6 Wisdom Seeking Prayers For Making A Decision

Should you marry that woman or man, should you take that new job, or should you move? These are all big questions that can change your life.

You may be at a fork in your own life and need prayer to help you make a decision. Often times we want a clear sign. We are sometimes tempted to be like Gideon and ask God for a sign on a fleece. Sometimes it seems it would be so nice to get an answer from God in this way, (Judges 6:36-40).

We must be careful to not ask for a sign because it can be random and even superstitious. We have something even more powerful and clear and that is God’s word. Within the Bible, we see God’s will for our lives. He reveals his promises to us, how He desires us to act, and even a clear way in how we can be redeemed from our sins.

As we focus on these truths and pray for wisdom God will surely be good to help us make the right decision.

We hope that these prayers will help you begin to seek after God in the decisions you are making. Please comment below if we can come alongside you in prayer for making a decision.

Short Prayer For Making A Decision

Dear Heavenly Father, you are my king. You are on your throne ruling this world. I know you are in control of all things. I come to you today to help me make the right decision. I pray you give me guidance to make a decision that is pleasing to you.

God, once I have made a decision give me peace that no matter what you are in control. I pray this in our Savior’s name, Amen.

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Prayer To Help Me Make The Right Decision

God, making decisions can be overwhelming. I pray you help me make the right decision. I want my decision to glorify you and please you. Help me focus on what will please you.

God, as I seek to make the right decision help me to do this out of an abundance of love for you and not because I think it will add anything to my salvation. I know it is in faith alone through Grace alone that I am saved. Thank you for redeeming me from where I was. Help me now to seek the right decisions out of the abundance of your love for me.

I want to please you in my decision-making, not because I have to but because I want to. I want to because your love has never let me go and never will. Your love is better than life, and so no matter what decision I make I rest in knowing I am loved by you.

God, I know that some of my decisions in the past have been marked by my own sinful and selfish desires and I pray today that you break me free of those sins so I can focus on what you want me to do.

God, I am aware of my weakness when I am presented with having to make the right decision. But I know you are strong. I am confident that you can help me with this decision. You made the hardest decision to send your son to die on the cross. Because of Jesus’ atoning death, nothing can separate me from you.

So I ask with confidence today that you help me make the right decision. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer For Guidance When Making A Decision

God, as I seek your guidance in making a decision I pray that you lead me to your Word. I praise you that I have access to your revealed instructions for your people. I know that your word is essential to my life and so it makes sense that it should be central to my decision-making.

But he answered, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” (Matthew 4:4 ESV)

God, your word has many practical issues that can guide me to make the right decisions. Thank you for your guidance in relationships, and family. I pray you open my eyes as I read texts regarding these topics, so I may see clearly where you are guiding me.

As I get into your word, help me to have an understanding of what it says. Open my eyes to your truths. Help me to study your word in a way that gives me guidance when making a decision.

God, I know my sinful nature will want what I want. I pray that you guard me against my own decision-making thoughts and give me guidance to see clearly what you have called me to.

God, help me to find guidance in your word, guard me against the schemes of the devil and protect me as I make this decision.

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Prayer For Clarity In Decision Making

God, I know your word has so much wisdom and guidance. But sometimes it seems like your word is unclear for the specific decision I have to make. Will you please give me clarity? Instruct me, Lord.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you. (Psalm 32:8 ESV)

God, I believe your promises, for they are good. I welcome your instruction as you guide me and help me to see clearly.

Father, I pray that if there is a sin in my life that is causing me to see unclear that you bring that to my intention. Help me to see this sin clearly and how it hurts you. Give me the strength to repent of that sin and trust you instead.

God, will you provide someone in my church that will help me decern the Holy Spirit and give me clarity for my decision? Provide someone who has had to make a similar decision to help me clearly make this decision.

Thank you for your church and the people that are in it. I pray that you bring someone alongside me that can help me see clearly your path for me. Allow them to speak truth into my life so I may have clarity for my decision.

Lord, you are my God, you are provider, you are my Shepard. Please give me clarity on this decision. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer For A Hard Decision

God, you know the hard decision I have to make. This decision really will make a difference in my everyday life. It is big and that makes it really hard.

God, this decision will affect others, so I ask that you help me make the right decision with them in mind. Help me to see the direction you are calling me to and not just what I selfishly want.

For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice. But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. (James 3:16-17 ESV)

God, I do not want this decision to create disorder. So as I make this hard decision I pray that I will seek your guidance. That my decision will be peaceable and will produce good fruit.

Help me, Lord, as I make this hard decision. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer For Making Wise Decisions

God, thank you for giving me a rational mind. It allows me to think about the good and the bad of each of my decisions. But I know that even with all my thinking it is nothing without you. So please I pray now that you give me the wisdom to make this decision.

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. (James 1:5 ESV)

God, I ask that you give me God-centered discernment regarding the practical issues in life. Thank you that I can come to you boldly and ask this because you are a good and approachable God.

God, help me to never allow your kindness to take away from my understanding of your power and just judgment of our sin. So as I seek wisdom now for this decision I pray that you give me an appropriate fear of you, for I know this will help me understand your wisdom for this decision I have to make.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction. (Proverbs 1:7 ESV)

God, give me peace about the decision I will make. Sometimes both options will be good and glorifying to you. In these situations please give me the wisdom to choose the best one and then be at peace with it. Help me not to dwell on the what ifs but be confident that you gave me the wisdom.

God, thank you that I can seek wisdom from you and that you are gracious to give it. I pray all these things and eagerly anticipate you to answer because you promise it will be given. I love you, God, Amen.

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Closing Thoughts

Ultimately seeking God’s will for making the right decision, is not simply about the perfect choice. However, as you seek God you will grow in your relationship with him. You will surrender your life, you will see Him move, and you will learn to trust him more with your life.

Continue to pray about your decisions, but don’t let them overwhelm you. You have a God who will guide you and loves you.

Praying that you trust in Him who is over all things and time and will guide you in the decision you have to make.

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