6 Reassuring Prayers For A Mother Daughter Relationship

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Praying for our daughters, where do we even start? Being a mom can be the greatest thing we ever experience in this life. Being a mom to a daughter, I’m almost at a loss for words to describe that. 

Daughters are beautiful and emotional. They reflect the best of us and sometimes the worst. We see ourselves in them and want to protect them, guide them and love them.

Praying and discipling our daughters, especially when they’re teenagers, is one of the greatest responsibilities God has given us as moms. Sometimes we know exactly what to pray for and we can see the needs in our daughter’s life so clearly. And other times it’s unclear what to pray for or how to lead them. 

However, the Bible is clear that older women should teach younger women. Scripture shares a few times how a child should respect their parents and can guide us in how we as mothers can be praying for our daughters. 

“Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.” (Titus 2:3-5 ESV)

We can see here that as mothers we are older women than our daughters, and we are to teach them and train them. We cannot do this apart from the Holy Spirit’s help and much prayer for our daughters.

God hears our prayers and cares deeply for us as mothers and for our daughters. He desires for both of us, mothers and daughters, to have a deep relationship with him.

The following prayers below are for you to pray in different seasons of your mother and daughter relationship. These prayers are not all-inclusive but we hope that they spark more prayers for this relationship.

Please feel free to share your prayer requests about your mother-and-daughter relationship, so that we can be praying for you.

A Short Prayer For The Mother And Daughter Relationship

Dear Heavenly Father, you know what it is like to be a parent and so I come to you requesting that you help me be a better mom. Help me to see how you want me to raise this child and how to instill your truths into her heart.

I pray that our relationship will be one that honors you. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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Prayer For A Mom To Pray For Her Young Daughter

Oh Lord, I am tired, this stage of motherhood is physically exhausting. Sleepless nights when she was a baby. Running around and playing make-believe when she was a toddler. Balancing soccer, ballet, and school. It just seems like life is so fast and tiring. I know that even when I don’t know what to pray I can lean on you to help. 

“Likewise, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groaning too deep for words.” (Romans 8:26 ESV)

So Lord, I simply want to pray for our relationship. Help our relationship, even at this stage in life, to be an honoring to you. Please take my daughter in your hands and keep her safe. 

I want to also pray for her salvation. I pray that her heart will be protected from the scheme of the evil one. That you will reveal yourself to her and that she will be held in your hands forever. 

I pray for her friends. Please bring good friends into her life and help her to be a good friend. Help her to experience opportunities to love people like you have called us to love. 

Lord, I pray that you give me strength for the everyday tasks and the hard challenging days. Please, will you give me the wisdom to decide when to say ‘no’ to something and what activities need to be a priority in her life? I pray that I will be a good example to my daughter so she can see what it looks like to be a woman of God. I pray this all in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For A Mom To Pray For Her Tween Daughter

God, you are a good God! This season of my daughter’s life can sometimes feel like an emotional rollercoaster. The things she is experiencing with a changing body and the things she is experiencing at school can create chaos in her little body. But God, we know you are in control. 

God help our relationship to grow during this season of life. 

Help me to ground my daughter in your truth, so that when the waves of emotions come flooding through her body, she can stand firm on truth. 

“But God’s firm foundation stands, bearing this seal: “The Lord knows those who are his,” and, Let everyone who names the name of the Lord depart from iniquity.” (2 Timothy 2:19)

I pray that as her mind is growing in these years, you reveal to her that she needs you, Jesus, to save her. Help her to recognize her sin, to depart from her iniquity, and turn to you. 

I pray that you allow her to feel the peace that comes with being your child and know your firm foundation will never crumble. 

I want to pray for friends. There are few friends at this age that are selfless and kind. Help her to identify what friends are good influences on her life. Help her to have friends within the church. And at this age boyfriend/girlfriend relationships begin to be desired. I pray that you are at the center of her decisions as well. 

God, I pray that you give me the right words to say. I pray that above all, I will love her the way that you love her. That I can confront sin in her life in a loving way. Please help me keep my mouth quiet when I don’t need to mention something, like her strange eating habits, and wisdom to know when I need to intervene. 

Please give me opportunities to talk about you and be bold to share the Gospel with her. I pray for opportunities to talk about what healthy dating relationships look like. Help me never stop telling her that she is loved, even when neither of us feels like it. I pray all this in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For A Mom To Pray For Her Teenage Daughter

Heavenly Father, these years with my daughter seem to be passing too quickly. However, I know you are sovereign and nothing happens apart from you and your timing. Please help me to value the time I have with my daughter. 

You have entrusted me all these years to raise her, thank you for this opportunity. I know she has always been yours and, in your hands, but could I pray for an extra bit of protection now that she is driving, Ahhhh! 

Lord sometimes in this season we can argue and disagree with one another, but I pray that through it all our relationship with you will grow individually and together. 

Over the years, I have tried to tell her your truths, to be an example for her to follow, and prayed for her in my quiet moments. I trust that you are working in her life, calling her to yourself.  

I pray that a relationship with you will be her highest priority. That she no longer goes to church or reads her Bible because that is what we do, but because she desires that time with you. 

Thank you for wanting a relationship with my daughter that gives life.

“And this is the testimony, that God gave us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son does not have life.” (1 John 5:11-12 ESV)

God, I pray that my daughter understands the Gospel so clearly, so she can experience the life you have called her to. I pray that she will not be persuaded to partake in worldly desires as she prepares to leave the comfort of my home. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

I want to pray for my daughter as she may begin to date in these years. I pray that she would trust you enough to only date a Christian boy. I pray that you give her patients, while all the other girls may be dating to wait for your guidance. I pray that when she is in a relationship that she would understand and desire to honor you in that relationship. 

Father, I pray that you help me to lead by example. Help my daughter see me loving your word, turning to you with hard relationships, and leaning on you when I am overwhelmed. Help me to be patient and kind. Guide me on when to keep quiet and when to speak up. Thank you for hearing my prayers. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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Prayer For A Mom To Pray For Her Grown Daughter

Lord, I miss my daughter. It is so different from when she lived in our home, but I know you are leading my daughter. I pray that she lives for you wholeheartedly. I pray that she seeks after you in all that she does. Please use her life to glorify you. And Lord, I pray that if she can do all of that and live close to me that would be amazing too. 

Lord, I understand that having independence can sometimes lead us to pursue ourselves instead of you. I pray that she will turn from any sins that will separate her from you. I pray that you search her heart and help her grow as she understands more and more of who you are. 

I pray that our relationship will not be an afterthought but be intentional. That we can help each other and love each other in this new stage of life. 

Lord, also search my heart and help me to see if I am grieving my daughter in any way that has put an unnecessary strain on our relationship. 

“Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting! (Psalm 139: 23-24 ESV)

I pray for the relationships she will have at this stage of life. I pray that as she enters into being a wife that she finds joy in this role. When she becomes a mom herself, I pray that she will take this role seriously and value the time she has with her own children. 

Please also help her be bold in sharing about you, Jesus, in her workplace relationships. Give her opportunities to share the Gospel. When hard decisions come up I pray that you give her guidance and courage to stand for you. 

Lord, thank you that we can come to you in all stages of being a mom, especially this one. It might feel like I don’t have as much influence anymore but prayer is powerful and I trust her to you. In Jesus’ 

A Short Prayer For A Mom To Pray For Her Daughter

Lord, I know my daughter is from you and I praise you for allowing me to be a mom. My heart groans for her to know you, please reveal yourself to her. 

Help her to know who you are and live for you with her whole heart, body, and mind. Please guide our relationship, help me to train her, love her, discipline her and teach her in a way that gives you all the glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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