6 Freeing Prayers To Remove Bitterness

Bitterness can creep into our lives in so many different ways. It will catch us off guard and can ruin our day. But there is a power that can help defeat bitterness in your life. It’s a power that is offered to us freely and we can access that power through prayer. 

Bitterness seems to linger, at least in my life. It’s something I have surrendered to God and am no longer angry about. However when someone else brings up a name or place that triggers those memories, if I’m not active in resisting the bitterness it places roots in my heart. 

I’m reminded of this verse when it comes to bitterness in my life. If I allow the root of bitterness to feed my life it just brings me poison.


Beware lest there be among you a root bearing poisonous and bitter fruit, one who, when he hears the words of this sworn covenant, blesses himself in his heart, saying, ‘I shall be safe, though I walk in the stubbornness of my heart.’ This will lead to the sweeping away of moist and dry alike. (Deuteronomy 29:18-19 ESV)

At first, it seems okay, and thinking poorly about that person or situation doesn’t seem to hurt anyone. But it continues to be on my mind and makes me short-tempered and cranky. I thought I was safe because it was just in my thoughts but I was not. 

I need to pray and release all those thoughts to God. He is the one that already knows the struggles I have with it and He promises to make things right in the end. So when I release it to Him I can trust it’s not just going away but being dealt with by a loving and just Father. 

We are glad you have chosen to pray about this bitterness because God has a great desire to free you from this. We hope these prayers will help guide you as you seek God to help with the bitterness in your life. 

Please comment below if there is an area in your life where bitterness keeps coming up. We would love to join you in this battle as you strive to live a life honoring God. 

Short Prayer About Bitterness

God, will you help me with my bitterness? I recognize that I am no longer angry or in rage but this feeling of bitterness will not go away. 

Help me understand where this bitterness comes from. Help me see if I’ve been holding onto a lie or if there is an area I need to forgive. Guide me to how I can release this bitterness. 

God, I know that you have promised a life of peace for me as I walk with you and I desire this. I know that does not mean that everything in this world will be good or will leave me without feelings of bitterness but I want to grow in this area as I grow to be more like Christ. 

Thank you for being a God who hears me and cares about me. Amen. 

a brief prayer for bitterness pinPin

Prayer For Being Bitter With God

God, I don’t even know where to begin, I don’t even want to come to you because of my bitterness towards you. Help me. 

I find I’m no longer raging with anger against you but this lingering feeling of bitterness I can not seem to get rid of. It’s been so long since I’ve held on to the disappointment and hurt in my life. 

God, I’m struggling to know what to do with my bitterness toward you. I feel like you did not answer me, and I did not get my way. 

Each time I think about why I’m bitter I’m confronted with my own sin of pride, this is uncomfortable and I shut down. Will you help me to humble myself as I process letting go of this bitterness towards you. 

Help me to instead remember who you are. And help me to have comfort and not bitterness that you are in control and I am not. 

God, reveal to me afresh your goodness. You are a God who loves me so much that you sent your son Jesus to pay for my sins. You did this even when I was a sinner. Help me to understand the magnitude of this truth in my life and allow it to transform my bitterness. Free me from the bitterness I’ve held on to for so long. 

Lord, when I am bitter towards you help me to surrender this back to you. Help me to remember the love you have for me. And help me to resist bitterness in the future. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer About Being Bitter With My Spouse

Heavenly Father, you have given me my spouse. I’m struggling with being bitter with my spouse. I feel like I have been pushed out of this life we tried so hard to create together. There are lies, a lack of respect, and so much hurt. It feels like we are under attack. 

I have tried not to get angry, I’ve held it all in and tried not to complain but now I’ve grown bitter. Now even my friends have noticed how bitter I have become. God, I need your help. 

God, will you help me confront my spouse even if it is uncomfortable? Help me to do it in a way that brings honor to you and not in a prideful way. 

Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, (Ephesians 4:15 ESV)

God, help me not to have a dry bitter soul but rather help me to examine my own life to where there may be bitterness that creeps in my life. I’ve struggled to have peace in this marriage for a long time now, will you help me see what has caused this bitterness so I can surrender to you? 

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. (Romans 8:26-27 ESV)

God, you know my desires but I’m so thankful for the Holy Spirit that will interpret my prayers in ways that fall in line with the gospel of Christ.

God, this bitterness in my marriage has again reminded me that I am a sinner and in need of you.  Thank you for pointing out my need for Jesus’ atonement.

I pray for you to continue to help me surrender my bitterness in my marriage and find peace in you. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

a prayer to remove bitterness with my spouse pinPin

Prayer For Being Bitter With A Co-Worker

Father, I can get so bitter with my co-workers when I feel like they are not contributing as much as me. Humble me to your will, Lord. 

God, it’s hard to think about the ways that my co-worker has hurt me without getting angry or filled with pride. So I’ve held it all in, I thought I was ok. But now I see the roots of bitterness in my life. 

Honestly, Lord, I’m not just bitter towards my co-workers but it has become gossip, and I confess this sin to you. I recognize that my gossip is hurtful to everyone involved, the one I speak against, the one who has to listen, myself, and even the Holy Spirit. 

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up,  (Ephesians 4:29 ESV)

God, I know that when I gossip about my co-worker that it feeds the bitterness in my own heart. I do not want the bitterness toward my co-worker to consume me anymore.

I see that the bitterness in my heart is hurting others and I want to release my bitterness. I pray that you do this in a mighty way, Amen. 

Prayer To Remove Bitterness Regarding Disappointments in Life

God, I am bitter about where I am in life right now. I’m bitter that I am not further along in my career, and that I haven’t found someone to share my life with.

I’m bitter about the lack of friends and the amount of time that just seems wasted. Please help me to remove this bitterness from my life. 

God, when I’m alone I continue to replay all my failures and missed opportunities. I know this is not good because it continues to feed the bitterness in my soul.

Instead when I find that I’m alone let me spend time with you, in prayer, in your word and sitting silently before you. 

God, you know each time I see someone happy in their marriage or someone else driving my dream car I get bitter about the disappointments in my own life.

There are so many things I see in this world that trigger this feeling of bitterness in my life. Help me to instead turn my eyes to you and all that you have given me. 

Help me to put away all this bitterness. 

Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. (Ephesians 4:31-32 ESV)

God, will you help me focus on the Gospel truth and that I am right where you want me? Help me to rest in your sovereignty and control. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

a prayer to help remove bitterness featured a person hoping to free from bitterness pinPin

Closing Thoughts

We know where the bitterness comes from. it comes from lingering pain and unresolved anger. But when we focus on God and all that He has done for us there is a greater foundation that we can lay our life on than bitterness. It’s the foundation of Christ.

This is given to you to believe in His power to heal our pain. Instead of life built on bitterness, we can thrive from having a foundation that produces spiritual fruit.  

Even in the face of pain, frustration, and anger, we know we can turn to Christ and not allow these feelings to begin to be bitterness in our lives. Continue to turn to God, the one who can save. 

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