12 Uplifting Prayers For Saturday

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Do you need to pray about your Saturday and are not sure where to start?

Although you may pray on a daily, or regular basis, have you considered praying about a specific day of the week, or even for the weekend?  Have you ever prayed specifically for a Saturday?

Take a look at these 12 simple prayers for Saturday as you think about the weekend.  Saturday usually means the weekend has started, but for some, they still work.  Whatever your view, you can find a prayer you can use to bring God into your day.

Whatever your reason for coming to this page, we trust you will find a Saturday prayer that matches your scenario.  Still, you are welcome to alter any of the prayers to suit your specific situation.  The purpose of these prayers is to help you pray about Saturday in a way you might not have considered.  They’re also to give you a prayer to pray if you’re uncertain how to pray.

If you have not prayed before, or you don’t pray regularly, don’t worry.  Prayer is merely talking to God, so talk to God like you were in a conversation.  Say what’s in your heart, what you want God to hear.  These prayers can be a starting point for you to do just that and praying about a day of the week, whether it’s ThursdayFriday, Monday, Saturday or any other day is an easy way to start.

If you read the creation story, each day God was at work creating, and that includes Saturday.

What that means for us is however we look at Saturday, there are things we need to do, can do, and should do. Wouldn’t it make sense to pray about Saturday so we can face whatever those things are?

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” (Colossians 3.17, NIV).

As you go about your Saturday, you can be encouraged that whatever you do, you can bring glory to God, and give thanks to God.  As you run your errands and drive around the city, you can give thanks that you have things to do, which means you have responsibility.  As you do activities with your family, you can give thanks that you have meaningful relationships.

You can glorify God in whatever you do on your Saturday because you have purpose and meaning in your life. And now that you are going to be praying for your Saturday, you are bringing yourself into a closer relationship with God.  You are not limiting your prayers to Sunday, or only saying grace over a meal.

Let the Spirit fill you as you pray for your Saturday.  See what happens as you pray and continue to pray.

Short Prayer For Saturday

Dear God, I come before you to pray about this Saturday and all I have going on, and all I have to do today.  While I’m done with my work week, it feels like this Saturday is just one more work day, but not one I’m getting paid for.

Saturday feels like a catch up day.  Help me get through this day with love and grace, not impatience and grumpiness.  In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

a brief prayer for Saturday pinPin

A Prayer For Saturday Errands

Dear Lord, I’ve been so busy this week that Saturday is going to be my day to get all my errands done, it looks like. Because everything is stacked on Saturday and there is some timing involved, I’m praying to you, asking for a smooth path.

While there is some buffer in my schedule, I really need to get everything done in the time I have.  Some appointments can’t be moved to a different day, nor can I be late to a couple of them.  Even before I start, I’m already stressed. I ask for you to fill me with your peace.

Give me perspective that I don’t have right now, Lord.  All of my Saturday errands are necessary so I don’t see that I can cut anything out.  I want to go through my Saturday with kindness, not irritation.  So, I come to you in prayer, asking you to fill me with your Spirit and guide my steps.  In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

A Saturday Prayer For College Testing

Dear God, I have to take the SAT test today.  It’s Saturday morning early and I’m glad I got good rest last night. I ask that you help keep me calm throughout this very long morning to come.

I feel prepared so enable my brain to work properly and for me to think clearly.  I just want to be able to do my best on this test.  It’s important because my score will help me get scholarships for college.

Keep me safe as I drive there.  Give me clarity of thought as I take the test.  I pray this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

A Saturday Prayer For Rest

I’m so thankful Saturday is here, Lord.  I don’t have any work today and I am not on call.  Although there is yard work I could do and other puttering around the house that needs to be done, I need rest today.

It’s been a very difficult week at work and I haven’t gotten much sleep each night because I have been so worried about what was happening at my job.  I pray to you, asking that you give me rest today, whether that’s with a nap or through calming my mind of the encroaching thoughts.

Help me to truly take this day off.  Help me not be driven by my watch.  Calm my mind and fill me with your peace.  All week I have felt the pressure rising and I know that on this Saturday, I need to relax, unplug, and rest. I make this prayer and make these requests through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

A Prayer For Saturday Sports Activities

God, I am excited for Saturday!  Our children are playing in two different sports this Saturday so we get to watch them play in games.  Thank you for how the schedule worked out that my spouse and I can both be at both games.  We don’t have to split up and one of us be at one game, while the other is at the other match.

We actually get to cheer on our children as a family–what a blessing!  We will get to have lunch together and talk about the games together.  Saturday will be a great time of family time!  I’m praying a prayer of gratitude because on so many Saturdays, we are scattered all over the city with sports activities that we don’t really see each other until the end of the day.

By then, we’re all so tired, we just go to bed.  I’m glad we have this time of connection.  Please keep us all safe today and to enjoy this gift you’ve given to us on a Saturday.  I pray for this day and all that will happen in it, through the love of Jesus Christ, Amen.

A Saturday Prayer About Yardwork

God, I feel a little odd praying this prayer, but my pastor said that we can pray to you about anything, so here goes.  I’m praying to you on this Saturday about all the yard work I need to do.

I need the energy to take care of it all.  It’s work that has been put off for a whole variety of reasons, but this Saturday it needs to get done.  The grass is too high, the flower beds are being overrun with weeds, and there’s some limbs that could endanger our house.  I can’t put any of it off because in the coming days, my schedule is packed.

I have to get the yard work done on this Saturday, or it all will get out of control.  I’m starting early so thank you for waking me up on time.  Help me not get injured and give me endurance to make it to the end of the day.

And, even though it’s a task-oriented Saturday, I ask that you help me see the beauty of your creation as I work. I pray this prayer in the name of Jesus, Amen.

