5 Tender Prayers for a Peaceful Death

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Is a loved one facing the end of life soon?  Curious about how to pray about their passing?

When a family member or dear friend is approaching the end of their life, it can be difficult to know what to pray for, or how to pray.

What do you do?  The person you love and care for is in a rapidly deteriorating health condition due to a terrible disease.  Perhaps their internal organs are slowly shutting down.  Or your loved one is being kept alive by machines right now.

Whatever the case may be, you are torn between knowing, that as a believer, they’d be in a place of final healing by being in heaven when they die, and not wanting them to pass on because you’d miss them so much.  Your feelings go up and down like a roller coaster and you can experience a type of emotional whiplash.

It can be helpful to remind yourself of your loved one’s relationship with God in these moments.  Ultimately we are in God’s hands.

If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord” (Romans 14.8, NIV).

Still, though, questions arise on a near daily basis.

Is it okay to pray for their passing?  Am I lacking in faith because I pray for a peaceful death?  Or am I being compassionate by praying for that to happen?  These and other concerns are natural in a situation like this.  I have found that it is better and more comforting to bring these questions and concerns to God in prayer.  And remember, God is with us in every season and everywhere.

Here is a trustworthy saying:  If we died with him, we will also live with him” (2 Timothy 2.11, NIV)

These five prayers are written to help you have words to say to God in a tough circumstances.  You can change the words to fit your specific situation or family member as needed.  Let these prayers be a door to walk through in your journey with your loved one.  You may find your own prayer requests come up as you pray.  Please share them in the comments section below.

Short Prayer for a Peaceful Death

Dear God, I pray for (name) today.  He is nearing the end of his life and his doctors have said there’s nothing more they can do for his condition, other than make sure he’s not in pain.  I feel weird praying this God, but I ask that you grant him a peaceful death.  Let him come to you in his passing and be made whole.  In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

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Prayer for a Peaceful Death for Mother

Lord Jesus, my mother is dying, day by day.  Her mind is gone and she’s not really the person I know as my mom.  Her body is breaking down organ by organ.  She’s a mere shell of who she was.  Lord I need your help right now.

I’m so torn as to what to think, what to do, even what to pray!  I love my mother so much but it is heart-wrenching to see her in this condition, and I feel powerless to do anything to help her.  So, I am praying to you, God.  I need guidance and direction.  All of her end-of-life paperwork is in place but I’m torn.

I just want her to be at rest and I believe that would happen when she is with you, her Heavenly Father.  I humbly ask that you give her a peaceful death, Lord.  When she is with you she will be out of pain and in the fullness of your presence.  While I will mourn her because she’s not physically here with me, I know her love will remain through you.  I make this prayer in the strong name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer for a Peaceful Death for Father

Dear God in heaven, my dad is in so much pain.  This disease has devastated his body and there’s nothing much the doctors can do at this point.  Surgery is out of the question so now the whole focus is on pain management and that is reaching a limit of diminishing success.

I don’t want him to go, but I can’t bear to see him contorted with pain every day.  Maybe I’m just weak, Lord, I don’t know. But I do know that he would be made whole and without pain and rest in your final healing if he passed on to you.  Lord, I need your peace and direction, as I feel pulled from one emotion to another.

I bring my dad to you, Lord.  I place my faith and trust in you, that you will, in your compassion, grant my dad his final rest and a peaceful death.  I know you understand what I’m feeling because you are a powerful and personal God.  So, I make this prayer in the name of the Divine Healer, Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayer for a Peaceful Death for Family Member

Lord Jesus, my (family member) is facing death soon, it appears.  The trauma she experienced is just too much for her immune system and the rest of her body to withstand any longer.  The surgeries helped a little bit, but it looks like they just prolonged the inevitable–(name) is going to die, and sooner rather than later.

It’s very difficult for me even to say those words out loud, even in a prayer to you, Lord.  I’m already missing her and she hasn’t even died yet.  My heart is broken for her because I can’t ease her pain and I can’t do anything to make her better.  I can pray, so that’s what I’m doing.

