9 Loving Prayers For a Loved One In The Hospital

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Do you have a loved one in the hospital and wish to pray for them?  Are you having a hard time getting started praying for someone you love who is in the hospital right now?

Will you allow us to serve you in this very emotional time?  Please make use of these nine personal prayers that you can pray for a person close to you who is hospitalized.  Most of the common relationships are covered here. You can begin with whichever prayer fits your circumstance.  You can alter the details as you need, according to whom you are praying for at the moment.

I know whenever I have been faced with having a loved one in the hospital, I have felt helpless because I did not think there was much I could do about their situation.  Whether you’re waiting on the results of the latest diagnostic tests or the results of a surgical procedure it’s a time of great stress for everyone involved- it’s also a great reminder that we always need to be grateful for the gift of life.

I also felt empowered because the one action I could take was to pray to God, who hears everything and is always at work.  I could trust God’s purposes and plan for the person I loved as I prayed, as God is the Divine Parent, always loving.

As a mother comforts her child,
    so will I comfort you;
    and you will be comforted over Jerusalem” (Isaiah 66.13, NIV).

I could pray for my loved one with hope in the midst of hopelessness, with peace in the middle of a stressful time, and with calm while things were happening rapidly around me.  I encourage you to pray with the same frame of mind.

Whatever is happening in your family, when a loved one is sent to the hospital, it is a time to rally together as a family.  It is a moment to be unified in prayer to God on behalf of the person you love.

How good and pleasant it is
    when God’s people live together in unity!” (Psalm 133.1, NIV).

When a loved one is in the hospital, they are in need of care and protection and prayer.  They are in a weak spot, perhaps unable to care for themselves, or even voice what they need or want.  Make use of these prayers to speak to God on their behalf.  Lift your concerns and worries to God in strength, surrounded by the Holy Spirit.

Prayer For a Mother In The Hospital

Dear God in heaven, my mom is in the hospital due to a very bad fall she had yesterday.  We are not sure if she just blacked out or what happened.  We do not have any details because she was at home alone until dad found her.

The doctors have been running all kinds of tests and scans to determine what may have caused her to fall and bang her head on the kitchen counter.  There was so much blood everywhere, God!  It was a very disturbing scene.  I pray for my dad to not get to traumatized by what he witnessed.

But mostly Lord, I pray for my mother.  It’s hard to even know what to pray for because we don’t know much right now.  I pray for her healing in every part of her body affected by the fall.  I pray for her brain to decrease its swelling. I ask for there to be no lasting damage to her brain function or ability to speak or process.

Help the doctors see and diagnose clearly.  Help us to be calm right now and be patient waiting for information, and for her healing.  I pray this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

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Prayer For a Father In The Hospital

Lord, my father had a massive heart attack and is now in the hospital after emergency heart surgery.  It was bad, Lord.  I thought he was going to die right in front of my eyes.  I’ve never seen my dad look that weak or in such agony–it was very scary.

Thank you for for strong cell service where we live so the 911 call connected immediately.  Thank you for the very quick response of the ambulance and the skill of the EMTs.  They likely saved his life by getting here so soon.  Thank you also for the heart surgeon being available to attend to my dad and operate.

I pray for my father’s healing and that the time here in the hospital is integral to his full recovery.  It seems clear that dad is going to have to make some serious changes in his life.  I pray for him not to be stubborn, but to see that his healing is not just about him, but also for everyone else in the family who was affected by his heart attack.

I don’t know what else to pray for at the moment, God, so I lift this prayer to you in the name of Jesus, our Healer, Amen.

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Prayer For a Brother In The Hospital

God, my brother is now in the hospital with some bad viral infection.  The doctors weren’t sure what it was when they admitted him, but it is serious enough to not let him come home.  I do not know how long he will have to stay but we are not even allowed in his room at the moment.

I pray for the doctors to be able to discover what has invaded my brother’s body and is attacking him.  He doesn’t ever really get sick so this has got to be something major.  I ask that you strengthen his immune system so it can fight off this mysterious infection.  I pray for his care and recovery here at the hospital.

Lord, it is very hard not to be able to talk to my brother and let him know I am right there with him.  I love my brother and already miss him.  All I know to do is to pray to you on his behalf.  So, I pray for my brother’s healing and restoration to full health, in the strong name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayer For a Sister In The Hospital

My sister had to be rushed to the hospital due to some complications with her pregnancy, Lord.  I don’t want anything to happen to her or her baby, so I am praying to you now in desperation.

