5 God Honoring Prayers For Accomplishment

5  Prayers for Accomplishment pin Pin

Our longing to feel accomplished comes at a very early age for many of us. Even as young as grade school we can see children understanding this idea as they strive to be the best, fastest, and rise above their peers. 

I can remember wanting to have a role in the school play. Working hard to be my best and stand out. I wanted to be the best and for everyone to know I was the best. However time and time again I missed the role, got dropped from the team, and missed the mark. 

While I was sad in those moments looking back I can see how God was using it all for my growth and His glory. I wanted to feel accomplished for my own glory. God, however, was revealing in me a deeper need to feel accomplished amongst my peers, He wanted me to see my need for Him. 

Maybe you too are like me. You clicked on this page because you want to feel accomplished and hope that praying a prayer to God will help you accomplish your goals.

I long to hear the words of Jesus,

 â€˜Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’ (Matthew 25:23 Esv)

It’s good to pray to God our hopes and dreams but it’s also good to step back and examine our hearts and what God is doing in our lives. These prayers will do both and we are excited that in your moment of need, you are seeking a God who has accomplished solving our greatest need. 

If you have a specific prayer request regarding the things you are trying to accomplish we would love to pray with you. Please comment below so we can know how to be praying for you. 

Short Prayer For Accomplishment

Father, you know the desires of my heart even before I ask for them. Today I’m seeking you to help me accomplish what I am setting out to complete. 

Lord, I ask that you help me to put this goal in perspective of your will. I ask that you help me accomplish my goals but if at any time it begins to hurt my relationship with you, weaken my faith, shatter my hope, or cause me to sin, help me to see how it is not in your will. Give me the confidence to seek after you and be okay if you do not allow me to accomplish this dream.

However, if it is in your will for me to succeed in this venture I pray that you help me to accomplish it to the fullest. For your glory, I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

a brief prayer for accomplishment pin Pin

Prayer For What I Should Accomplish

Heavenly Father, you are the creator of all things. You gave me my mind, ambition, and hard work ethic. All of these things are good and can be used for your glory but they can also get in the way. 

God, I pray you give me wisdom in what to use my ambition for. Help me to see what you would have me accomplish. I don’t want to do anything apart from you. 

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. (John 1:5 ESV)

Father, help me to seek this wisdom in your word. Open my eyes to what your word says and do not let my doubts or sinful desires get in the way. I pray these things in Jesus’ name, Amen.

a prayer for what I should accomplish pin Pin

Prayer To Accomplish The Quiet Life 

God, thank you for your word. It is the only truth and I love that I have access to hear from you through it. You have made it clear what we should be striving to accomplish in your word and today I pray you to help me accomplish one of those things; a quiet life. 

“to aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you, so that you may walk properly before outsiders and be dependent on no one. (1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 ESV)

God, help me to see the truth in scripture here when it seems to contradict the society I live in and the hopes of my own selfish heart. Allow me to humble myself. 

God, give me your desires and not the desires of this world. 

For too long I have strived to be accomplished in the world’s perspective. I have strived to improve my resume, increase my status amongst peers, and declared my importance based on human standards. Forgive me, Lord. 

Lord, help me to see that a quiet life does not mean being lazy or not accomplishing things, just that it looks different than what my sinful nature wants. Help me to see what you would have me accomplish. 

Open my eyes to the needs around me, the people in need, and help me to see them as more significant than me. 

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. (Philippians 2:3 Esv)

God, give me eyes to see what you are doing in my life. Help me to follow after you with a servant’s heart.

Jesus, You didn’t come to impress us but to accomplish Your Father’s will. I too want to strive to accomplish all that God desires, not for my gain but for His glory. Not for my salvation, because that is only available because of Christ, but because I love you God, and want to follow hard after you. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For Accomplishing To Work Hard

God, I love you. I love learning more about you and your desires for me. Early on in scripture, you told Adam to work. Even before the fall. Work is good and I want to accomplish working hard. Father, will you give me the strength to do that?

The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. (Genesis 2:15 ESV)

Father, you know that I can become discontent with my work. Sometimes it seems meaningless. Forgive me for when my mindset is like this because I know it comes from my pride. 

Help me instead to remember to work as if I’m working for you. I know this attitude brings you glory and it’s what you have called me to do. 

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, (Colossians 3:23 ESV)

Lord, help me to work hard and accomplish all you have set before me. I pray this for your glory and not my own. Help me to keep you and your word clear in my thoughts as I try to accomplish working hard. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer Of Praise For Jesus’ Accomplishment

Dear Heavenly Father, you sent your one and only son for me. He lived a perfect life, died a sacrificial death, and rose victories over death and the devil! He came to this earth with this rescue mission in mind. It was his goal and he accomplished it!

God, I praise you for promising to send a savior. I praise you for keeping your word. I praise you for the power to accomplish it. I praise you for your knowledge that we would need a savior and for giving us this gift we don’t deserve. 

Jesus, I praise you for even when you prayed for another way out you still followed through. You demonstrated perfect submission in accomplishing what the Father set before you. I praise You for all You have done and for making a way for me to be in the right standing before the Father. 

My praise for you is insufficient, help me to continue to praise you all the days of my life for all you have accomplished. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Closing Thoughts

It is so easy to get caught up in the world that puts our worth on what we are able to accomplish. However, for Christians, our identity is not in what we accomplish but in that we are children of God by the grace given to us through faith in Jesus as Lord. 

Our prayers will now reflect our new selves. God has redeemed us. Our desire to accomplish our own plans fades away as we see more of who God is and the plans He has for us.

I hope these prayers helped you to pray for accomplishing the things God longs for you to accomplish. Please comment below if we can be praying with you in this area. 

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