Are you seeking to be a better steward in your life? Do you want to pray about stewardship in your life?
A balanced Christian view on stewardship is one that recognizes that God is the ultimate owner of all things, and that we are simply His stewards. We are called to use the resources that God has entrusted to us in a way that glorifies Him and benefits others. This includes our time, our talents, our money, and our natural resources.
While there are many Bible verses that support this view of stewardship, I wanted to highlight one at length. In Matthew 25.14-30, Jesus tells the parable of the talents. In this parable, a man entrusts his three servants with different amounts of money. Two of the servants invest the money wisely and double their master’s investment. The third servant buries the money in the ground, fearing that his master might ask for it back.
When the master returns, he is pleased with the first two servants, but he is angry with the third servant. He says to the third servant, “You wicked and lazy servant! You knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed. Then you ought to have deposited my money with the bankers, and at my coming I would have received back my deposit with interest.”
This parable teaches us that we are to use the resources that God has entrusted to us in a way that glorifies Him and benefits others. We are not to be lazy or selfish with our resources. Instead, we are to be wise and faithful stewards.
Let these seven hopeful prayers for being a good steward help give you the first steps as you seek to live out improved stewardship. There are various scenarios presented in the prayers and you can easily alter the wording as needed to fit your emotion and situation. You also may want to explore an article about how often to pray, or prayers to get closer to God.
Since God is the source of all we have, and has given us the ability to do what we do, it makes sense to seek God’s wisdom on how to be a better steward. Praying to God about how to do this is a natural step to take. Use these prayers to gain insight from God and to guide you in your prayer journey.
Short Prayer About Stewardship
Lord God, I claim the truth of Psalm 24, verse one, which says “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” I believe I am to be a good steward and manager of everything you have given me, so I ask for guidance and direction to do just that. Help me make the necessary changes in my life so I can do what I need to do. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer About Being A Good Steward Of All I Have
Dear Father God, I am full of gratitude towards you for all you have done for me and have given to me. I have a wife, a family, a house, a job I enjoy, and a higher purpose for each day I awaken.
I don’t want to misuse or waste any of what you have blessed me with, so I pray for your help so I can practice good stewardship in every area of my life. I want to be aware that what I have, or who is before me, is from you. Increase my empathy and compassion, as well as my wisdom to know what to do with all of it.
I am so glad to have this opportunity to serve you and glorify you by being a good steward. In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.
Prayer For Being A Good Steward In My Relationships
Lord God, I come to you in prayer because I am realizing that the relationships in my life are to be treasured, and not just taken for granted. I wish I had this mindset before now, but I figure it’s not too late to practice stewardship in my relationships.
I don’t want to impose on anyone, nor do I want to be a burden on any of my friends. I am asking for guidance and wisdom to know how much time to spend with someone and how much to share emotionally. I want healthy relationships and I am not sure how to proceed beyond just common sense.
May the work I am doing now reap great friendships in the future. I thank you for hearing me and giving me direction, through Jesus Christ, Amen.
Prayer For Being A Good Steward At Work
Dear God in Heaven, I feel like I have a job that you have provided for me and I want to do my best in it. I pray that I can help the company and my co-workers by being a better steward in whatever I’m doing in my workplace.
Whether it’s not misusing how much paper I need, or not wasting my co-workers’ time, I want to practice good stewardship. It might not make a major difference, but at least I will know that I have tried to do my part to save money and be conscientious.
I pray you will help me be consistent in this quest. I pray all of this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Prayer For Stewardship Of Money
Dear God, I come to you today to ask for your guidance in stewarding my money wisely. I know that you have entrusted me with this money for a reason, and I want to use it to glorify you and to help others, as well as provide for my family.
Please help me to be mindful of my spending and to make wise choices about where I spend my money. Help me to give generously to your church and to other worthy causes. And help me to save for the future so that I will not be wasteful of what I have been given now.
I pray that you would give me the wisdom to use my money wisely and to make a difference in the world. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer For Stewardship Of Time
Dear God, I want to use my time more wisely because I feel like I’m wasting a lot of time now. I could be doing something useful or productive, I think.
Please help me to be mindful of how I spend my time and to make wise choices about how I use it. Help me to prioritize my time so that I can invest it in the things that are most important, to me, and to my family. And help me to be patient and to not waste time on things that are not important.
I realize I can’t just store up time in a container or anything, but I do want to practice wise stewardship of my 168 hours per week. May I work on better habits of work, rest, play, worship, and thinking in the coming days. I ask this in the name of Jesus, the Author and Finisher of my faith, Amen.
Prayer For Stewardship Of Water
Dear God, I know that water is a precious resource, and I want to use it wisely so that it is available for future generations.
Please help me to be mindful of how I use water. Help me to conserve water whenever possible and to use it only for essential purposes. And help me to be grateful for the gift of water and to use it wisely. I think I just don’t think about wasting water because it’s always plentiful and available.
When I saw how communities in the midst of a drought were having to make hard choices regarding water, it got my attention. What I do here won’t have an effect on where they are, but if I want to be a good steward in all areas of my life, then I can start making better choices in how I use and consume water.
I pray that you would give me the wisdom to use water wisely and to help others to do the same. In the name of Jesus, I pray, with thanks, Amen.
Concluding Thoughts
If you looked up stewardship in a dictionary, you’d see words like supervising and managing resources or people. I tend to like the word manage. Whatever it is, time, talent, money, people, natural resources, or thoughts, stewarding means you want to manage how and when it is used for the best result.
That means being a good steward includes thinking not just about the present situation, but about the future. How will this decision affect others tomorrow, or years from now? Stewardship involves taking other people into consideration, with a service-orientation, as encouraged by the Apostle Peter:
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms” (1 Peter 4.10, NIV).
As we seek to be faithful servants, we can best do so by seeking to be faithful to what, or to whom, is before us in the given moment. Be aware and fully present in the moment, right now.
We invite you to share about your prayer journey or make comments in the section below. Enjoy growing closer to God as you continue to pray.
This is so encouraging, really was blessed by the prayers and information. Glory be to God , be blessed and continue to be a blessing to others. Once again thank you.
Glory to God. Thank you for the kind words.