7 Hopeful Prayers For Productivity

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We have all had that moment when we are exhausted but just want to power through. We walk through the motions without much thought just to get something done. 

I find myself in this mode of productivity right before we host friends for dinner. I’m like a drill sergeant assigning tasks and chores to each of my children while I hustle through my chores while balancing the details in the kitchen. I’m productive and it feels good. 

As Christians, our productivity should look different because rather than advancing our own agendas we work to glorify God. 

We have been created by the Lord most high for a purpose. He created us to work hard and we are called to do it faithfully. We are also called to rest. These things are not in contradiction to each other but really they work together well in order that we can be productive. 

I too can get in the trap of wanting to be productive for my own good. Working hard and getting a job done gives me satisfaction. But as soon as my superiors tell me I need to redo a job or start over that satisfaction is ripped away in an instant. 

When our identity is in how productive we can be we are entering into a dangerous area. It becomes the meter to our success. However, as Christians, we have a greater judge and that is Christ. 

God has a plan to release us from the bondage of having to strive for our own worth. He sent Jesus! Jesus lived a perfect life, died a sacrificial death, and rose again, now sitting at the right hand of God in Heaven.

All those that believe in Christ as Lord are justified. That means when God looks at us He no longer sees all our failures and sins but He sees Christ’s righteousness that was given to us. We are now just in God’s eyes.

Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 5:1 ESV)

This is the foundation that is steadier than any striving we can do. Now when we are less productive than we want it doesn’t destroy us because it no longer defines us. Now what defines us is that we are children of God, and that can never be taken away.

It doesn’t mean that we still don’t have to strive to work hard and work well. It does mean that there is grace because we are not yet perfect. We are still being sanctified. But we have great hope and a firm foundation. 

So we encourage you to pray for productivity throughout your life, but do it with the lens that Christ has already paid it all. Your productivity now is to bring glory to God, not to save you or define you. Praise God for that truth. 

If we can be praying for your productivity please comment below. 

Short Prayer For Productivity

Father, thank you for giving me work. You created work and it is good. Help me to never take that for granted. 

God, I ask that you help me be productive. I want to work well and get things done in an efficient way. Not simply for my own advancements but for your glory

Help me to prioritize what needs to get done and have the strength to get it done. 

I thank you that I can come to you today with this prayer. Amen. 

a brief prayer for productivity pin Pin

Prayer For Faithfulness In Productivity

Dear Heavenly Father, you have been faithful throughout all generations. I praise you that your steadfast love has no end. Lord, I desire to be faithful to all that you have called me to. I pray today that you will help me be faithful as I seek to be productive in this. 

Lord, I know that getting things done is important but I want to get the right things done. I want to be productive in the areas that You have called me to. 

God, I ask today, help me prioritize. Right now my life feels so disrupted and I need you to help me to see what is most important. I want to be productive but not at the expense of doing what you want. 

Father, help me to see the bigger picture of my work and help me to be productive in the things that matter to you. 

If there is anything in my life that is causing me not to be productive or is not what you would have me prioritize, help me to get rid of those things in my life. 

God, I ask that you guide me in how to be faithful to you. Help me to not seek my own desires but what You are calling me to. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For Flexibility While Being Productive

Heavenly Father, thank you for always providing for my needs. You are aware of what I need and have the power and love to provide it. You are such a good God. 

Father, I want to ask that you help me to see the needs that are in front of me regarding my work. I want to be adaptable and not just be in a rut. As I adjusts help me to not get frustrated or discouraged.

God, if there are areas of my life that are causing me to be less productive help me have the flexibility to let those things go. 

Trying to be productive in new ways can often bring new challenges and I may not get it right all of the time. Help me to be patient and extend grace to myself when I don’t always get everything I want done. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For A Productive Day At Work

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for demonstrating how to work hard and get done what you need to. I especially thank you for Christ who knew the task in front of Him and finished it. 

When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, “It is finished,” and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. (John 19:30 ESV)

Today I seek you to help me have a productive day at my work and finish the work I need to get done. There are some days where I feel like I am dragging physically so I ask that you help me have the strength to be productive. 

God, you also know that I sometimes struggle with my thoughts and that can slow my work down. I ask that you help me keep focused on you and the work ahead of me. Do not let my mind drift to places that are not good. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For Personal Productivity

God, you provide for me so well. I think of the big things you have provided for me often but sometimes I forget of all the daily provisions you provide. Thank you for it all. 

I pray that you help me to personally be productive today. There is a whole list of things I need to get done in my personal life. The list sometimes seems endless and the smallest things weigh me down. 

Father, I ask that you give me the strength to get done all that I need to today. Help me to be productive in ways that I know it is only because you give me the strength. Amen.

Prayer For A Productive Day

God, you have created time and I want to use it wisely. You have given me strength and I want to use it for your glory. I want to be productive not simply to get things done but to honor you.

Father, help me to schedule my time well. Give me wisdom to prioritize what needs to get done and to accomplish those things. Sometimes the things that are important are not urgent so I ask that you help me to make time for these things. 

God, I ask that you help me to be flexible and adapt to the unexpected. Help to be able to refocus and be productive. 

God, help me to never neglect meeting with you in the name of productivity. Help me to always prioritize getting closer to you and serving in the ways you have called me. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For A Productive Week

God, I thank you for the rhythm you have created in my life. I depend on you for each morning sunrise. I thank you for the rhythm of my breath, the weekly gathering at church, and the seasons of the weather I come to expect. You are beautiful at creating rhythm. 

Father, each week there is a new rhythm. I wake up on Monday and get ready for the week. So at the beginning of this week, I specifically want to pray for productivity. 

I do not want to waste time this week. I do not want to miss opportunities or wish the week to rush by. I want to be intentional about the work I do and be productive. I thank you that you hear my prayers. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

a prayer for a productive week pin Pin

Closing Thoughts

Being productive is good as long as we are doing it for God and not just for the advancement of self. We should also remember to be kind to ourselves, our bodies and not push confuse productivity with overworking ourselves.

I hope these prayers helped you to begin praying for productivity in a new way. 

God has you right where He wants you, not so you can be the most productive person but so that you can grow closer to Him through the process. So lean into Him. Pray often and never stop taking your concerns and desires to God. He loves you.

If there is anything we can be praying for please let us know in the comments below. We want to know specifically how we can be praying for you today as you seek to be productive. 

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