9 Trusting Prayers For Surgery

9 prayers for surgery pin Pin

Surgery can be very scary. We are glad you seeking God through prayer during this time. 

Prayer is a powerful thing that we are allowed, encouraged, and even expected to do. Jesus often said “When you prayer” knowing that if we are Christians we will have the desire to pray. 

When Jesus taught us to pray He laid out a beautiful example for us. To begin we must recognize who God is, that ultimately our desire should be that God’s will be done and then we can request the needs we have. How great is it that God takes care of our daily needs, our spiritual needs, and even our needs like these ones regarding surgery. 

God does listen to those that belong to Him. 

I cried to him with my mouth, and high praise was on my tongue. If I had cherished iniquity in my heart, the Lord would not have listened. But truly God has listened; he has attended to the voice of my prayer. Blessed be God, because he has not rejected my prayer or removed his steadfast love from me! (Psalm 66:17-20 ESV)

Before you go into surgery and even before you pray make sure that you are right before God. Repent of all the times you chose your way over God’s. Confess to Him that you know that Jesus is Lord. Ask Him to lead you. And then make your request known to Him and trust that He has you in His hands. 

Perhaps you are going into surgery soon or you know someone that is. God wants to hear from you. He encourages it and expects that if you are His child you will. So with confidence pray to God for this surgery, He is listening. 

Short Prayer For Surgery

Dear Heavenly Father, you are in control of life. You created life, formed each one of us in your image, and delight in the life you have given us. Father forgive me for not always living in a way that is honoring you. 

Today I come to you asking for you to also be in control of this surgery. Help my doctors to have the wisdom and skills to perform it successfully. Help the surgery to go smoothly and recovery to be fast. 

Father, I ask that you comfort all those that are nervous about this surgery. Give them peace that you have it in your hands. 

God, I pray that you will be done. When things seem out of control or there is something that was unpredictable help me to find opportunities still to honor you. I pray you help me to let go and trust you. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

a brief prayer for surgery pin Pin

Prayer Before Surgery

My God, you sit in Heaven high above yet you care for me. You know the surgery that I have coming up and I ask that you extend your care to this situation. 

This surgery reminds me that I am mortal. My body will fail one day, but God, you stay the same. I praise you for sending your son who died on the cross for my sins so that I may live forever with you. 

Father, you know my time here on earth and I trust you completely. However, if it is your will I pray that you allow this surgery to go smoothly. I pray that the doctors will have the wisdom and skills to accomplish what they are setting out to do. 

God, I pray that you help me when I enter the hospital to not allow the smells and sights to overwhelm me but help me to keep my eyes on you. 

I pray today that you will hold me close, especially when my emotions get out of hand. Help me to remember the firm foundation of truth I have in you and not allow my emotions to dictate my thoughts and decisions. 

Father, I pray for my family as they prepare for me to go into surgery. Give them peace. Help them to know how to best care for me afterward and give them the strength to do so. Help me to be patient and kind to them. 

You are a great God, and greatly to be praised. Amen.

a prayer before surgery pin Pin

Prayer During Surgery

Dear Heavenly Father, you know all things and you know right now that (name) is in surgery. I want to come to you asking for you to work. 

I pray you work out all the details the surgical staff is working on right now. I pray that they do not forget any of their responsibilities. 

I pray you work through the doctors. I pray that you give them the wisdom to know what they need to do and give them the strength to do it. I also pray for the doctors and their souls. They have a very difficult job as they deal with people’s lives every day. I pray that you draw them close to you so that they may know you. 

I pray you allow all the technology to work in that room. Allow the lights to stay on and the machines to work as they should. You are over all things. 

I pray you work to keep me and all those waiting calm and at peace knowing you are in control. Do not let our emotions take over. Allow us to be able to be clear-minded in case of needing to make any decisions. 

God, as we wait and pray during surgery I remember that when Christ spoke about doctors. You have allowed doctors for centuries to care for the sick. Jesus related himself to a doctor healing the sick. 

But when he heard it, he said, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. (Matthew 9:12 ESV)

God, I thank you that you have healed me from my greatest sickness, sin. I pray that those who are waiting with me during this surgery would also know your healing touch. Give me the boldness to share the Gospel with them so that they may hear, believe, profess, and be healed. 

I pray you to work, work now as (name) is in surgery. Be not far from us. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer After Surgery

We praise you, God! You are above all things and have worked this surgery out for good. We praise you! Things will not be the same but I pray that I never stop praising you. 

Father, thank you for the surgery that you ordained. From the very beginning, you have orchestrated all of this.  You put everything into play so that I would see the surgery was necessary. You provided the doctors and hospital that would carry out this surgery. You even provided so that I could get this surgery done. 

I thank you, Lord, for all those that helped make this a possibility. Surgery never just affects one person but you have put a team around me that has supported me. I pray that you continue to give them strength even now after the surgery. 

God, now that I am out of surgery help me to not neglect to come to you in prayer. This surgery has caused me to trust in you in new ways that I do not want to abandon. Help me always turn to you, not just in bad or stressful times. 

God, I pray that you help me continue to see your hand moving in my life even after surgery. Help me to see how you continue to guide and heal. Thank you for being a God who is with me throughout my entire life. 

Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name. (Hebrews 13:15 ESV)

Thank you Father for all the ways you made this surgery possible. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For Healing After Surgery

Father, you have created our bodies in such an amazing way that our bodies can heal. I praise you for a heart that pumps blood and the lungs that breathe in a beautiful rhythm without me even noticing. You created antibodies and blood that clots. You put vitamins in our foods and even created hunger so we would never forget to eat. 

