5 Honest Prayers For a Sexless Marriage

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Has sexual intimacy stopped in your marriage? Do you want to pray about it, but aren’t sure how or where to start?

Engaging in physical love with your spouse is one of the delights of being married. Whether it’s a hug, a kiss, cuddling, or the act of sexual intercourse, being intimate with the love of your life is a vital connection point, both physically and emotionally.

So, if or when that intimacy decreases, or perhaps stops, it can be jarring and difficult to understand. There are any number of reasons for how this can happen, including health issues. You are not alone if you are experiencing this.

If you are facing this right now in your marriage, it doesn’t mean you or your spouse are failures, or that your marriage is doomed. You do need to communicate with each other about it, and of course, pray to God about it.

These five honest prayers for a sexless marriage are intended to help you start saying words out loud in prayer that you may be afraid to speak. Let these prayers be a tool to get you talking to God about this important concern. Remember, there’s nothing too small or too big to bring to God in prayer.

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.  Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love” ( 1 John 4.7-8, ESV).

The starting point of your marriage relationship has been love, and can continue to be love. That means love in the good times and in the difficult times. You might also want to take a look at prayers for marriage intimacy, and the topic of Do you need to be specific when you pray.

However you decide to pray about intimacy in your marriage, we’d love to be able to pray for you. You can share your requests and feedback in the comments section at the end of this article.

A Short Prayer For Intimacy In Marriage

Lord God, I am struggling right now in my marriage. We haven’t had any type of sex in months and I’m afraid that we will drift apart the longer this goes on. We both seem so busy that we don’t even have time for intimacy but I don’t even know if my spouse still wants to. I want to bring this up but I don’t want it explode into an argument. Help me know what to do so we can enjoy intimacy in our marriage again. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Prayer For More Physical Intimacy in My Marriage

God, I just want to come right out and be honest with You in this prayer. I would like more physical intimacy in my marriage. I want to kiss more and be kissed. I want to snuggle and make out more. I want to have more sex with my spouse than we have been having. I want to love and be loved in a physical way.

I know my love language is physical touch and I think that my husband’s is probably not that. I have tried initiating things and talking about this with him, but he shies away from it, like the topic makes him nervous. I don’t want to pressure him Lord, but I do need what I need.

Please help me to know what to say or do, as right now I am at my wit’s end. I don’t want to argue my husband into this, but neither do I think I need to continue to be neglected in this area. Open my eyes to what I’m not seeing, or remove the obstacles to moving forward. I love my husband and I want him to love me back in the way I need to be loved.

You brought us together, Lord, and I believe You can keep us together through this time. I place my trust in You as I lift this prayer in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer About Lack of Intimacy With My Spouse

Father God, I am struggling with me and my spouse both getting older and what that has done to the physical intimacy in our marriage. We haven’t had sex in almost a year and I don’t know what to think or feel about that.

Clearly, if I’m praying to You about this, then I am afraid and concerned. I know my spouse has been going through menopause and I have read how that greatly affects sexual intercourse and so forth. I also know my libido has slowed down some the older I get.

I believe that our love for one another is still strong and that we have always met challenges together through You. That’s why I’m praying about this lack of intimacy in our marriage. Since we stopped having sex, I’ve noticed that we hug and kiss less as well.

It’s almost as if we have both thought, “Well, if we can’t have sex then we don’t need to do any other kind of physical intimacy either.” There’s no way that can be good for our marriage, Lord, but I don’t know how to bring this up with my wife. I don’t want an argument or any blaming going on. I just want to continue to love my wife, including with physical intimacy, however that looks and feels like.

Hear my prayer that I pray in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer For Why Intimacy Has Stopped in My Marriage

I don’t know what has happened, Lord God, but physical intimacy in my marriage has come to a grinding halt, and it happened all of a sudden. I don’t understand what is going on and I am very worried about my marriage.

We are both fairly young so there shouldn’t be any medical or physical problems with either of us having sex or or being intimate with each other in any way. I need Your help in knowing how to bring this up with my spouse. I know in my heart this is a sensitive issue, but if I can’t talk about this with my best friend and the love of my life, then what am I to do?

I pray with all my might that there’s not some affair going on or that type of thing. I don’t think I could handle that. Please help me and my spouse be able to talk about our intimacy. If we need to get with a therapist or counselor, help us to be okay with that. I just want to continue to grow close to my spouse.

I don’t want physical intimacy in my marriage to stop or be a hindrance. I just can’t see why our physical closeness now seems as wide as the Grand Canyon. If I have done or said something to cause this, Lord, please show me so I can ask forgiveness. I am pleading with You for a solution, an answer, a way forward. Hear my prayer in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer For Increasing Physical Intimacy in My Marriage

Dear Lord God, I am thankful for how You have brought my spouse and I together in marriage. We have been able to love one another in so many ways, including physically, in our years together. But lately, I have noticed that we are not as physically intimate with each other as much as we used to be.

Now that our kids are in school, I know I am not as tired as I was when they were all in the house. I feel more energy and desire to be connected to my husband. Yet, he now works more than he used to, so he is often jammed in regards to time.

I want to have more physical together time with him, but I don’t know how to broach this topic and not have him feel pressured. I absolutely don’t want to seem like I’m nagging him. But I love my husband and I desire him physically and sexually and I want to be with him.

Help me to see how to proceed and increase the physical intimacy we have together in our marriage. I trust You have a plan for us. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

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Consider This

Physical intimacy in marriage is a delicate topic to talk about, between spouses, and even in prayer with God. But talking about it is the very thing that spouses need to do. Communication really is the key to a loving and growing marriage.

Now the Lord God said, “It is not good (beneficial) for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper [one who balances him—a counterpart who is] suitable and complementary for him” ( Genesis 2.18, Amplified).

As we age, our bodies change, often in ways that we wish would not happen, but it occurs anyway. In regards to physical intimacy in marriage, there are circumstances like erectile dysfunction or menopause that directly affect sexual relations between spouses. Communication about these scenarios is vital.

So, while the scripture above speaks to a wife and husband being for each other, it also includes loving each other in spite of obstacles to physical intimacy within the marriage. Praying about this issue together can unite you both through God in ways you may not have considered.

Emotional intimacy is as important as physical intimacy so talking together, not blaming each other, and praying together are good steps in this process. The important thing is to focus on loving one another, “in sickness and in health, above all others.”

May these prayers not only bring you closer to each other, but also deepen your connection to the God who brought you together in love. Keep on praying!

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