7 Caring Prayers For A Daughter To Find Work

Do you have a daughter looking for a job? Would you like a prayer to pray for your daughter to find a job?

Have you considered praying for your daughter’s job search?  I encourage you to read through these seven caring prayers for a daughter to find work and see which one works for you and your circumstances.  You can easily alter the wording of any of them as you need to for your scenario.

Whether your daughter is looking for a new job, or switching from one job to another, finding a job and getting hired can be a challenging experience. As she fills out online applications and searches for the right position, your prayers can be a strong support for her.

“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10.31, ESV).

You might want to share this verse with your daughter.  She could use the Apostle Paul’s writings each morning as she begins the work of finding a job!  As she brings her anxious thoughts, worries, and doubts to God in prayer your daughter may gain strength, as well as enable her to keep her focus.

Has your daughter shared any frustrations about the job search with you? She could be experiencing self-doubt, or wondering if she is up to this challenge, especially if she’s not getting interview callbacks.

In those moments, you can share the reality that God is with her and is for her. God knows she needs a job and will guide her to it. May God’s peace surround you both as she searches and you pray.

You (and your daughter) can benefit from exploring other prayers on this site, like prayers for financial anxiety, or prayers for letting go. We invite you to share your comments and prayer requests in the comments section at the bottom of this page.  Let us know when she finds her job!

Short Prayer For A Daughter To Find A Job

Dear God, my daughter is looking for a job and I am praying for your help as she does. I am so proud of her and all the experience she has, but I know this job search is tough for her.  Help keep her spirits up as she does all the online application stuff. Enable her to present her best self in any interviews she gets. I ask all of this through the love and power of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Prayer For A Daughter To Find A New Job After A Layoff

Dear Father in Heaven, I come to you today to pray for my daughter, who is looking for a new job. Her old company laid her off, along with several others. I know that you have a plan for her life, and I trust that you will provide her with the perfect job, because she really needs one soon.

I pray that you would open doors of opportunity for her and that you help her package the skills and knowledge that she has, so she can succeed. Guide her with wisdom as she updates her resume and sends in as many applications as she can.

I also pray that you would give her the peace of mind that she needs during this time of transition. Help her to trust in your timing, and to know that you are always with her. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

Prayer For A College-Age Daughter To Find A Job

Dear Lord Jesus, my daughter is about to graduate from college and is sort of looking for a job and sort of not. I think she is stuck in the “I-don’t-want-to-be-a-full-adult-yet” stage of exiting college and entering the “real world.”

I understand this and am trying to be supportive as she embraces this season of change. Help her to see that this is the next step in her journey and that you are with her, as you have always been. I pray that you will direct her steps in the interview process and deal with the rejections that will also be a part of it.

And, practically, I pray that you will help her actually find a job with good benefits so she can experience what it is like to truly be on her own and grab hold of that responsibility and opportunity.  In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

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A Daughter’s Prayer For Switching Jobs

Dear Lord God, I pray for guidance as I am looking to switch jobs. I have been working in the same industry for many years, and I am ready for a new challenge in a new workplace. I don’t want to leave until I know I have something else nailed down.

Mostly, I am praying for my parents because they will both be worried when I tell them I am doing this. Even though I am a grown adult, they can’t stop being my parents and worrying about me and whether I will be out on the street or something. Give them peace and comfort when I let them know. I appreciate their love and don’t want to cause them stress.

 I have some seniority in my field and I believe I should be paid a better salary, so I ask that you would open doors for me and help me to find a job that is a good fit for my skills and experience. I also pray that you would help me to negotiate a fair salary and better benefits. Grant me favor with the hiring manager, Lord.

I am confident that you will be with me during every step of this transition. Thank you for your love and support even now as I pray to you.  I trust you will guide me as you always have. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer For A Daughter’s Job Resume

Dear Lord God, my daughter needs to get back into the job world after some time away, but her resume is really out of date and has some time gaps in there. I pray to you now to give her guidance and direction on what to do and how to write for today’s job market.

She has some terrific skills and I know she is a hard worker. Help her present all of that on her resume so a hiring manager will be interested enough to set up an interview for her. I ask that you give her confidence as she owns up to her life and all of the challenges she’s had, which shows perseverance and commitment.

As she makes her resume, give her peace and grace so she can put her best foot forward as she looks for a job. In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

Prayer For A Daughter To Find a Part-Time Job

Dear God, I come to you today to pray for my daughter, who is looking for a part-time job. I know that you are a God of provision, and I trust that you will provide her with the ideal job, with the right hours and environment for her to thrive.

I pray that she would find a job that is flexible and that allows her to balance her schoolwork and other commitments. She is a capable young woman and is eager to learn, so I pray for her boss to be encouraging and not demanding–to see her potential.

This job would help her be able to have some money of her own and teach her some financial skills, so I pray that all of this will come together for her good, in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer For A Teenage Daughter Looking For A Job

God, my teenage daughter said she wants to get a job, and part of me is really proud of her initiative, and part of me is conflicted.  She’s not my little baby anymore and is growing up, which is great. Help me to be supportive of her and her search, which is why I’m praying to you.

She doesn’t have any real experience so help her see how to present herself as she interviews. She is smart and pretty responsible for a teenager, which would be an asset in the workplace.  Guide her to the right situation, as I pray for a good “first job” experience. I ask this in the matchless name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Consider This

As your daughter looks to find a job, she may be feeling discouraged right now. Perhaps she’s been looking for a job for months, and it’s starting to feel like nothing is working out. I want to encourage you as you pray for your daughter.

First, remember that God is in control. He knows what your daughter needs, and He will provide for her.  The Apostle Paul gives us a good reminder of this truth:

“And my God will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus ” (Philippians 4.19, NIV).

Second, don’t give up. The Bible says that “those who work their land will have abundant food” (Proverbs 28.19, NIV). This verse tells us that if we keep trying, we will eventually succeed. So, be steady in your encouragement of your daughter’s job search. Give her love and support as she keeps applying for jobs, and keeps believing that God will provide for her.

Finally, use her job search as an opportunity to grow closer to God as you pray. This challenging time may also be a chance for you to let your daughter know that you believe she is a strong and capable woman.  You may even want to invite her to pray along with you.

For your daughter, it will likely take some time just to find work, get that interview, and get hired. As she does those practical things, gently nudge her to also do the spiritual things, like praying to God for guidance and a good attitude. May the act of praying help you both connect with God. We pray blessings upon your daughter’s search!

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