God, I thank you for a body that works, and now after this surgery, I’m hopeful it will work even better. Please help me as my body heals from this surgery. Allow it to heal completely. 

God, I pray that you heal the muscles that were affected during my surgery. Help them to regain strength quickly. 

Father, I ask that you heal the skin that was affected by this surgery. I pray that the scar would heal well. As the scar heals and seems to get less and less visible help me to never forget all that you have done to get me through this surgery. 

I pray for the healing of my mind after surgery. There were many restless nights as I prepared mentally for this surgery. As much as I tried to trust You there seemed to be moments of worry. Forgive me for this. However, now that surgery is over I pray that you allow my mind to rest. Help me to rest in you. 

Father, I want to thank you for the healing that has already taken place, especially the healing you gave to my soul. It’s because of what Christ has done on the cross, dying for my sins, that has healed me for all eternity. Thank you for this greatest gift. 

He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. (1 Peter 2:24 ESV)

As I wait for healing to take place, I ask for patience. Help me to see that even in the waiting you are working things out for good. Help me to seek after you when I get impatient. Remove any bitterness from me as I heal. 

Lord, I pray this in your name, Amen. 

Prayer For Recovery After Surgery

Lord, I come to you today asking for recovery after my surgery. I praise you that even before I came to you in prayer you know my needs. You are mighty and all-powerful and yet you love me. I thank you that you want a relationship with me and that I can come to you in prayer for my recovery. 

God, I pray that you help me through the pain of recovery completely. Help me to trust in you throughout this process. 

I am ready to return to my normal health. God you know all the struggles I had before surgery and I pray that you help me to recover to the health I had before all these problems.

Father, my state of mind has also struggled throughout this entire process. I have really good days when I trust in you and other days when I try to control everything and it all falls apart. Forgive me for trying to take control. Father, I pray that you recover my state of mindfully. I want to fully depend on you, in the good times and the bad. 

Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. (James 5:16 ESV)

Finally, I pray that you recover my strength back to full health. I want to be able to live a life that is honoring to you but I need my strength to do many of the things I once did. I pray that you help my strength recover. Father, if my strength does not fully recover will you reveal to me new ways that I can honor you? 

I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For Safe Surgery

I lift up my eyes to the hills.
From where does my help come?
My help comes from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth. (Psalm 121:1 ESV)

Father, today I pray for safe surgery. I lift my eyes to you because I know you are in control of all things. You are my helper in times of need. You are so mighty that you made all this world and you created me. So I pray for your protection today and this surgery. 

God, I pray that you will guide the hands and feet of the doctor. I praise you for always being close and trust your will will be done. 

God, you keep me. Each breath is from you. Every moment you give. I pray that you continue to allow me to live in this truth, even as I’m nervous about this surgery. 

Father, I pray for your safety throughout this surgery. Keep me from the temptation of worry or the plans of the evil one to use this surgery to destroy me. Keep me safe from the evil one. 


If it is your will I pray that you keep me safe throughout the surgery and bring me through the surgery. I pray that you use this surgery for your glory, use me in any way you choose. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For Successful Surgery

Dear Heavenly Father, You are holy above all things. Today I pray for success in surgery but more importantly, I ask that you will be done. 

You know the desire of my heart is to have no problems with this surgery. There are many working parts, many people involved, and many things that could cause this surgery to not be successful. However, I choose not to dwell on those things but to put my confidence in you alone. 

For me, a successful surgery would look like the process going as planned and the results being as we had hoped for. However, sometimes you measure success in different ways. Help me to see how you are moving throughout this surgery. Help me to see how you will bring success in your way. Help me to let go and trust you. 

Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us (Ephesians 3:20 ESV)

Lord, I trust you completely and I am so thankful that you hear my prayers, you know my heart and you want what is best for me. I rest in those truths today. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For Someone Going Into Surgery

God, I pray for (name) who is going into surgery. You alone God know everything that needs to work together for this surgery to be a success. I pray that you give the direction and guidance to the doctors. 

Father, I pray that you give (name) peace as they prepare to go into surgery. I pray that you give them peace and that you are in control. I pray that you comfort them throughout the entire situation. 

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world. (Jesus’ words in John 16:33 ESV)

As they enter the hospital and they see the sterile environment and the smells of the hospital room I pray that these things will not overwhelm them. 

Father, as they are getting dressed into the hospital gown and feel the cold floor on their feet I pray that you warm them with your touch. 

As they are getting wheeled into the next room and the world seems to be slipping away comfort them to know that you are still in control. You control the world outside and you control everything in that surgery room. 

Father, as they take their last breaths before falling asleep I pray that you give them peace. Peace that if they are in you they will never be without you. 

Closing Thoughts

What a blessing that we have doctors and the technology to be able to perform so many surgeries. Ultimately we know that God holds all life in His hands. It is good for us to be able to go to God with our prayer requests, especially when it involves life. 

There is much comfort and peace for those who are in Christ during this time. If you are going into surgery or know someone who is and they are not in Christ this can be a very scary time. Believing in Jesus as Lord brings confidence that we are in God’s hands. But for those who have not put their trust in Jesus, the surgery can be scary and should be.

Life is not guaranteed and death is certain for us all. If we are not in Christ we are told that God is a just God and we will get the due punishment at the end of our life. It is important now to trust in Jesus and your Lord and Savior.

And if it is a loved one going into surgery that does not know Jesus in this way I pray you will be bold to share the Gospel. Jesus died for our sins. He took the wrath that was deserved for us so that on that day of judgment God will only see our redeemed life through Christ. Trust in Jesus today!

We are glad that you have allowed us to direct you back to God during this time. We know that surgery can bring a lot of questions and emotions. God can handle all of those so run to Him. 

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