4 Surrendering Prayers For Letting Go

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“Let it go”

This is a saying someone might tell a friend during an argument. Or, if you have a little girl in your life you may feel like bursting into song when you hear “Let it go”. But this concept of letting go is not just something that cartoon characters sing about but a Biblical concept that is traced throughout scripture.

You won’t actually see the words “let it go” in scripture but the idea of letting something go indicates that we are trusting “it” to someone else. As Christians, we must trust God with everything in our lives. We must let go of the pride in our life that we are in control and acknowledge that God is in control.

Even though it is something we must do, it doesn’t make it easy to trust God. This sinful world we live in makes us question if we are crazy to let it go and trust God.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6 ESV)

For us as Christians, we must trust God at the beginning of our faith to receive saving salvation. Then we must trust God as he sanctifies us and teaches us more about who he is. This isn’t easy, but it is so good.

These prayers will challenge you to let go of whatever you are hanging on to and trust God.

We would love to hear how you are letting go and come alongside you in prayer as you continue on your journey of trusting God. Please comment below with your prayer requests.

Short Prayer About Letting Go

God, I approach your throne of glory today asking you to help me to let go. I am clinging to control and I know that it’s destroying my life. Please help me to let go.

I know that I bring nothing, you created me, saved me, and sustain me, and yet I try to control every situation.

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, (Ephesians 2:8 ESV)

God, help me to rest in knowing you are in control. That my salvation is a gift and was not of my own doing. I didn’t have control of my salvation and I don’t have control of my life. You are sovereign and I let go of my life to you.

You are in control of my life, past, present, and future. I can cling to hope because you are a good and gracious God. Help me to rest in that truth today. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

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Prayer For Giving Up Control To God

Lord, today I’m giving up control. I can do this with confidence because I know that you, God, are in control. I give you my burdens and worries. I trust that you will give me your strength.

Lord, I ask that you fill me with your spirit as giving up control is very difficult for me. Guide me to know how to give up control.

I rejoice in you as I remember who you are. You are a God who can be trusted with my life. For in scripture, I see that you are good God. The stories recount your power and just judgment. So I trust you with my life.

Lord, you deserve all my praise and glory. If I was in control I know that I would try and fail over and over again, just as the Israelites did. But you, God, accepted me as a failed sinner and saved me. You are so good to me, so with confidence, I give you control of my entire life.

God, as I am tempted to strive in this life to gain control, authority, wealth, or whatever my sinful nature desires, help me to disregard all of it as I remember your grace in my life. I know I came to you with nothing, for you don’t need me. But you rescued me still! Let the temptations of this world fade as I focus on you, God. I give you control.

Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5 ESV)

God, lead me as I daily surrender my life to you. Thank you for being a God who will lovingly take my life into your hands. To my good and gracious God, I pray all of this, Amen.

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Prayer To Relinquish Control To God

Almighty God, you are Lord of my life and I relinquish control to you. You alone I trust my life to because you have overcome the world.

There is nothing that is out of your control. You control the winds and waves so I do not need to fear natural disasters.

You are already in control of the powers of this world. You demonstrated your control when you sent Jesus to die for the sins of this world and triumphantly he defeated death and Satan. So there is no need for me to fear the evil powers that try to persuade me.

You are in control of my life. When I sit and when I rise. You created me, you set life upon me and you are the one who saved me. I was in control of none of that.

It almost seems silly to say that I relinquish control to you because you have always been in control. Even in the moments of life, I thought I was in control it was a false assumption.

Father, forgive me for trying to take control of my life. You are so good to forgive and to save a sinner like me.

God, I ask that your control of my life would produce fruit for your glory. God you chose me, you were in control of my life and in control of my future. Thank you for redeeming me and for hearing me.

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you. (John 15:16 ESV)

God, when I recognize that you are in control my praise for you wells up inside of me. So I cry out to praise you now for the victory and hope you give the world because you are in control. You have lifted me out of the darkness and into your glorious light.

God, because you are in control of my life there is hope in my heart and there is freedom to be wholly yours. I thank you for being a mighty God. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

Prayer To Let Go Of My Child As They Move Out

God, thank you for entrusting my child to me. You have given me the strength to love, raise and teach him/her. Now it’s time to let go.

God, you know their next steps, maybe they are just graduating, or maybe moving out after a long stretch at home. But you are in control of their life so I let him/her go, I trust they are in your hands.

God, you have taught me how to give through parenting. I gave up control of my time to care for my child. I gave up sleep and even my privacy. God, you know I surrendered them to you over and over again.

God, you trusted me to hold them for all these years, and now I must let go. I thank you though that you have also entrusted me to pray for them throughout our lives. So right now I pray for my child as they prepare to leave my home. Hold him/her in your arms.

God, I ask that you help me to let go in a way that is honoring to you. I want my child to grow into a man/woman that glorifies you with their life. Help them to trust you with their entire lives.

Heavenly Father, I am reminded that you also had to give up your child. Thank you for your son, Jesus, who left the comfort of being with you in heaven to endure the cross. God, because you let Jesus go he was able to redeem us. His death brought life!

God, I know that letting go of my child will be very difficult but I pray that by trusting in you to be in control of his life that there will be peace in my heart. I pray that as he/she trusts in you that he/she will be able to share the story of your son, guiding others from death to life.

I pray you fill me with your fullness on days I feel empty. Help me to trust that I’m letting him/her go to a God who has always loved them and has always held them in His hands. God I trust you, not because of what I’ve done but because of who you are, Amen.

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Closing Thoughts

In letting go today, there is hope for tomorrow. You can look forward to seeing how God moves in your life when you have surrendered it all to Him.

He must increase, but I must decrease. (John 3:30 ESV)

So today surrender it all to him. Let go of what you have been wanting to control and trust in a God who is bigger than you can ever even imagine.

If you would like to share with us what you have been trying to control that you have released to God’s control today, we would love to hear from you. You can comment below so we can encourage you as you relinquish your control to God daily.

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