She has been so ecstatic about becoming a mom and having a baby.  I pray her hopes continue to become a reality.  Protect her and her soon-to-be-born child.  I pray for the wisdom and kindness of the doctors and nurses as they surround her and use all of the medical tools and technology to take care of her now.

We’re all very worried, so I am praying on behalf of all us, and asking you to extend your healing hand upon my sister and her baby right now, Lord God.  I ask you to do this through Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayer For a Daughter In The Hospital

Jesus, my daughter has to spend the night in the hospital because she got beaned by a softball and has a concussion.  The head doctor said her CT scan and MRI looked fairly clean, but because she still seems a bit “fuzzy,” they want to keep her here for observation.

When she went down after being hit in the head, I just about fell out of the bleachers in shock.  My baby!  Thank you Lord that the school has medical personnel at every sporting event.  They reacted quickly and got her to the emergency room in no time.

I pray for her brain to fully heal and her nervous system to reset accordingly over time.  Let all the care and medicine she is receiving here at the hospital serve as an extension of your healing touch.  I thank you Lord she is alive and being cared for here.  Thank you Lord Jesus, Amen.

Prayer For a Son In The Hospital

Lord Jesus, I pray for my son and his surgery.  He will have to be hospitalized for a couple of days in order to recover enough to go home.  He seems to be in good enough spirits, but I am worried.  This is my son–he’s too young to have to have surgery and spend time in the hospital.  I know that’s not rational, but I’m overcome with stress about all of this.

I’m praying to you for him, but also for me.  Help me to calm down and trust you for his healing.  I don’t want my worry to burden him at all.  I pray the surgeons and nurses during the surgery and for the nurses and doctors who will care for my son afterwards.  I pray for his strength and positivity to be helpful in his recovery.

I ask all of this in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer For a Grandparent In The Hospital

Will you hear my pray, O God?  I don’t want my grandparent to die, but he’s in the hospital and is quite ill.  I ask for you to touch my Poppa with your healing touch, through the medicine, the medical care, and the rest he is receiving right now.

Don’t let Poppa give up on himself or on you.  Help his strong faith to remain strong in the face of this health challenge.  He’s never been in a hospital in his life so I’m sure this is shaking him up a bit.  Help him keep his eyes on you, his Rock and Shield.

I lift this prayer to you on his behalf, and in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior, Amen.

Prayer For a Grandchild In The Hospital

O Lord, my grandbaby is in the hospital with some sort of lung problem.  His parents were awakened in the middle of the night with his odd breathing and rushed him to the hospital.  It seems he’ll have to stay there at least overnight, perhaps a day more.

I pray for his tiny lungs to work properly and expel whatever is in there.  I pray for the medicine and treatments he is receiving to work as intended and set about his recovery.  I love that little boy so much, Lord, and pray for his healing.  I pray for his parents as well as they are overcome with worry and concern.

Let us all bear witness to your healing touch upon (name) in the coming hours and days.  I pray this prayer in faith upon Lord Jesus, Amen.

Prayer For a Spouse In The Hospital

God, my wife is in the hospital and no one seems to know what’s wrong with her.  She had been experiencing odd symptoms over the last day or two and it was finally too much.  I’m at a loss to even describe what I’m feeling right now, God.

I can’t lose her, Lord.  “Til death do we part” was a vow we both took when we got married and I am not ready for that to become a reality.  I need you to heal my wife, God.  Give the doctors insights they wouldn’t have in any other way than it came from you.  Help them see what is really happening in my wife’s body.

I ask for your full and complete healing in my wife as she rests in a hospital bed, unable to communicate because of the medication.  I ask this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

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Final Thoughts

When something negative happens to someone we love, everything else ceases being important.  We turn to God in fear that he will bring hope.  We turn to God in desperation, that he will bring healing for our loved one.

We don’t often get to choose our family.  We become a part of a family through birth or marriage.  Yet we are connected to each other with bonds that are mighty and strong.  We belong to each other, and therefore we can be present for each other in our time of great need–when one of us is hospitalized.

“So in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others” (Romans 12.5, NIV).

Pray for your loved one.  Pray every chance you get.  Let these prayers here serve as a starting point to intercede for your loved one, who may not be able to pray for themselves right now.  We welcome your own prayer requests in the comments section below this article.

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