Hear my prayer, O God.  I’m not sure I can actually speak the words regarding her death, but I know in my heart that there’s no hope for any kind of life here now, except to be connected to tubes and machines.  Lord, can I ask you to give her a peaceful passing into your arms?

While she will die here, she will be alive in you, and that’s the best place for her, Lord.  I pray this tearfully, yet in faith and trust in you, our God.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer for a Peaceful Death for Friend

God, my best friend is about to die soon.  I spoke with his family and they said that the disease has taken over and no medicine can stop it now, as it has spread rapidly to most of his internal organs.  I hate this for (friend’s name), as he was in good health only a year ago.  I pray for his family in this moment as they face some very challenging decisions and emotions.

I just want him to be at peace and at rest and out of pain, Lord.  If there was a way for the disease to be completely eradicated in his body and he could return to his life pre-disease, I’d ask you to do that.  But that’s not the case, that’s not the reality of what (name) is facing.

It’s the end of his life here on earth.  I’m already grieving him passing, even though he is still here with us.  Yet, Lord, I humbly ask that you grant my best friend a peaceful passing into the realms of heaven.  I’m grateful he is a follower of Christ and has the hope of eternal life with you.  Let him be fully healed in your presence. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Risen Savior, Amen.

Concluding Thoughts

No one wants a loved one to die.  But in our broken world, we realize the reality of disease and trauma and declining health conditions.  Our bodies and minds are wonderful creations of God, yet we know they do not last forever, despite our best efforts and attention.

For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands” (2 Corinthians 5.1, NIV).

At some point, each of us will experience death.  When a family member or dear friend is facing death, it arrests our attention.  We wrestle with opposite emotions:  love for their presence with us, and comfort knowing they will be without pain or disease.  I have found it helpful, when I’ve faced this situation, to recall that God knows how we feel.

God knows what it is to face the death of someone he loves.  He faced it in the death of his son, Jesus.

Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” When he had said this, he breathed his last” (Luke 23.46, NIV).

Realizing that God knows what we’re feeling, that God understands our whirlwind of emotions, can bring us comfort and a measure of peace.  We don’t have to feel awkward or weird in praying for our loved one’s peaceful death.  We can trust that God will work things out in his divine purpose and plan.

This is why praying to God in this circumstance will be helpful.  This is why we encourage you to use these prayers and share them with your family.  Let the peace of God rest upon you as you pray for your loved one’s peaceful rest.

7 thoughts on “5 Tender Prayers for a Peaceful Death”

  1. Please pray for my mother, who is 93 years old and suffering with severe dementia.
    She speaks less and less each day and is totally blind and becoming a bit hard of hearing ipshe cries often and ask what she did to deserve this, and she did nothing. My mother is a devout catholic and she became a single mom when I turned 13. She sacrificed so much for her children over the years. I know she is scared and lonely because all her 3 children live outside of the city she lives in and we are unable to visit every day or even every week. She has no visitors cause all her siblings have passed away as wee as her friends. I am praying for a peaceful death for so she can join God in the Kingdom ofHeaven

  2. Please pray for my Father,. He is 95 years old and very sick with CKD (Chronic Kidney
    Disease) He is in a great deal of pain, he does Diaylis 5 days a week and that is the only thing that is keeping him alive. Like my mother, there is nothing more they can do for him medically except the dialysis, he has not been out of bed in 4 weeks, he has very bad knees and it is painful for him to walk. He can only take 4 or 5 steps with a walker and he tires out quickly and wants to get back in bed. The nursing home physical therapist goes in ever day to get him to move his legs in bed. He has no desire to really eat and drift off to sleep when he has visitors. He has told me he is ready to go and as love him and mother with dementia, I will miss the. both very much, however seeing them going through this is the absolutely hardest thing I have ever done,
    Please God have mercy on them Mom and Dad and call them home to your Kingdom of heaven. I love them so much and it is hard to see them go through this.
    I know it is not my decision and it is up to you , all I can do is continue to pray for a peaceful death for both of them
    Praise God


  3. Please pray for my mom, she will be 93 next week, she has dementia and we are calling to start hospice today. The only place I know to turn is God and prayer. I don’t want my mom to suffer.
    God bless you and thank you for your prayers.

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