6 Encouraging Prayers For Auditions

Praying for your upcoming audition. These prayers will guide you beyond just praying for what you want. God gives us desires yes. But He has also created us for something bigger than the auditions we will face on this earth. 

We hope these prayers bring you closer to the God who knows everything about you, He has seen all your miss steps, wrong notes, and bad hair days and still chose you.

As you pray these 6 encouraging prayers for your audition or the upcoming audition of a friend or family member, you are, in a way, rehearsing what you want to say to God as you find your prayer voice and rhythm.

Do you see someone skilled in their work?
    They will serve before kings;
    they will not serve before officials of low rank” (Proverbs 22.29, NIV).

Yes praying for the things we face on this earth is important but praying for them in light of eternity will give us a deeper understanding of God’s desire for our lives.

You may also want to pray for actors and artists.

We invite you to share your prayer requests in the comments section below. Keep your hope in God and your eyes on Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit!

Short Prayer For Audition

God, I pray for the audition I have coming up. You know that I would love to get this part but more than that I want to be right where you want me. So I will rejoice in you if I get the part and I will rejoice if I don’t. 

Lord, it is tempting to put my identity and purpose into this audition. I want to feel that I am unique in this world and that this audition would reveal this. But ultimately I know that I am created in your image for your glory not my own.

I pray that my identity always lies in the idea that you are my creator. I pray that no matter the results of the audition I praise you. But if it is in your will I pray that this audition goes well and that I get the part that I desire. I pray this all in your name, Amen. 

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Prayer To Get The Desired Role

God, I pray that I get the role I am auditioning for. Thank you for helping me when I need to make a decision on what role to try out for. 

Father, I know I desire this role and I think I know myself well enough to know that I would be great for this role. Yet I lay all my desires at your feet knowing that you created me and know me better than even I do. 

O Lord, you have searched me and known me!… (Psalm 139:1 ESV)

God, protect me from others that think they know what role I should have. Allow me to stand firm against the temptations to do only what the world wants me to do. Allow everything I do to glorify you. 

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Prayer To Be A Witness During My Auditions

God, I pray that I would be a witness to you during my audition. The people I am auditioning with desperately need to know you, God. They need to know your love for them. Help them to see their need for you. You are my Lord, my Savior, and my friend. I want to share that with others. 

God, this group of individuals is so consumed by this world and struggles to know their true identity. They think they can change their identity and personas whenever and however they want. But You created us for a reason and that is to know and glorify You. 

Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20 ESV)

Allow me to share with the others who are auditioning that you are my only desire. When I can lay down all desires before you I am satisfied, because you are always right by my side.

God, these auditions make us all feel judged. But, I am no longer awaiting applause or approval because I am in Christ I have already been found just before you, God. Help me to share this freedom with others at the audition. 

Prayer For Others Auditioning

God, I pray that others at the audition would do well. Give them the strength they need to accomplish what the audition is requiring of them. 

For those who are auditioning that are Christians, help them to remember that they serve you, God, as an audience of one.

This audition is for a brief moment in their life but you see every moment of our lives. You know our thoughts and see our actions. Please give them the confidence to rest in you. 

God, I pray that the others at the audition would not be scared but be confident in the gifts that you have given them. 

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. (1 Peter 4:10-11 ESV)

Remind them that they get to be a part small part of a beautiful plan. One instrument does not make a symphony but every instrument needs to do their part to make the music beautiful. The beauty of our role as Christians is that we get to spread your love to the world. 

God for those auditioning, that do not know you, I pray that this experience would draw them closer to you. Allow them to see their need for you and the sin in their lives. Allow me to be a light that points to your goodness and their need for a savior. 

I pray for all those who are auditioning. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer To Praise God For Getting The Role

God, I praise you for I have gotten the role I auditioned for. I know that you have given me the talent and skills to get this role and praise you for creating me the way that you did. 

God, thank you for working everything out for me to get the role. I thank you for the directors that saw my potential and the role that fits my gifting. 

God, I thank you for my parents who you gave me and who have supported me throughout the years. 

God, throughout this process I have laid my whole life at your feet, let my life go to you, and now I thank you that you are my God.

Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name. (Hebrews 13:15 ESV)

You saw me when I was a mess and knew that no matter how many roles I got or how often I tried to do the right thing I would always fall short of what you have called me to. But you didn’t give up on me. 

You sent me the greatest gift, much greater than this role I got. You sent me your own son. He lived this life perfectly. He loved, did many signs, and led his people. He knew he did not just come for this life but to die for the sins of all who would believe. He took on my sins! And now I take on his righteousness!

I praise you for getting this role but nothing on Earth is really as exciting as that moment when you saved my life. I praise you for all you have done. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer To Praise God Even When I Didn’t Get The Part

God, I did not get the role I auditioned for but I will stay praise your name. I can do this because of the position I hold with you, your adopted child. I praise you even more because I did nothing to deserve this position, you did everything. 

God, I praise you for the sacrifice you made by giving up your son on the cross so that I may be called your own. 

I ask you to help me to live out my life boldly and with confidence even though I didn’t get this role.

Help me shine for you and let others see my praise, not so they think I have it all together but so that they may see the rest I find in you. So they may see how wonderful you truly are. 

God, I praise you that I get to still be part of your plan. This audition may have told me I was not good enough but you have chosen me to be part of your church.

Thank you for the Church that is in Christ because it has overcome the world. In times like this when it is hard to rejoice I turn to the Church where I find my identity.  It is in the church where I can not worry about my performance but rather I’m defined by Christ and his living-giving hope. 

I praise you, Lord, even when I did not get the role. Not because I’m in denial but rather because I understand a greater truth that you love me and have chosen me for your glory. I praise you in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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Closing Thoughts

Praying for an audition is important because God cares about you. 

Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7 ESV)

While these earthly auditions may seem really important and they may determine so many different aspects of our lives. The greatest gift is knowing that we do not have to audition for Christ. 

When we are in Christ we are no longer auditioning but rather God only sees us as righteous not because of our performance but because of what Christ has done for us.

This should give us peace and confidence to take on anything that God puts in front of us, including this audition. 

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