A Saturday Morning Prayer

Lord, I pray to you on this Saturday morning while my family sleeps in.  Thank you for the stillness and quiet of this morning.

I’m thankful that you have brought us all through this week.  I’m glad we have a Saturday we can be at home and not running around.  I pray that as they awaken, that they awaken to your love for them and fill them with a sense of your continual presence with them.

Thank you for all that this day holds and we will enjoy.  Thank you that I can start off my Saturday in conversation with you.  Help me to hear your still, small voice throughout this Saturday.  In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

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A Saturday Midday Prayer

Lord God, I pause now in the middle of this Saturday and ask for your help.  We’ve already had a meltdown with one child, and a temper tantrum with another.

When I woke up, I didn’t think my Saturday was going to go like this.  We need your peace and we need it now! My children’s reactions are clearly a result of a stressful week that built up and exploded out on Saturday.

I pray for your help to remain calm and help each of them calm themselves.  Please guide us all by your Spirit.  Help them each to communicate what’s really the problem and enable me to listen well so we can get to a place of serenity.

Thank you for hearing me when I pray, even on a Saturday!  I give you my day and ask for your presence in the name of Jesus, my Rock, Amen.

A Saturday Evening Prayer

Lord God, what a day it has been!  Thank you for bringing me toward the end of this Saturday.  I was able to get some important things taken care of that I had on my t0-do list.  I was able to see a friend and catch up with her.  We hadn’t seen each other in months, so it was so good to talk and share with each other.

I was also able to actually sit down and read part of a book I’ve been wanting to read for quite some time.  And now, as I sit down to eat, I want to give you thanks for a good Saturday.  I feel satisfied and happy right now and I want to give you praise for that.

I pray plenty when things aren’t going well, so I wanted to be intentional and pray to you when I had a good day. Thank you for the realization.  I pray all of this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

A Saturday Prayer Before Going to Bed

I’m tired, Lord, so I want to pray before I nod off to sleep.  After a long week, this Saturday was very full with errands and tasks to do.  I enjoyed this Saturday, don’t get me wrong, Lord, but I ask for deep and meaningful sleep tonight.  I thank you for the day I’ve had and I thank you that I can pray to you about it.

Thank you for keeping me safe today.  Thank you for helping me get everything done.  Thank you for having purpose and meaning and health.  Thank you that I had an open Saturday so I could do all I needed to do.  It feels good to do it, and it feels good to have it done.

I pray this prayer of thanks in the name of the One who is the Giver of Rest, Jesus, Amen.

A Saturday Prayer To Start The Weekend

Dear God, as I wake up today, I am so thankful that Saturday is here and the weekend begins.  I like my work and I like working hard, but I am so ready for the weekend.

I look forward to the weekend because it’s different than the rest of the week.  I still may have plenty of things to do, but it’s a different kind of plenty.  Whatever I do on the weekend is what I enjoy doing, the things that feed my soul, rest my body, and enliven my mind.

I’m glad the weekend is starting and I give you thanks for giving me the gift of time.  Thank you for variety and change in my life, so that each day is not the same.  Thank you for the weekend, which is a buffer between the work week.  In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

A Saturday Prayer For Your Family

Everyone is here at home, Lord, on this Saturday.  We get to be together today and I am so thankful.  Each of us has been all over the place for a few weeks now so I pray this prayer of gratitude for this special Saturday.

We don’t have anywhere to go, or anything really important to do, so we can enjoy our time together on this Saturday.  Thank you for this day.  Thank you for a day where we don’t have to go to work.

I haven’t really prayed on a Saturday specifically, Lord, so this feels a bit odd, but even now, as I pray, I am realizing that praying to you for a Saturday is a gift.  You are already helping me realize that each day is a gift from you. Praise your name!

Thank you for meeting me here in this time of prayer, Lord God, and speaking truth into my heart.  Thank you for a Saturday with my family and thank you for hearing my prayer.  In the sweet name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

Thankful Prayer For Saturday

Dear God,

Thank you for this new Saturday morning. I am thankful for the opportunity to rest and recharge after a busy week.

I am thankful for the gift of family and friends and for the opportunity to spend time with them today. I am also thankful for the opportunity to enjoy your creation and to experience your beauty and peace.

Help me to slow down and to savor this day. Help me to be present with my loved ones and to enjoy their company. And help me to experience your love and peace in a new and fresh way.

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Consider This

For many people, Saturday is a different kind of day.  It’s not Sunday, which is usually set aside to go to church.  It’s not a weekday either.  Saturday, is, well, Saturday!  Ever wonder how we got a Saturday?

Our current calendar didn’t just come about by happenstance.  Ancient Babylonians created our modern calendar based on the lunar cycle.  Then the ancient Romans named the days  after various gods and goddesses relating to certain planets. Anglo-Saxon cultures influenced how we know and call the days of the week now.  The emperor Constantine, a convert to Christianity, instituted the current week,  with Sunday as the first day of the week.

So, when you pray about Saturday, you are inviting God into your day, into the start of your weekend.  This “unique” day in our week has so many possibilities.  Saturday can be filled with activity and hard work, or still with rest and relaxation.  It can be a mixture of both.  Saturday can be a day to catch up or chill out.

Why not surround your Saturday with prayer?  Why not cover whatever you are doing on a Saturday in prayer?  Why limit God’s involvement in your life to only certain days, certain situations or specific times of day?  Open yourself to God on Saturday and be guided by the Spirit!

Let the prayers here guide you to all that God has in store for you today.  May you be like the Psalmist as you pray:

“In God we make our boast all day long, and we will praise your name forever”  (Psalm 44.8, NIV).

Share with us your prayer requests and celebrations in the comment section.  And keep on praying, on Saturday, and every day!

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