5 Helpful Prayers For Safe Driving

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Do you have anxiety about driving safely?  Are you concerned with traveling safely in the near future?

Will you let this site be of help to you with these five helpful prayers for safe driving?  The prayers below, (and others on this site, covering many areas of life) are for you.  You can pray the prayers just as they are written.  This is helpful if you find yourself at a loss for words, or are not sure how to start praying for safety while driving.  Rest in the reality of God’s presence with you:

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged” (Deuteronomy 31.8, NIV).

You are also welcome to modify any of these prayers as needed, in order to fit your particular circumstances.  In this way, these prayers are merely a starting point for your prayer time with God.  Think of them as a gentle nudge to get you going and then you move forward in relationship with God as you pray your own words.

Driving around, whether it’s for everyday errands or for longer trips like a vacation, can sometimes be stressful.  I know that after I had a wreck, I was very much focused on not having another wreck.  I became so focused on that aspect that I missed out on the enjoyment of driving.  I found comfort and strength in this truth from the Psalmist:

For he will command his angels concerning you
    to guard you in all your ways” (Psalm 91.11, NIV).

There is no where we can go that God is not already present there.  God is with us, even when we drive.  So, it is a natural consideration to pray to God for safety while driving.  Did you know that God cares about such things.  If God can notice whether a sparrow has enough food, then God can surely take notice of you and where you are going each day.

You can pray before you get in your vehicle to drive.  You can also pray while you’re driving (you don’t have to close your eyes to pray!).  You may also want to pray after you have arrived at your destination.  May you enjoy your journey as you pray about driving safely.  And, may you enjoy your journey in stepping closer to God as you pray more often, about more things in your life.  Safe travels!

A Short Prayer For Safe Driving

Dear God, I pray to you now and ask you to help me stay safe when I’m driving.  Help me to stay focused on driving and not get distracted in any way.  Let me see the cars around me so I know what’s happening as I drive.  I just want to arrive at my destination safely.  I pray all of this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

a brief prayer for safety while driving pinPin

Prayer For Anxiety While Driving

Dear Jesus, I get really anxious when I have to drive, ever since I had that wreck a few months ago.  I know I’m a good driver, but that experience has made me nervous every time I get in the car now.  I don’t like that feeling.  I like to drive and I like the independence I have to drive myself where I want to go.

I ask for your help in getting over, or getting through this anxiety.  I try to remind myself of all the many thousands of times I have driven a car somewhere and I did not have a wreck.  One accident does not mean I am going to have another one!  Help me get this reality, this truth, into my brain, so I can drive in peace.

I pray for your calming Spirit to fill me and surround me now as I prepare to drive.  Let my breathing slow down and my muscles to relax.  I place my trust in you, O Lord.  I lift this prayer to you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayer For Safe Travel

God, I ask for safe travel this weekend as we drive to our vacation spot.  It is a long drive so we will have to split up the driving duties.  I pray for each driver to be awake, attentive, and aware of their responsibility.  I want us all to arrive safely and enjoy our vacation.

I pray that we avoid any accidents along the way.  I pray that we don’t run out of gas or have a flat tire.  I pray we make good time.  I pray we take notice of other vehicles on the road and drive safely, not aggressively.  Keep us patient and focused.

I make this prayer for safe travel in our driving in the strong name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer For Safety While Driving

Can you keep me safe when I drive, Lord?  I am headed to the big city later today and there is always so much traffic on the interstate down there.  More cars means more chances for an accident to happen, especially with how fast everyone is going.

I pray that you help me get to the place I am driving to safely.  I don’t want to be late and I don’t want to have a wreck.  I try to go with the flow of traffic, but it’s always a bit of an adventure driving on that busy highway going about 70 mph.  Just keep me super aware of what is happening around me as I drive.

Thank you for hearing my prayer for safety as I drive.  I pray all of this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

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Prayer After Arriving Safely at Your Destination

Dear Jesus, we made it!  Thank you for keeping us safe as we drove today.  We didn’t have any near misses, or really, any problems at all.  It was a remarkably smooth and uneventful drive.  Thank you for that wonderful gift today.

I was a little worried about being safe while we drove, but I prayed to you before we left, so I could give that worrisome burden to you.  I noticed I felt different as I drove–more peaceful and less stressed.  I want to thank you for hearing and answering our prayers.  In the name of Jesus, I give you grateful praise, Amen.

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Consider This

Driving can be a fun activity.  You’re traveling somewhere new and getting out of the house to see new sites.  Or maybe you’re just driving your usual route to work or for the errands you have for today.  Whatever the case may be, driving is a key aspect of being free.

When you drive, you get to choose where you go, and how long you want to drive.

You have the freedom to decide all of those things- assuming your car stays in working condition.  If you’re running errands, you may have a plan for getting them all done in one trip.  If you’re on a road trip, or vacation, perhaps you have mapped out how long you’ll drive and where you’ll stop.  Or perhaps you just take it as it comes and drive until you want to stop someplace interesting.

When we pray to God for safety while we drive, we are acknowledging that we need God to guide us and protect us.

In their hearts humans plan their course,
    but the Lord establishes their steps” (Proverbs 16.9, NIV).

We can trust that God will guide us where we need to go, and encounter the people we need to encounter each day.  We obviously do not want to have an accident or be involved in a wreck.  We want to arrive safely and without incident.  We can gain strength as we remind ourselves that God is watching over us and everyone else in the world. And even though it can be stressful to see new drivers behind the wheel, it’s part of growing up.

In ancient days, when the Hebrew people would travel to Jerusalem for periodic festivals, they would sing songs along the way.  Going to Jerusalem meant that they had to go up to the city, as it sits upon a hill.  Some of the songs they would sing are called The Songs of Ascent,  and are found in the book of Psalms (120-134).  A couple of verses are quite apt for our understanding of praying for safety when driving:

The Lord will keep you from all harm—
    he will watch over your life;
the Lord will watch over your coming and going
    both now and forevermore” (Psalm 121.7-8, NIV).

When we depart, God is there with us.  When we drive, God is watching over us.  As we come back home, God is present to greet us.  Wherever we go when we drive, God is present.  This truth, this reality, can be a soothing truth to grab hold of when we worry about being safe when we drive.

As we finish up this article, I will leave you with this ancient blessing from Ireland:

May the road rise up to meet you.

May the wind be always at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face;

the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,

may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

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