You finally got a call back. An interview is scheduled! Congratulations on making it this far in the process. With so many people changing jobs, getting your application noticed is no small achievement. The employer has contacted you and set up an interview.
Now what?
Has it been a while since you’ve been on an interview? Perhaps you’re feeling a little scared or worried. It might be helpful to you to recall that your identity is based in Christ, not your job. Claim the truth that “nothing else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8.38 NIV). Knowing you are fully loved by the Almighty God can give you confidence.
Do you know how best to present yourself to the hiring team? Maybe you’re just nervous because you really need this job. Financial concerns need to be attended to, of course, but always remember that God is Jehovah Jireh, our Provider, “He provides food for those who fear him; he remembers his covenant forever” (Psalm 111.5 NIV). Remind yourself of all the ways God has cared for you in the past.
You’re here on this site and we have prayers you can pray to help you with what you’re facing. Take heart that as you pray these prayers (or your own), you are “Casting your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you” (Psalm 55.22 NIV). Trust that the God who made you is the God who will sustain you.
You are welcome to use any of the seven prayers below for whatever your specific situation is right now. You can also share your own prayer requests below.
A Short Prayer for a Job Interview
Dear God, I need a job! I’ve applied and applied and I’m not getting any call backs. Please make a way for me through this. If I can just get an interview, I know I can make a good impression. I ask for an open door, Lord, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer for a First Job Interview
Father God, I need your help! I’ve never been on a job interview before now. I’m nervous–what if they don’t like me or I say something dumb? I just want to make a good impression and not stick my foot in my mouth. Please grant me calmness when I go into the room. Help me to listen to what they’re asking so I can respond well.
I’m glad I got this far in the job process. I give you thanks the door of opportunity has opened up for me. I’m just walking into something I’ve never experienced before, so please guide me, give me the proper words to say. I feel qualified for the position so let me show them the best version of myself. I ask these things in the name of the Provider, Jesus, Amen.
Prayer Before a Job Interview
God, I feel nervous because I’m about to go into a job interview. I’ve been on some before, but it was a long time ago. They have so many applicants, so I don’t know how I’m going to stand out in a positive way. I want to shine. I have more than enough qualifications for this job, Lord, but I’m asking for your guidance to help me let the hiring team see it all.
So, I pray for the people interviewing me. Let them see me, the person before them, not just the next person on the schedule. As I talk and answer their questions, let me be winsome and speak with clarity. Help me to think clearly so I can respond honestly and transparently. Enable me to focus on how I can help the company and communicate well. Thank you Lord for hearing my prayer, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer During a Job Interview
Lord I come to you in prayer for (name). She’s interviewing right now for this job she really wants. She is qualified and has great skills she can use there. She mentioned she was a little nervous so I pray peace in her heart and mind right now. I pray you grant her favor with the company as they review her application and listen to her.
I pray for her to be calm and confident at the same time. She is excited for the opportunity, so I ask you to help her put her best foot forward and let the hiring team see the best of her. (Name) can be a shining light in that office, Lord, so make the way clear for her and remove any obstacles in her path to employment. I’m so grateful I can pray to you about anything, even something like this, no matter what. Thankful for your listening ear, O God, I ask all this in Christ’s name, Amen.
Prayer After a Job Interview
God in heaven, that went well! Thank you for the opportunity to get to the interview stage of this process. I was a little nervous beforehand, but I felt your presence with me. I don’t recall any noticeable missteps but if I did, please grant me favor with the company.
I know they have other people to speak with, but I pray that the good connection I had with the interview team influences their consideration of me for this position. I really want this job Lord because it seems like a really good fit. I got along with the manager of the department and that’s a good sign.
I believe you have a place for me to be, so I pray in hope that you are guiding me to where you want me to be. Enable me to practice patience as I wait to hear back from the hiring manager. Grant her clear thinking as she looks at all the candidates. I trust in you as I pray under the guidance of the Spirit, Amen.
Prayer for Interview to Change Career
I’ve leaving what I know for a new thing, Lord. Throughout scripture you are leading people from one place to another. From a place of negativity to hope, from imprisonment to freedom, so I pray you will lead me into a new career. I’m excited and anxious at the same time, but I eagerly look to see how you will direct my path.
I have skills that can work in another field. I have experience that can be useful to a company or organization. I just need an interview to showcase what I bring to the table. It’s been a learning experience to see how much has changed since I last looked for a job. I need to stick to it and not give up–you have led me out of this place, so I know you are leading me to something.
Even as I prepare to leave the organization where I am, I want to leave in good standing. I pray for focus to finish well in these last few weeks and keep my integrity of doing a good job all the way to the last day. They’ve treated me well so I want to honor that as I wrap my projects up in my area. Thankful for the new direction, the Author and Finisher of my faith, Lord Jesus, Amen.
Prayer for the Hiring Manager
I pray for (insert name). They have so many candidates to speak to, including me. They have a difficult job, having to say no to people looking for a job. Give them wisdom and clarity of thought as they make their considerations and decisions. I pray they give each person due consideration.
If I don’t get chosen for this job, I pray against bitterness arising toward (name)–I can’t have that in my spirit, in my life. I know I put my best effort into the interview and so I have nothing to regret. I’m amazed I even got the interview, so I give you praise for the opportunity. I enjoyed talking with (name) this afternoon and I ask that you bless (name) in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Final Thoughts
We celebrate with you that you were able to garner a job interview. Wherever you are in the process, we hope you make use of the prayers above to give you confidence and peace. If you know others who are facing a job interview, please share these prayers with them.
You can also see more prayers related to work here and many could be especially helpful after you take on your new position.
You’re in an in-between time now–needing a job, but you’ve not yet secured one. In the midst of this uncertainty, grab hold of the certain God, who is unchanging, “the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13.8 NIV). Trust an unknown future to a known God. You may find it helpful to share your prayer requests in the comments below.
No matter what happens after the interview, be at peace in your heart that God has heard you and has a place for you. You are not alone for God is with you–in this job, or in another position, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3.5 NIV).