5 Bedtime Prayers for Protection & Safety

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Searching for bedtime prayers for protection and safety?  Let these five prayers help you.

Praying at bedtime is a good habit for you and your spouse, or your teenagers, to engage in regularly.  Bedtime prayers can help calm everyone down after a hectic day, focus us on forgivenesslessen our anxiety,  and center our minds and hearts on God as we go to sleep.

“When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet” (Proverbs 3.24, NIV).

As we care for our families and children, we also want them to be protected and safe from harm.  While we realize we cannot insulate our loved ones from everything, we do seek God to watch over them each day.  One way to be at peace about the protection and safety of ourselves and our family is to pray.

Praying is a simple act of using words to connect with the Almighty God, who hears our prayers.  Prayer is a way of establishing and being in a relationship with God, so we will want to pray throughout the day, including at bedtime.

It’s okay to be concerned about the safety and protection of your or your family, or others in your life.  Yet we need not be debilitated by our concerns or worries.  We can be emboldened as we pray for God to keep our loved ones safe.  We can be comforted as we pray for people to be protected.

As we pray, we can be reminded that we are not doing this on our own.  We are not alone–we are meeting up in conversation with God through prayer and laying our burdens and worries down at his feet.  We may not understand how God works all the time, but we can trust that he hears us, and is with us.

“But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you” (Psalm 5.11, NIV).

These five prayers are intended to be prayed at bedtime.  They can provide a measure of comfort before you go to sleep.  You may wish to pray them alone, with each member of your family, or even all together in a nightly family prayer moment.  Use them for your guidance and benefit.  Feel free to modify the prayers as you need to, in order to better fit your circumstances.

We invite you to not only share these prayer with others, but to also share your prayer requests below at the end of the article.

Short Bedtime Prayer for Protection

Lord God, I come to you in prayer asking for protectionProtect my mind from distracting thoughts as I fall asleep.  Protect my dream cycle from nightmares as I sleep.  Protect my REM sleep so I can be renewed this night. Protect me from any harm, in the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

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Bedtime Prayer for Safety

Father God, I pray this evening for safety.  Members of my family are scattered about due to vacations and travel and school.  I lift up (names of family members) to you.  I place each one in your hands for safekeeping tonight, Lord.

I am glad you are a mighty and wonderful God that you are not limited to geography.  I don’t understand it all, God, but I know you are with each member of my family right now, watching over them and ensuring their safety, even as they sleep.

Thank you for keeping me safe tonight as well, Lord.  Because I am bringing this concern to you, I can rest in peaceful slumber trusting in you.  I give you praise and thanks for who you are, O God, the Mighty One.  I pray this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Bedtime Prayer for Children’s Protection

Jesus, I pray for my children.  They are different ages and have different needs, but I pray for (names of children) tonight as they prepare to go to bed.

I pray for their sleep to be truly restful and renewing so they can be prepared physically for everything they face tomorrow.  Protect them in their dreams, Lord, so they can awaken refreshed, ready for school and activities and homework and their friends.

I pray for their protection as they sleep so they can grow spiritually in their trust of you, O God.  May they not be distracted by the negative things they’ve heard or seen earlier today.  Protect their memories, Lord, and instill a positive mindset as they pray with me now to you.  Hear their hearts Lord.

I give you thanks for my children and how you have guided them at each stage of their journey so far.  As they pray tonight, may they realize you are guiding them even as they sleep each night.  I pray this prayer in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Bedtime Prayer for Spouse’s Safety While Traveling

Lord, I pray for my spouse as (he/she) is on the road for (his/her) job.  I ask you keep my spouse safe as they travel and keep them attentive and alert.

I pray for their safety in the hotel where they are staying.  I pray against any fires or emergencies happening in the hotel that would endanger them or others.  I ask that you surround their room so no one breaks in or tries to rob them during their stay.

Watch over them as they travel to and from their job site and meetings.  Keep them safe at every step.

I ask you keep my spouse safe as they do their job and as they return home.  I also pray for (spouse’s name) to get full rest tonight so they are ready to face the day.  Protect their dreams and grant them uninterrupted sleep tonight.

I pray for all these things in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

Bedtime Prayer for Protection of House

Lord God, I pray to you now, asking for you to protect our house tonight.  There’s a storm coming and it’s a serious one, according to the the weather forecasters on television.

We’re sheltered in a safe spot, but I ask for you to cover this home and those around us under your protection, Lord.  I don’t want anyone to be hurt because of this storm.  I ask for your favor tonight, God.

I pray this at night, Lord, but I don’t think any of us are going to get much sleep this evening.  Keep us safe and protect our home from damage.  I ask this in the strong and powerful name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Final Thoughts

Saying bedtime prayers may seem like something that only children should do, but prayer at any age is a good and useful practice.  Prayers uttered in the evening, as the night approaches, reveal our spiritual and mental dependence on God for protection when we are most vulnerable physically–when we are sleeping.

“In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety” (Psalm 4.8, NIV).

We can pray at any time, of course, because God is not “on the clock,” and limited to only hearing prayers at certain times of the day.  So, praying at night before we place our head upon the pillow, can be a holy habit, as we pray and trust God for our safety until the morning sun arises.

While we may be fearful of something before we go to sleep, in prayer we can claim confidence and protection through Jesus Christ.  We do not have to be bound to our burdens or worries for safety.  We can rest, truly and literally rest, in the comfort of knowing that God is at work.

“Whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm” (Proverbs 1.33, NIV).

As we pray each night, we begin to understand how much is not under our control.  We may do any number of things to protect ourselves or keep our loved ones safe.  But we are not superheros–we are normal human beings.  We can accept that some things are beyond our ability.

Praying to God is an easy way to accept who we are and why it’s so important in our journey of faith to trust in God.  Trusting in God also means letting go.  And praying in the evening for God to watch over our family or people we care about is a reliable means of letting go.

We release our needs and concerns to God and rest as we sleep, knowing and believing that God is doing what only God can do.  Bedtime prayers are not childish, but rather childlike.  We pray with the innocence of a youngster to our Heavenly Father.

We encourage you to pray these prayers regularly.  Begin forming a habit of nightly prayer time with your family and watch as the peace of God begins to seep into your thoughts and spirit over time.  Please share your prayer requests as well in the comments section below.

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