Are you feeling misunderstood? Do you want to pray about a misunderstanding and aren’t sure where to begin?
We invite you to make use of these nine honest prayers about being misunderstood.
Being misunderstood usually is hurtful because the situation implies that one, or both, of the people don’t know the reality about the other person. In addition to these prayers, you may want to pray about exposing lies.
If the misunderstanding you’re having is in your marriage relationship, you might also want to try these bedtime prayers for couples.
As you pray these prayers, you can change the wording if needed so that the prayers are more specific to your situation. Also as you pray, you can be reminded of the Apostle Paul’s encouragement to bear with one another in love:
“As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all” (Ephesians 4.1-6, NIV).
Let these prayers open the door in your relationships so that understanding can rise to the surface and you can experience the peace and grace God has for you.
Short Prayer About Being Misunderstood
Dear God, I have a misunderstanding with a friend and I’m not sure how to solve it or bring about clarity. I don’t want whatever this is to become a wedge in our friendship. Help me to see clearly and give me the confidence to face what I need to face. Help my friend with understanding as well. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Prayer for a Misunderstanding at Work
Dear Lord, I am praying to you about a misunderstanding at my workplace. Two of my co-workers aren’t talking to one another because each of them has a misconception about the other because of an incident that happened. Their personal misunderstanding is affecting the workflow and there’s uneasiness in the office.
I pray that they each will come to the realization that how they are acting toward each other right now is bad for them, and that it is having negative ripples hitting others in the workplace. I don’t know if I need to be the mediator in this misunderstanding or not, but I pray to you, hoping that it gets resolved soon.
I don’t like to see them at odds with each other and I just want some peace at work. Help us all, Lord, in the name of Jesus, Amen.
Prayer for a Misunderstanding at School
Dear Father God, I have a situation at school and I am not sure how to handle it. I think there’s been a misunderstanding between me and one of my friends in class. He said he heard I had said something bad about him and I told him that wasn’t true, but he didn’t believe me. He said he believed the person that told him about it.
How do I solve the problem in this situation? I know what I say and what I don’t say and I didn’t say anything like what he believes I did. I don’t know how to convince him otherwise if he won’t take my word for it. I pray that there is someone else he trusts more than me to set him straight on the matter. Help him to have listening ears when they speak to him.
Help me remain calm in the midst of all of this. I don’t want to lose my friend or become bitter. I pray this in the strong name of Jesus Christ, my Savior, Amen.
Prayer for a Misunderstanding at Church
Dear God, I really can’t believe I am having to pray to you about this situation, but there is a massive misunderstanding at work in my church. I would have thought that followers of Jesus Christ, gathered together in a congregation, wouldn’t have to deal with this type of thing. But, I guess I am being reminded that we all fall short and we depend on your grace.
One of the council members skipped the worship service this morning because he apparently thinks that one of the other leaders said something disrespectful. I pray they can get together and talk to one another, as the scriptures tell us to do, and stop hashing this out in public. It’s hurting the church, the Bride of Christ.
Help them set aside their insecurities and egos and seek to love one another as you have loved us. I pray this will happen through the ministry of the Holy Spirit and in the name of Jesus, Amen.
Prayer About a Misunderstanding in Our Family
God, can you please send your Holy Spirit to our family and surround us and open us up? Something happened while I was away on a business trip and no one is really talking to one another. When I ask about it, all I get is “It’s nothing, we’re fine,” or “It’s not something I can talk about right now.”
Help me be patient to wait this out until they all will open up and talk and get this situation in the open. It’s really bugging me that they won’t share with me but I love them enough to trust that they will bring it up when they’ve dealt with it internally themselves.
I pray I can be a calming presence in the midst of this, Lord. I want my loving, sharing family back. I pray this in the name of Jesus, Amen.
Prayer for a Misunderstanding Online
Dear Lord, I thought that social media could have such a good impact, helping people to connect with one another and encourage each other, but not in this case. I shared something online and a couple of my buddies got offended. I still am not sure how or why, as they won’t engage with me to discuss it.
I have people close to me that I trust to look at what I posted. I wanted to see if I was missing something. Their feedback was helpful as it helped me see which part of what I wrote could possibly be received in a different way than I intended. So, I see my part in all of this.
I just want to have reconciliation and peace in the midst of this but if my buddies won’t get together with me so we can resolve this and come to a positive understanding, how do I proceed? What do I do?
Please give me guidance on this online fiasco, Lord. I ask this through Jesus Christ, Amen.
Prayer About a Misunderstanding With My Neighbor
Lord God, I try to be a good neighbor but I am having trouble understanding what my neighbor is doing over the last few weeks.
When he takes his dog for a walk, he always stops in our yard and lets his dog poop on our grass. This leaves a stinky mess and kills the turf in that area. I’ve asked him several times to pick up the poop and dispose of it properly but he just waves me off and says, “It’s just a dog being a dog, lighten up. It’s only grass, man.”
I don’t want to escalate the situation but getting others involved, like the homeowners association, but he is, I feel, disrespecting me and my property. Other than this he’s a decent neighbor. Please help me to know what to do, and how to proceed. I ask this in the name of Jesus, Amen.
Prayer About a Misunderstanding With My Wife
O Lord, I need your help. I think I said the wrong thing the other day when my wife asked me about something and I gave an off-the-cuff answer. She went ballistic, which I thought was out of scale for the situation. Clearly, something is going on and I am not sure what just yet.
Help me to find the right moment to bring this up with her so it doesn’t become a major argument. I need to know what I did or said that set her off, but I also need to know what else is going on with her because her reaction was out of character for her.
I love her and never want to hurt her so I need your guidance to resolve this misunderstanding. I pray this with all of my heart, in the name of Jesus, Amen.
Prayer About a Misunderstanding With My Husband
Dear God in heaven, my husband hasn’t been himself for the last couple of days. He’s brooding and not saying much which typically means he’s had his feelings hurt. I’ve been running through what has happened, or what I’ve said in that time span that may have touched this off.
I can’t seem to come up with anything. I need him to talk to me so I can understand whether he misunderstood me or not. It’s hard to communicate about the problem when he won’t talk to me much.
I pray he will calm down and open up to me. I don’t want to bug him about whatever it is, but I don’t want to continue with this sort-of-silent treatment either. Help us Lord to find a resolution. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Concluding Thoughts
No one likes being misunderstood and no one enjoys being the person to cause a misunderstanding in any kind of relationship. We wish that we always communicated clearly and that our tone was ideally suited for each situation.
But we are human and we fail in our efforts from time to time. There are going to be misunderstandings between people. In those moments, it might prove helpful to remind ourselves of who we really are, and of our true purpose:
“For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them” (Ephesians 2.8-9, NASB).
Try to seek to understand the other person and their perspective before you try to be understood. As you pray, God can provide guidance and humility to help you bring about resolution. Please share your relational successes with us, and leave a comment with your prayer requests too!