14 Loving Prayers For My Best Friend

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What a sweet thing a best friend can be. I have been blessed with a best friend that I have had most of my life. I’m sure you have one too if you are joining me here in praying for your best friend. 

A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. (Proverbs 18:24 ESV)

Perhaps you are here to challenge yourself to pray for your friend in a new way. Or you are going through a tough season with that friend and don’t even know how to pray for her. Maybe you have a specific prayer in mind and you just need help getting started. 

These prayers will help you grow deeper in your prayer life in regard to praying for your best friend. 

I know with my friendship I have enjoyed the season of great closeness and intimacy. Prayers just flow from my lips for her because I know the things that are concerning to her. Other times our friendship is distant, because of physically not living close or because of strain on our relationship. 

We are called to continue to pray. No matter the season or what is going on in that relationship God wants to be at the center of your relationship and wants to hear from you.

We would love to be praying with you and for your best friend. Please comment below so we know how to better pray for you and your best friend. 

Short Prayer For Best Friend

Dear Heavenly Father, your love is great! I thank you for being my friend and allowing me to come to you. Today I want to pray for my best friend, that you have given me, _________ (name of best friend)

Will you please guide my friend to know you more and allow him/her to experience your love in a new way today? 

Father, I ask that you protect _________ (name of friend) from any temptations today that would pull them away from your best for him/her.

God, I pray that I will be a good friend. Allow me to be slow to speak and be a good listener when I’m with my friend. Give me patience and love that comes from you during hard times. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

a brief prayer for best friend pin Pin

Prayer For My Male Best Friend

Gracious Father, I thank you for my best friend, ________ (Name of guy friend). He is truly a gift from you and I want to thank you for providing this friendship in my life. 

God, you have created this friend to be such a good listener. He is patient with me and our relationship and I value our time together so much. 

Father, I want to ask that you continue to work in his life. He has grown so much and I am in awe of the work you are doing in his life already. I pray that you continue to help him grow to be more like you. 

I want to ask that you help my friend today. You know the burdens that are in his life and I know you have the power to take away these chains. Help him to surrender to you and be able to feel your love and presence today. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For My Female Best Friend

Mighty King, Gracious Father, I come to you today praying for my best friend, ________ (Name of female friend). 

You have blessed me so much with this friend and I am so grateful for her. 

Father, she is in need of your help today. She is going through a tough time and her emotions seem to be controlling her. Help her to remember that you are in control of everything and that we live by faith in you and not our fleeting situations. 

Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:2 ESV)

God, I pray that you draw her close to you today. Help her to grow and accept the change you are bringing into her life. So often we are tempted to not trust you because of our own pride. Help her to release this pride and trust in you fully today. 

Father, I thank you for redeeming my best friend. You have taken her broken life and have chosen her to be part of your family and for your work. I pray that she never forget that she is valued and chosen. 

Hold my friend close today. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For A Deeper Friendship With Best Friend

God, I’ve known my best friend for years but I would love it if we were closer friends. You have created us to be in communion with others and to love them. However, my friendship right now is still shallow.

God, will you please open doors for us to have deeper communication and more meaningful connections? I want opportunities to talk about you and the effect you are having on my life. 

I know that discussing the most important part of my life and sharing this aspect with my best friend is the best way to grow deeper with her. I pray that you give her an open ear and that I will be able to communicate clearly. 

The evil one will not like this.  So I ask that you help us continue to grow deeper no matter how hard it is. Destroy the plans of the evil one. 

Lord, help my relationship with my best friend to grow deeper. Help me to know what that looks like and the areas I need to be more vulnerable. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For Better Communication With Best Friend

God, it is sometimes hard for me to talk with you. And it is sometimes hard for me to talk to my best friend, too. 

God, I desire to be a better communicator with my best friend. Sometimes I want to go deeper and ask better questions but my mind goes blank. 

Sometimes it is hard to communicate because our lives are not close anymore. The physical distance between us is much more than it used to be. Even our situations in life seem to hinder our communication. Help us to accept this change and be able to adjust so we can continue to communicate. 

Father, help me to feel comfortable to communicate, especially when the topic is important to me. Allow my friend to understand what I am communicating and help this experience give us better communication. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For Best Friend’s Dating Relationship

God, I thank you for creating us in your image, male and female. 

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:27 ESV)

Lord, even though scripture does not clearly speak about dating I love that we see that you have created us in a way where dating can be an honoring action. I pray you help my best friend honor you in this relationship. 

It is so fun to watch my friend be attracted to her boyfriend. I love being part of the conversations as she shares all about what she loves about him. I pray that you help them honor you in their relationship. 

God, I ask that you help them keep clear boundaries and reserve what is only meant for marriage until that time. 

Father, if at any point my best friend decides that this guy is not the one for marriage and breaks up with him, I pray that you be close to her. Help her not to feel alone. 

God, please be with my friend in her dating relationship. Be with her through all the phases of this process and guard her heart. 

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7 ESV)

In your name, Amen. 

Prayer For Best Friend’s Marriage

Dear Heavenly Father, you have created marriage and it is a beautiful thing. I am so thankful that my best friend is able to experience all the joys of marriage. However, right now her marriage is going through a tough season.

Father, I ask that you help my friend’s marriage. Please grant both my best friend and her husband patience with one another. I ask that you remove all pride from their lives and allow them to treat each other with love and respect. 

Help, my best friend be a good wife even when it is hard. God, help me to be a good listening ear and help when my best friend needs it. Allow me to be slow to speak and only speak truth into her life. 

For your glory, I ask that you preserve this marriage. Amen. 

Prayer For Best Friend’s Future

Dear Heavenly Father, you are sovereign over all. You know the day we are born and the day we will die. You know our future and what it holds. I praise you for being sovereign. 

