5 Petitioning Prayers For Someone To Find God

Often hard experiences in our life will open our eyes to our need for God. It’s in these moments that we see we are insufficient and we begin to believe we might need an all-sufficient God. 

As you pray for someone that needs God, you probably understand that they are probably getting close to this breaking point. They have been living in their sin for so long that their life is a mess. 

For you as a Christian, it seems so clear what the solution should be. They need Christ. We know that we are all a mess and that only true freedom comes from the fact that Christ died for our sins. It was His death that allows us to be made right before God. He took on our sins and transferred His righteousness to us!

But for our loved ones they have not seen yet their need for a savior. We know that you want your loved one to find God but throughout scripture, we have an even greater hope; our salvation is God’s work, not our own. 

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 ESV

It is simple, we were dead, we could do nothing to find God. But He made a way. By faith, through grace, we are saved. 

And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience— among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind. But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved— Ephesians 2:1-5 ESV

So we will be praying that God will open the eyes of the blind and give faith to the faithless. We will be praying that God will restore broken hearts to Himself and that He will redeem the lost. What beauty there is that God does the work of our salvation!

We want to pray with you for these loved ones. We want to pray that they will no longer live in the passions of their flesh. We want to pray that they will not be subject to God’s wrath but instead that God will rescue them. Please share in the comments below who you are praying for. 

Short Prayer For Someone To Find God

God, you are the only one that can save. Thank you for making a way through your son on the cross. By your grace through faith, you have made a way for us to be right before you. 

God, I want to pray for (name). I pray that his/her eyes would be opened. I know you have to power to open the eyes and transform the lives of the most lost individuals

God, thank you for being patient with (name). They continue to turn away from you. He/she continues to sin against you. You have every right to destroy him/her, but you wait. You continue to give grace as you wait. 

I pray that (name) would see the truth of who you are and the free gift he/she can receive because of what Christ has done on the cross. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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Prayer For A Loved One To Find God

God, I praise you for making a way for us to be in a relationship with you. Your power to save me and keep me I will forever be thankful for. I know if it was up to me I would never be able to make my life good enough to be in your presence. 

Father, you know (name). You know that he/she also needs you. This life he/she is living is dishonoring to you. The sin in their life is causing so much destruction all around them. Sometimes they don’t even see the damage he/she is causing

God, will you please open the eyes of (name). Help (name) to see how he/she will never be able to make things right apart from you. Help him/her to see the love you have for him/her. 

God, I love (name) so much. (name) has heard the Gospel so many times. On some level, they believe the details and facts about what Jesus did, but he/she has not yet had faith to believe. He/she has not been born again. 

Help (name) to hear the Gospel that, Christ died for our sins, in a way that causes him/her to repent of his/her sins and truly trust in you for their life and for their eternity. 

Father, thank you that you alone can save and that I can come to you in confident prayer that you hear me. I pray these things in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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Prayer For Enemy To Find God

Dear Heavenly Father, you are Holy, set apart, and the only true God. I praise you for who you are.

Let your kingdom come today and allow me to be your hands and feet. I want to pray for my enemy. I want (name) to experience being in the right relationship with you. I want (name) to know your saving love. Allow me to be a tool in revealing your truth to him/her.

I pray that you provide all my needs even my need to love my enemies. It is very hard to love my enemy. They have been so harsh and hurtful to me. They attack me from every angle. But I know through the Holy Spirit’s working in my life, I can love him/her. 

Help me to forgive all that he/she has done to hurt me. God, you have forgiven me all of my sins, how can I not forgive my enemy? Help me to keep my eyes on you and the truth of the Gospel. It is only because of your grace to me that I can show forgiveness to my enemy. 

I pray that my enemy would hear the Gospel in a way that they understand, repent, experience the freedom of sin, and that his/her life can change. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For Friend To Find God

Father in Heaven, how long must I wait? I have prayed for so long for you to save (name). I have shared the good news. I have prayed countless times and yet (name) still ignores the truth. 

God, forgive me for growing impatient with you. Help me never forget that you are in control. Help me to let go of feeling like I have the power to save this friend. Father, I pray that you help me trust in you and your timing. 

Even still I boldly ask today that (name) will come to know you as his/her savior. Rescue him/her. Restore him/her to yourself. Hold (name). I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer That Loved One Nearing Death Finds God

Father, time feels like it is running out. You hold time. You are the beginning and the end. 

Help me to trust in you and your timing even in regard to (name’s) faith. I pray that you would open his/her eyes in these last moments of their lives. 

Allow them to see how their lives were in rebellion against you. Instill in them the fear of God. Allow this fear to give them the wisdom they need to see that you are the only one that can save them. Open their eyes to the truth of the Gospel. Give them the confidence to repent to a gracious God. Free him/her from all their sins. Welcome them into your arms. 

God, (name’s) time is running out on this earth. You tell us that our bodies are weak and frail. Allow this time, even these last moments to help (name) to see that you are mighty to save and that your kingdom is eternal. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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Closing Thoughts

It is really hard to see someone walking through life without knowing the saving power of Jesus Christ. The freedom, joy, and hope we experience from being a child of God is something we want everyone to know and experience. 

It’s for these reasons that we will always need prayers like this. There will always be people in our lives that don’t know God. Continue to pray. Pray without ceasing for these people. 

We would love to pray with you. Please let us know in the comments below if there is someone in your life we can be praying will know God. 

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