“Well done, good and faithful servant…” (Matthew 25:21 ESV)
Short Prayer To Finish Strong
God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, I pray that you help me finish strong. I am so tempted to quit. It would be easy to drift to the end, but I want to glorify you in all that I do, so please help me finish strong.
When I feel weak, please give me your strength. When I want to give up, please put others in my life that will help me.
Jesus, thank you for finishing strong. You never gave up on us, you went to the cross, bearing my sin, taking the place of my punishment because you loved me so much. And you have promised to finish strong by returning one day, for this, I am forever grateful.
Help me never forget what you have done for me and help me to finish strong. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer To Finish My Current Task Well
Dear Heavenly Father, I have a task that I want to finish strong. In all I do I want to glorify you so please give me the strength to finish well.
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? (1 Corinthians 9:24 ESV)
Father, give me self-control and discipline to endure to the end. Give me a clear vision of the purpose of my task and how it can glorify you in it.
When I feel weak, please give me strength. God, it’s easy to want to give up when I get to the end, but I don’t want to quit. When I’m tempted to finish without giving it my all, I ask that you remind me of the purpose of this task as it relates to your kingdom.
God, please, pour out your love, give me the power of the Holy Spirit, through Jesus Christ our Lord, to finish strong. It is in his name, Amen.
Prayer To Finish School Strong
God, you alone control time. You move the Earth and have created a purpose in it. Right now, it feels like my purpose in school is meaningless and time is going so slowly. But I desire to glorify you in all that I do so will you please help me to finish school strong?
God, we thank you for this time in school that has prepared me for my future. I thank you for the teachers and administrators that have given their time to pour into my life.
God, I recognize that you are preparing me for more than just my future job. School is not just a training ground but because I’m yours, I already have a mission. Help me not to lose heart when it feels like school and grades are dragging on but help me stay focused on doing all things for your glory.
Thank you for giving me purpose even through the finishing season of school. Help me to value this time and give me the strength to finish strong. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer To Finish My Career Strong
Father God, I praise you for the many years of strength you have given me in my career. I have seen how you have brought me through hard seasons and how you guided through changes. Now that I am finishing my career, I pray you will help me to finish strong.
I have worked hard for many years. This job was not just a job, but it allowed me to glorify you as I worked so others would know you.
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, (Colossians 3:23 ESV)
God, I pray that at the end days in my career I would finish the work strong. I also pray more specifically that I would finish your work strong. Help me to see who needs your love and give me the boldness to share it with them. Help me to know how to pray for my co-workers, even as I finish strong.
God as I leave this career and on to the next season in my life, I pray that you never stop transforming me into your servant. Continue to give me opportunities to work hard and love others.
God, I pray that when I feel weak or without purpose, that I would cry out to you. I know I do not deserve your grace. Please help me finish strong in my career, to walk in faith looking forward to the day when my faith will become sight. It is in Jesus’ name that I pray, Amen.
Prayer To Finish Life Well
God, no one knows when they will die, but I am nearing the end. My prayer now is that I will finish strong.
Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. (James 4:14 ESV)
God, thank you for the many experiences I have had. I know my life is just a mist but because of your grace, that I received through Jesus, you have allowed me to be part of your bigger story. Thank you for this opportunity.
God, I praise you for the confidence you have given me through the love of your son. I look forward to the day when I will pass from this world into your presence.
God, I pray that even in these last days I finish strong, that my purpose would be to live for you, and not for myself.
Thank you for sending Jesus to die in my place and to deliver me from the wrath I deserve. My life was not without struggles or temptations, but you gave me strength and hope.
Lord, forgive me for not always living for you. Forgive me for the selfish acts and desires I had. I am sorry for the ways that my sins has hindered my opportunities to share you and the love you offer through Jesus.
As I finish this life help me to remember daily the good news, that you adopted me and forgave my sin. Help me to continue to love others that are in my life and give me the boldness to proclaim you.
I pray this all in the name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.
Prayer That My Loved One Will Finish Life Strong
God, my loved one is nearing the end of their life. I praise you for calling ___________ to yourself. The promise of eternity with you, for all those who have faith, is a comfort I cling to in these last days. I pray that my loved one finishes strong.
God, only you know when they will ultimately leave this life and enter eternity with you. I want to thank you that you have loved us enough to care for each of our lives.
Since his days are determined, and the number of his months is with you, and you have appointed his limits that he cannot pass, (Job 14:5 ESV)
Father God, thank you for reconciling my loved one through Jesus. You gave ____________ a full life as he lived for you. Please even in these last days equip my loved one for your redemptive work.
Father, I pray that you give my loved one strength to continue to show love and patients to those around them. I pray that you take away any sense of fear but only fill them with hope.
God, there are many other good things I could pray for as my loved one nears death. I thank your for hearing each of these prayers.
It is with this hope, that I pray that my loved one will finish strong. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Concluding Thought
Praying to finish strong is a prayer that will honor God. While its good to pray we finish a task or season of our life strong, it’s important to remember as Christians what we are called to. Jesus called us to make disciples and baptize them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19)
In every task we do, in every job we work, in all of our life we should be striving to share the Gospel because that is how we will fulfill what Christ is calling us to do. So when we think about finishing strong, we must pray we will be bold to share the Gospel and love well.