Father, I ask that you help my best friend as she is making decisions about her future. Help her to seek you and the wisdom you provide. 

God, I thank you that you are clear to us about our eternal future as your daughters in heaven. The earthly future can seem so unclear though. So I ask that you give my best friend peace as she seeks after you and the future you have for her. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer To Forgive Best Friend

Father, you have forgiven me much. I did not deserve your forgiveness but I am so thankful for it. 

God, I ask that you help me forgive my best friend. She has really hurt me this time. It is so hard to be hurt by someone who loves you. It’s almost easier to forgive someone who doesn’t know better or that you don’t care about. 

Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven—for she loved much. But he who is forgiven little, loves little.” (Luke 7:47 ESV)

But God, you call me to forgive, so no matter what I’m feeling I ask that you help me be obedient to what you have called me to. I ask that you help me forgive her and hold no bitterness towards her. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For Best Friend’s Sickness

Father in Heaven, I come to you today for your mighty power to heal. I love to hear the stories of your gracious kindness in healing those who are sick. I pray that you heal my best friend. 

God, my friend is so sick and is struggling. She is not herself and is often affected by the pain of her sickness. I pray that for her testimony and for your glory you heal her sickness.

God, I pray that you allow this time of sickness to draw her closer to you. Help her to see this time of sickness and suffering as an opportunity to lean closer into You and trust in You more. 

Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, (Romans 5:3-4 ESV)

Help me to be the best friend I can during this time of sickness. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer As Best Friend Nears Death

God, sometimes I don’t have the words to pray. I thank you for the Holy Spirit that helps communicate my thoughts.

God, my best friend is coming to the end of her life here on Earth. She has surrendered her whole life to you and we trust that you have justified her through your blood. We rest in this truth. 

Father, I ask that you be close to ___________ (name of best friend) as she enters these last few days. Help her to have no fear but only confidence that she will soon be with you in heaven. 

Give her peace and comfort in these days. Allow her to be able to say her goodbyes and to use even these last few days to honor you with her words and actions. Preserve her mind and words. 

Lord, I’m sad and I know You understand the pain of losing a best friend to death. It’s ok to weap.

“Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come with her also weeping, he was deeply moved in his spirit and greatly troubled.  And he said, “Where have you laid him?” They said to him, “Lord, come and see.” Jesus wept. (John 11:32-35 ESV)

Help me to accept that my best friend’s life is almost over, but give me peace that she will soon be with you. 

I pray that you turn my mourning into a celebration as I think about her in heaven. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For Best Friend’s Salvation

Father, I cry out to you today to save my friend. She is lost. I have loved her and lived life with her for so long. I see her desperate need for you. 

She is blind to her needs. She feels like she is sufficient in her own abilities. Father, I know that she needs you. Her life is in rebellion of you. Please I ask that you open her eyes to her need for a savior. 

God, I ask that you awaken her. You alone can take these dead bodies of ours and give us new life. Help her to see that the life she is living is without purpose when she is apart from you. 

Father, I pray that you convict her of the sin she is committing. I pray that by whatever means you have to, that you open her eyes. 

When you open her eyes to her sin I pray that you allow me to be by her side to share your grace and love to her. Let this experience not destroy her spirit but instead help her to turn to you and experience the true freedom only found in you. 

God, I pray that you generously open her up to your family, adopting her into an eternity with you. 

Father, give me the boldness to speak truth into her life. The truth of the Gospel. The truth is that you created us in your image. The truth is that we are fallen. The truth is that the only way that we can be made right in your image is to repent and believe in you. The truth is that by your grace we can be saved from the wrath that we deserve. 

God, save my friend. Open her eyes. Give her new life! I pray this boldly in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For Best Friend’s Sanctification

Sovereign God, You alone are worthy of our praise. You have allowed us, sinful humans, to be able to communicate with you. You have created a way, through Christ’s blood, for us to be reconciled to yourself. What a gift we don’t deserve. 

I am so thankful that you have opened the eyes of ____________ (my best friend). You have allowed her to be justified and have eternal hope. 

God, I ask now that you continue this work that you have started in her. Allow her to grow to be more like you every day as you sanctify her. 

Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thessalonians 5:23 ESV)

God, I ask that you teach her how to abide in you. Allow her to experience your love and grace in new ways every day. 

Father, this Christian life is not always easy. In fact, you tell us it will often be uncomfortable and hard. But I ask that through all of life experiences you help my best friend to see your hand at work and continue to trust you as you sanctify her. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer To Repent From Sinning Against Best Friend

Dear Heavenly Father, you alone are holy. You know the sin that is in my life. You know the sin that I have committed against my best friend. I come to you first to ask for forgiveness. Help me to turn from this sin. 

Father, I ask that you also give me the strength to ask my friend for forgiveness. Lord, I’m not sure how much she will be hurt by this news and I don’t want to hurt her anymore. I do want to repent of this sin though so I don’t continue to dishonor her and you. 

Please help me repent and turn from this sin so that my relationship with my best friend can continue to grow.

Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out, (Acts 3:19 ESV)

I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Closing Thoughts

Friends are such a gift from God. We are so glad you are committed to praying for your friend and hope that these prayers jump-started you to pray for your friend more. 

There are many other ways and situations we can pray for our best friends. Best friends should be praying for one another and encouraging one another to grow. 

Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17 ESV)

I hope that the relationship you have with your best friend helps you to grow closer to God. That you work together to strengthen one another. 

Never stop thanking God for the people He has put in your life and asking Him for requests that can help you love your best friend more. He loves hearing from you.

If there is any way we can be praying for you and your friend we would love to know how we can be praying. Please comment below and one of our staff will pray for your best friend. 

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