can do nothing without You. May (name) have a heart of humility. In Your Name, I pray. Amen.

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Prayer For My Nephew To Find A Wife

Dear Jesus, I want my nephew, to find a wife. Although he is quiet about it, he desires to find someone to spend his life with. He acts like He doesn’t care, but I know He truly desires to spend his days with someone special.

Your timing is perfect so I know they will meet when you want them to. I pray that he is attentive to Your voice when the time comes for them to meet. I pray he sees You in her. Help him to be patient as he waits for his partner.

Thank you for Your guiding hand throughout our whole lives O, Lord. I trust in You and Your providence to find the perfect wife for my nephew. I know only You are perfect, but there is one person you have hand picked for my nephew to spend his life with. She will be the perfect person to lead him closer to You. Thank O, God. In Your Name, I pray. Amen

Concluding Thoughts

Whether your nephew is 2, 12, 22, or 42 it’s important to be a part of his life. As an (aunt/uncle) it’s not always easy to maintain a connection or have an influence on him if you don’t live close. However, the power of prayer should never be underestimated. No matter the distance you can always be close to him through Christ.

You are an important role model in your nephew’s life. Although you may never even talk about God, all of your actions and words are a witness of faith. May you always speak kindly, act humbly, and serve willingly so your nephew knows what it means to be a true disciple.

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