8 Tender Prayers For A Dying Father

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When you discover that your father is dying, it can be one of the most difficult things you will ever experience. You may feel overwhelmed with grief, anger, and fear. You may also feel guilty if there is some emotional distance between the two of you. Whether it’s your father, or a significant man in your life (grandfather, father-in-law, etc.), the emotions are often the same.

Praying for a dying father can be especially difficult. You may feel like your prayers are not being answered, or that God is not listening to you. However, it is important to remember that God is always with you, even in your darkest moments. He loves your father just as much as He loves you, and He wants to see him go to heaven.

With emotions swirling, it can be a challenge to think straight. I’ve included a few things to consider when you are feeling overwhelmed by the roller coaster of emotions and feelings. These may not all apply to you, but at least one of them may be what’s standing in your way.

  • You are grieving the loss of your father. Even though your father is still alive, you are already grieving the loss of the relationship you had with him. This can be a very painful process. Give yourself some time to work through this.
  • You are afraid of what the future holds. You may be worried about how you will cope without your father in your life. You may also be worried about the practicalities of caring for him and making arrangements for his funeral. It’s okay to be afraid–it means you’re human.
  • You feel guilty. You may feel guilty if you have not spent as much time with your father as you would have liked, or if you have had a difficult relationship with him in the past.
  • You feel like your prayers are not being answered. You may have been praying for your father to be healed, but he is still dying. This can be very discouraging and can lead you to doubt your faith. It’s tough to deal with what you cannot control.

Despite the challenges, praying for a dying father is important. It is a way to connect with God and seek His comfort and guidance. It is also a way to express your love and gratitude for your father. It’s also a way to relinquish control over something that is beyond you.

“If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord” ( Romans 14.8 , NIV).

Praying for a dying father is not easy, but it is a powerful way to connect with God and receive His comfort and guidance. Trust that God is with you and that He loves you and your father. Let these prayers be a balm to your soul. Keep on praying!

Short Prayer For A Dying Father

Dear God, my father is dying and I don’t want him to go just yet. I don’t want to be cruel and hold on to him when it’s time for him to go to be with You, but I just can’t grapple with my dad not being here anymore just yet. His illness is terminal and is progressing fast. I just thought we’d have more time together. Thank you for the time we have now. Help him to die with dignity and without pain. I ask this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

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Longer Prayer For A Dying Father

Dear God, my heart is heavy as I pray for my dying father. I know that his time on this earth is limited, and I am struggling to come to terms with that.

But I trust that You have a plan for his life, and that You will be with him in his final days. I ask for Your comfort and guidance as I care for him and support my family during this difficult time.

Please help me to cherish the moments I have left with my father, and to create memories that will last a lifetime. I also ask that You would prepare his heart for heaven, and that You would give him peace and hope in the midst of his suffering. Thank You for Your love and faithfulness. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Prayer For A Dying Father-in-Law

Lord God, I’m grateful for my father-in-law, but he is dying and I want to lift him up to you. I know that he is a good man, and I am grateful for the time I have gotten to know him. It’s like I got a second father in the deal when I got married.

I ask that You would give him comfort and peace in his final days. I also ask that You would strengthen his family and friends during this difficult time. They have a lot of questions and I just want to be a support for my wife and her family during this time.

I pray that with each day, we all are strengthened by Your Spirit, and that we can each bring peace to (father-in-laws name). In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

Prayer For A Dying Grandfather

Father God, I am praying for my dying grandfather. He has been a loving and supportive figure in my life, and I am heartbroken to know that his time on this earth is limited. He’s always been around and now, to think that he will be gone soon is overwhelming.

He’s had a long and productive life and we all are thankful for his influence in our lives. We just don’t want him to die right now. I place his heart and life in Your hands and, in trust, believe that You will walk with him as he passes on to be with You in paradise. I lift my grandad to you through Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Prayer For A Friend’s Dying Father

Dear Lord God, I know that my friend is very close with her father, and I am heartbroken for her, as she watches her dad dying in front of her. There’s nothing to be done for his condition. I pray, as an act of mercy, that he be able to die soon so he can enter into wholeness and healing with You.

I confess I don’t know Your plan in all of this Lord, but I just know this prolonged process is a heavy burden for my friend. Please help me to be a support to my friend during this time. I also ask that You would help me to pray for her father regularly. I pray this all in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer For A Dad Diagnosed With Terminal Illness

My dad has just been diagnosed with a terminal illness, and I am struggling to cope with the news. Apparently, there is no treatment to stop this or slow it down. I know that he may not have much time left, and I am heartbroken. This is just a lot to process all at once.

The whole family is trying to make sense of this, but let us all remember to focus on dad right now, as he’s the one who is actually dying. All we know is that he doesn’t have much time, so let us treasure the time we do have and make dad’s last days full of peace and joy. I pray this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer For A Dad On Life Support

Dear God in Heaven, the doctors just told my family that my dad had to be placed on life support, and I am not sure what to do. I am praying for a miracle, but I am also preparing for the worst. It’s a confusing place to be emotionally and I don’t know what to pray for either.

I know You can make sense of what I’m praying, so I ask for Your comfort and guidance during this difficult time. I also ask that You would be with my dad and give him peace. It looks like it is Your will for him to be taken home to heaven, so I ask that You please give him a swift and painless passing. I wish he could be with us longer, but I don’t want my dad to suffer needlessly. Hear my prayer in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Final Thoughts

When a significant man in your life is dying, it may be hard to know how to pray, or what to pray for. In my own life, I obviously want to have that person in my life for as long as possible, but I don’t want him to suffer any longer with an illness either. It’s a painful dichotomy to deal with.

If you are in this type of circumstance now, then you have arrived at a good place. These eight tender prayers for a dying father are intended to help you pray through a struggling time.

There are different prayers for different scenarios. Although I couldn’t cover every possible circumstance, you can modify any of the prayers to suit your specific situation. The main point is to use these prayers to connect with God and share your pain and worry.

You could also benefit from looking at prayers for someone in critical condition, or prayers for someone dying. You’ll find this site has useful prayers for many of life’s situations and challenges.

“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” ( John 11.25-26, NIV).

As you pray, remember to be honest with God. Tell Him how you are feeling, even if you are angry or afraid about what’s happening with your father. He understands your pain and He wants to help you. 

With many things that are out of our control, I encourage you to consider that God’s will is not always what we want, or how we want. But we can trust that He knows what is best for us and for our loved ones.  Also, the Holy Spirit can give you the words to pray and the strength to endure this difficult time.

If you are able, please share your prayer requests or comments at the end of this article. We’d like to hear from you.

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