6 Honest Prayers For Erectile Dysfunction

Do you have erectile dysfunction (ED) and aren’t sure if you can pray about it?

You may think ED is not something you can bring to God.  Or you may be embarrassed to say it out loud.

You’ve probably already researched the many causes of ED. Or looked up ways to treat it. But, why not pray about your ED? God encourages us to come to him with boldness through Jesus Christ when we pray:

Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus,  by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body,  and since we have a great priest over the house of God,  let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water”  (Hebrews 10.19-22, NIV, emphasis added)

These six honest prayers for erectile dysfunction (ED) are here for you to use, especially if you’re not sure where to start praying about such a personal issue. You can alter the wording as you need to, to better fit your specific situation.

Let these prayers be a starting point for you, to get you comfortable opening up to God about your condition. If you can’t trust God to hear you, who can you trust?

Perhaps in the near future, you may also find comfort in praying as a couple, or gain strength from praying about your marriage.

We invite your comments and feedback in the section at the end of this article.

Short Prayer About Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

Dear God, I can’t believe I’m praying to you about this, but I believe we can come to you with anything, so here goes. I recently discovered I could not perform sexually so I think I have erectile dysfunction. I want to go to a doctor to confirm all of this, but right now I am deeply embarrassed. 

I don’t like this feeling or that I may be impotent. I need help in my mind and in my body.  Please help me get the treatment I need, Lord.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Prayer For First Experience With Erectile Dysfunction

Lord God, I shaking with shame as I sit in the bathroom alone. I tried to have sex with my wife and I could not get an erection. My wife said she understands and that it’s okay, but I feel like I’m less of a man right now. I can’t believe this happened to me.

I don’t know what to think or what to do. I’ve always felt confident and well, manly, because I could have pleasurable sex with my wife. And now, what am I going to do if that can’t happen anymore? What will she think of me? What will I think of myself? What will happen to our relationship?

God, I am terrified right now and that feeling scares me. I don’t want to feel like this. Help my doctor understand because I need to get medical help. Help me to calm down and come to terms with this. I still can’t believe I’m talking to God about erectile dysfunction. God help me, in so many ways. In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

Prayer About Seeking Treatment For Erectile Dysfunction

Father God, I think it’s become apparent that I need to seek medical treatment for what I’m experiencing.  For the last several times my wife and I have wanted to have sex together, I have not been able to get an erection.

The first time it happened I was shocked. The second time, I was embarrassed. Now, I’m concerned. Bless my wife for her compassion and understanding in the midst of all of this, as we enjoy making love with each other. It’s been part of why our marriage is strong and secure.  But, now what do I do?

Please help me find a good urologist who can diagnose what’s going on with my body. Help me understand what the treatment options are and what will work for me. I am grateful that I can pray to you about this or anything else in my life. It is comforting to know that you hear me and are guiding me. In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

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A Wife’s Prayer For Husband’s Erectile Dysfunction

Dear Lord, I come to you on behalf of my husband. The last couple of times we’ve tried to make love, he has not been able to get an erection and it has devastated him.  I hate to see my love in this mental state. He clearly is deeply embarrassed and told me he feels so ashamed.

I’ve told him tenderly and repeatedly that my love for him is secure and it’s okay that he is experiencing erectile dysfunction. I’ve tried to reassure him that I love him for more than whether his penis works properly or not. Our marriage strength doesn’t solely rely on if we have sex or not. I hope this truth is getting through to him.

I’ve also encouraged him to go to a urologist and get treated for ED.

I’m not sure he has fully heard me, as he is wrapped up in himself right now. To a degree, I can understand, but I need him to break through and go to the doctor. While I get that ED is messing around with how he thinks of himself as a man, I also know that ED is treatable and is not the disaster he thinks it is at the moment.

God, I love my husband and I will continue to encourage him and love him. But I am asking that you help me stop turning inward and start looking for solutions. He’s only going to spiral downward the longer this goes before he realizes that he can get real, effective help for this. I ask all of this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayer To Overcome Shame About Erectile Dysfunction

God, what is happening to my body?  I haven’t been able to experience an erection during sex with my wife for the last few months. My wife told me she understands and for me not to feel bad, but it’s having a negative effect on our marriage.

I am so ashamed right now. I can’t be a man and I can’t give my wife sexual pleasure as her husband. I can tell it’s beginning to bother her, as she made some comments about her not being attractive enough for me. That is totally not the case! 

I am so in love with my wife and deep desire for her in every way, but now it is not obvious when it comes to our physical intimacy. We’re not able to have sex with each other because of my erectile dysfunction. I feel like I am letting her down in so many ways.

God, I need help. We need help. Please show me what it is I need to do and help me overcome this shame I feel right now. In the name of Christ, I pray, Amen.

Prayer For Treatment To Cure Erectile Dysfunction

God, thank you so much for my meeting with my urologist about my erectile dysfunction. I feel like a burden has been lifted off of me because now I know there is treatment I can use for ED. 

I had been feeling so down and less confident, but now I am greatly encouraged by what my doctor told me. I also give thanks to my wife, who has been so understanding while I dealt with this. It only makes me love her more. Thank you for the blessing that she is in my life.

Help me to follow the treatment schedule and do what I need to do, going forward. Thank you for healthcare that can treat things like ED and do so fairly effectively.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Final Thoughts

Although it can be scary or embarrassing to experience erectile dysfunction it doesn’t have to be isolating. You are not alone. Over half of men over age 40 experience ED at some point.

There is good news in that ED is very treatable through a variety of methods. With treatment, you can achieve a sufficient erection for sexual intercourse. Remember, God created you with your body and all of its functions, including sexual functions. There’s no need to be ashamed about it or talk around it.

For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well” (Psalm 139.13-14, NIV)

The more you can see yourself as God’s creation, the more you can accept that you can pray to God about what is happening with your body. Praying about erectile dysfunction is no different than praying about high blood pressure or about having surgery.

You’re coming to God with something that is of concern to you and just because it involves a very personal part of your anatomy doesn’t mean that you can’t pray about it and receive guidance.

Trust that God will hear you and trust that you can get the necessary treatment.  May these prayers help you and give you peace about what you are facing.

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