6 Loving Prayers For Grandfather

6 prayers for Grandfather pin Pin

Grandfathers are often times the rock of the family. For many years they provided for their small families and now they care for bigger families. 

Every grandfather may lead their family in different ways. My grandfathers led quietly, working hard and praying often. Grounded in God’s word his words were loving and when needed he would kindly correct. 

Other grandfathers may lead with big characters and loud voices. Their presence was noticed and respected.

Grandfathers find so much joy in seeing their grandchildren laugh. They are overjoyed when they see their children doing well. They care for the family and are so important. 

However, we must not ever forget that our grandfathers are also fallen sinful humans, just as we all are. They stumble, they are tempted, and they disappoint. 

“Wisdom belongs to the aged, and understanding to the old. But true wisdom and power are found in God;
    counsel and understanding are his.” (Job 12:13)

Grandfathers are also in need of a savior, especially when we see that they are struggling or losing their faith. It is in these moments that we must step in and pray for our grandfathers.

If there is any way we can specifically be praying for your grandfather we would love to know. Comment below and we will join you in praying for your grandfather. 

Short Prayer For My Grandfather

Heavenly Father, I thank you for my grandfather. I know all good gifts come from you and my grandfather is one of the most precious gifts you have given our family. 

My grandfather is kind and generous. There is never a day that passes that I don’t know and feel his love. You have given him such a huge heart for his family. 

God, I praise you that he has led our family well. I will always cherish the time spent with him. He made me feel so special and like I was his favorite. He did this to each one of his family members. His selflessness was overwhelming. 

a brief prayer for my Grandfather pin Pin

Healing Prayer For Grandfather

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for healing for my grandfather. You have the power to heal. Throughout scripture and throughout history we have seen your loving kindness given to those who needed healing. When you heal it shows this broken world that there is a loving God who is worthy of our praise. 

You have the power to heal and the authority to allow it to happen. 

And he called to him his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every disease and every affliction. (Matthew 10:1 ESV)

I ask today that you would heal my grandfather. I ask this not simply because I want more time with him because I do, but because I want your name to be glorified. I want to show my friends and family that do not know you that you are still the same powerful God. 

I boldly ask for my grandfather’s healing, for your glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayers For Struggling Grandfather

Father in Heaven, you alone are worthy of my praise. You know the depths of our hearts and yet you still want a relationship with us. Father, you know that my grandfather is struggling right now. It is so hard to see. I pray that you would encourage him in a way that only you can do. 

Father, you see that his struggle is a byproduct of not fully trusting in you and instead being prideful. He often feels like he needs to be in control and feels the weight of the burdens of our family. I pray that you would relieve him of these pressures and help him to experience the easy yoke of being with you. 

I pray that you would give him the courage to surrender all the things he is struggling with to you, and help him to let go. Guide him to know how to do this, and give him confidence that things will not fall apart because you are in control. 

Relieve my grandfather from all his struggles. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayers For Grandfather’s Safety

Almighty God, you have saved my grandfather from his biggest problem, his sin. You did this by sending your son to die for our sins. It’s through grace by faith that my grandfather is safe from your wrath and eternity apart from you. I praise you for this promise of his eternal safety. 

In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety. (Psalm 4:8 ESV)

Right now I want to pray for his safety here on earth. There are situations that he is in that cause him not to be safe. There are times when his life is in danger because of these situations. He is not always aware of how the world has changed and the dangers that are at hand. I pray that you keep him safe. 

Father, open my grandfather’s eyes and give him wisdom to avoid dangerous situations. Father, I pray that you would keep him safe. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

a prayer for Grandfather's safety pin Pin

Prayers For Grandfather’s Salvation

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray now for my grandfather’s salvation. You alone can save us.

You know his heart. God, there is no fruit in his life of being in a relationship with you. There is no evidence that he has been walking with you or knows you. There have even been seasons in his life where he openly denied you and cursed your name. 

He is deceived by the devil and believes that he is okay, but I plead with you to save him. You are the only one that can save us from the depths of our sins, from the evil one, and from death. God, I pray that you will allow his heart to be softened. Do not let his heart be hardened against you anymore.  

God, I ask that you would bring something into his life so that he would see clearly his need for a savior. Help him to see his sin and how it destroys his life here on earth but also his eternity. Give him a true fear of you so that you can open his eyes to the truth of his needs. 

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction. (Proverbs 1:7 ESV)

Father I plead with you not to leave him only dwelling on his sin but then open his eyes to the truth he has heard so many times. The truth is that you sent Jesus to die for our sins. Help him see the truth of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection and how these truths are the greatest news in the world. 

Guide my grandfather into repentance and a relationship with you. Save my grandfather, Lord. I know you can even in this stage of his life. I pray this selfishly so that I can live in eternity with him forever, but also for your glory. My grandfather’s salvation will only happen by your power, let the world see your power. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For Grandfather To Lead Well

Father God, I thank you for being the greatest example of a father anyone could want or need. You give generously and care for us perfectly. I pray for my grandfather to lead our family well as he follows after you.

It is not always easy to lead well today. There are many pressures from this world and the sin that is within each of us to neglect this responsibility. I pray my grandfather would lay aside all of this and seek after you full-heartedly. I pray that you lead him as he leads our family. 

God, I ask that you would teach my grandfather what it looks like to lead in the way you have called the men of the family to lead. I ask that as he leads his family well that it would bring glory to you. When the outside world looks at how he leads may they see your love.

But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. (1 Timothy 5:8 ESV)

Father, I pray that you help my grandfather lead my grandmother well.

God, will you please help my grandfather lead his family in a way that they would know you and know you more? There are members of my family that do not trust you and do not have saving faith. Help my grandfather lead in a way that these family members would repent of their sins and follow you.

I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Closing Thought

Grandfathers are such important people in our lives. For so many years they worked hard to provide financially for their families and in the later years of grandfathering they work hard at caring for the members of their family. 

It is good to pray for our grandfathers as we trust that God is leading them and providing for their needs. 

It’s also good to praise God for our grandfathers. 

I hope these prayers helped you pray for your grandfather in a new way and that they will help you to continue to pray for him in new ways. If you have any prayer requests then don’t hesitate to leave a comment below.


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